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Create DSN (for DatabaseConnectivity) on the fly

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 9:58 am
by BackupUser
Code updated for 5.20+

Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by Rings.

With this code you can access every MDB or excel or other Database on the fly without add them to the ODBC-Control panel first.This snippet is another great converting from VB - by me, THE CODEGURU !

Code: Select all

;Create DSN on the fly  for ODBC
; An example by Siegfried Rings (CodeGuru)

#ODBC_ADD_DSN = 1        ; Add Data source
#ODBC_CONFIG_DSN = 2     ; Configure (edit) Data source
#ODBC_REMOVE_DSN = 3     ; Remove Data source

Procedure MakeConnection(Driver.s, strAttributes.s)
  If Result
    ; MessageRequester("Info",strAttributes,0)
    For L=1 To Len(strAttributes )
      If PeekB(MyMemory +l-1)=Asc(";")
        PokeB(MyMemory +l-1,0)
    Next L
    Result = CallFunction(1, "SQLConfigDataSource", 0, #ODBC_ADD_DSN, @lpszDriver.s, MyMemory)
    If Result
      ProcedureReturn 1;MessageRequester("Info","DSN Created",0)

Procedure DeleteConnection(Driver.s,DSN.s)
  If Result
    strAttributes.s = "DSN="+DSN
    Result = CallFunction(1, "SQLConfigDataSource", 0, #ODBC_REMOVE_DSN, @lpszDriver.s, @strAttributes)
    If Result
      ProcedureReturn 1;MessageRequester("Info","DSN Delete",0)

Debug Makeconnection("Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)","Server=SomeServer; Description=Description For PurebasicODBC;DSN=PureBasic_DSN;DBQ=d:\biblio.mdb;UID=Rings;PWD=Siggi;")
Debug Makeconnection("Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)","DSN=Excel_TEST;Description=New_Excel_Data_Source;FileType=Excel97;DBQ=C:\\Telefon.xls;")

;or delete:
Debug DeleteConnection("Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)","PureBasic_DSN")
Its a long way to the top if you wanna .....CodeGuru

Edited by - Rings on 09 August 2002 12:44:23

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 11:06 am
by BackupUser
Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by Fangbeast.
With this code you can access every MDB or excel or other Database on the fly without add them to the ODBC-Control panel first.This snippet is another great converting from VB - by me, THE CODEGURU !
Holy Cow, this is exactly what I have been wanting for ages. I told Paul of the resources site that beginners are not going to want to follow (or understand) ODBC connecting but genius that he was (so he told me) (EVIL GRIN, he said he didn't know of a way.

Thanks Rings, you saved my bacon yet again :)

Paul, if you are lurking, hitting with the trout is no longer allowed :):)


Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 11:46 am
by BackupUser
Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by Rings.

i have edited the snippet below and changed the samples.please take a look for the changes (->Fangles before you kill me that it is not work ) .Both examples, the Access and the Excel works fine for me.
An not to forget, vote me for the offical BeerGuru of the month !

greez from your personal Codeguru - HappyWeekend!

Edited by - Rings on 09 August 2002 12:48:45

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 3:18 am
by BackupUser
Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by Fangbeast.
i have edited the snippet below and changed the samples.please take a look for the changes (->Fangles before you kill me that it is not work ) .Both examples, the Access and the Excel works fine for me.
An not to forget, vote me for the offical BeerGuru of the month !

greez from your personal Codeguru - HappyWeekend!

Edited by - Rings on 09 August 2002 12:48:45
I can't kill anyone because I'm waiting for Paul to kill me for the trout comment. If you uploaded those to his site, I can take a look there :):)

P.s. SOrry to disappoint you but I can't vote for youa s BeerGuru because I don't drink alcohol. But if you were an attractive brunette lady, I could vote for that :):)


Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 4:41 pm
by BackupUser
Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by Paul.

Nice code Rings...

But it only seems useful if you already have an existing database. If not, then you must go into ODBC Data Sources to setup and create a database anyway.

I'm quite busy over the next week so I will be unable to look into this but if your code could be modified to include Creating the MDB database, then it would be extremely useful for those that know nothing about ODBC setup.

Keep up the great work !!

Fangs: I have my anti-Fang filter turned on so I don't hear you :)

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 3:24 am
by BackupUser
Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by Fangbeast.

Fangs: I have my anti-Fang filter turned on so I don't hear you :)
ROFL /me removes fangs and inserts gerrets


(I meant Ferrets, not gerrets) Grrrr

Edited by - fangbeast on 11 August 2002 12:30:31

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 11:46 am
by BackupUser
Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by Rings.
Nice code Rings...

But it only seems useful if you already have an existing database. If not, then you must go into ODBC Data Sources to setup and create a database anyway.

I'm quite busy over the next week so I will be unable to look into this but if your code could be modified to include Creating the MDB database, then it would be extremely useful for those that know nothing about ODBC setup.

Keep up the great work !!

Fangs: I have my anti-Fang filter turned on so I don't hear you :)

thx Paul.a simple way to create a database is to include an empty one.You can create tables and files on the fly with native SQL-Statements.(Remember CREATE ) .
Another point is how to retrieve tablenames from a given Database.......

Its a long way to the top if you wanna .....CodeGuru

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 2:58 pm
by BackupUser
Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by andyboy_uk.

I tried to compile this with the trial version but it didnt seem to work, is that down to the restrictions or should it work with this version.


Andy Driskell
andyboy_uk@ on MSN Messenger

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 3:03 pm
by BackupUser
Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by fred.

Demo version doesn't have API support...

Fred - AlphaSND

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 9:25 am
by BackupUser
Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by bpbig.


I can not use this SQL Command like this:
Select * from Authors where [Author] like '*John*'
Select * from Authors where [Author] like '???John???????'

anybody can help!

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 11:07 pm
by BackupUser
Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by Num3.
Originally posted by bpbig


I can not use this SQL Command like this:
Select * from Authors where [Author] like '*John*'
Select * from Authors where [Author] like '???John???????'

anybody can help!
Try something like this:

Select * from Authors where Author like '%John%'

For more info check the SQL docs at

Anyway here's a snippet from a program I made:

query :

DBName.s = "cpostais.db"
DBHandle.l = SQLite_Open(DBName, 0)
If DBHandle

qline.s="SELECT Arruamento,Troco,Cpostal FROM dados WHERE Arruamento LIKE '%" + iinput + "%'"
If GetGadgetState(8)
qline + "And Distrito='Lisboa'"

; execute SQL query
timer = GetTickCount_()
out.s = ""
SQL.s = qline
Result = SQLite_Get_Table(DBHandle, SQL, @Rows, @Cols)
If Result = #SQLITE_OK

; display returned rows
For Row.l = 1 To Rows
out + Chr(13)+Chr(10)+"***** " + Str(Row)+" *****" + Chr(13)+Chr(10)

For Col = 0 To Cols - 1
out + DBData(Row, Col) + Chr(13)+Chr(10)
result = GetTickCount_()-timer

SetGadgetText(#W1String2, out)
SetGadgetText(#W1Text3, "Registos encontrados:" + Str(row - 1) + " em " + Str(1000 / result) + " segundos")
SetGadgetText(#W1String1, "")
iinput = ""
input = ""

MessageRequester("SQLite Error", "Get_Table error = " + Str(Result), #MB_IconError | #MB_OK)
MessageRequester("SQLite Error", "Can't open database " + DBName, #MB_IconError | #MB_OK)



Kind Regards
Rui Carvalho

Old programmers never die... They branch into a subroutine...

Re: Create DSN (for DatabaseConnectivity) on the fly

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:04 am
by infratec

updated the code for 5.50 with unicode only:

Code: Select all

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_IsMainFile

;Create DSN on the fly  for ODBC
; An example by Siegfried Rings (CodeGuru)

#ODBC_ADD_DSN = 1        ; Add Data source
#ODBC_CONFIG_DSN = 2     ; Configure (edit) Data source
#ODBC_REMOVE_DSN = 3     ; Remove Data source

Procedure.i MakeConnection(Driver$, strAttributes$)
  Protected Result.i, Lib.i, *Driver, *Attributes, i.i
  Lib = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "ODBCCP32.DLL")
  If Lib
    *Driver = AllocateMemory(Len(Driver$) + 1)
    If *Driver
      PokeS(*Driver, Driver$, -1, #PB_Ascii)

      *Attributes = AllocateMemory(Len(strAttributes$) + 2) ; + 2 for double 0 terminated
      If *Attributes
        PokeS(*Attributes, strAttributes$, -1, #PB_Ascii)
        For i = 1 To MemorySize(*Attributes)
          If PeekA(*Attributes + i - 1) = ';'
            PokeA(*Attributes + i - 1, 0)
        Next i
        If CallFunction(Lib, "SQLConfigDataSource", 0, #ODBC_ADD_DSN, *Driver, *Attributes)
          Result = #True
  ProcedureReturn Result

Procedure DeleteConnection(Driver$, DSN$)
  Protected Result.i, Lib.i, *Driver, strAttributes$, *Attributes
  Lib = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "ODBCCP32.DLL")
  If Lib
    *Driver = AllocateMemory(Len(Driver$) + 1)
    If *Driver
      PokeS(*Driver, Driver$, -1, #PB_Ascii)
      strAttributes$ = "DSN=" + DSN$
      *Attributes = AllocateMemory(Len(strAttributes$) + 2) ; + 2 for double 0 terminated
      If *Attributes
        PokeS(*Attributes, strAttributes$, -1, #PB_Ascii)
        If CallFunction(Lib, "SQLConfigDataSource", 0, #ODBC_REMOVE_DSN, *Driver, *Attributes)
          Result = #True
  ProcedureReturn Result

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_IsMainFile
  Debug Makeconnection("Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)", "Server=SomeServer; Description=Description For PurebasicODBC;DSN=PureBasic_DSN;DBQ=c:\tmp\biblio.mdb;UID=Rings;PWD=Siggi;")
  ;Debug Makeconnection("Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)", "DSN=Excel_TEST;Description=New_Excel_Data_Source;FileType=Excel97;DBQ=C:\\Telefon.xls;")
  ;or delete:
  Debug DeleteConnection("Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)", "PureBasic_DSN")

Re: Create DSN (for DatabaseConnectivity) on the fly

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:40 pm
by bbanelli
I'm trying to make connection to Azure, but keep getting "Invalid keyword-value pairs".

Code: Select all

Makeconnection("ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server", "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};,1433;Database=xxx;Uid=xxx;Pwd=MyPassword;Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no;Connection Timeout=30;Dsn=xxx")
Any clues?

I've tried multiple variations, with or without "Driver" specified, but no good... :(

This seems to be working!!!

... Stil not, I have to double check it!

Re: Create DSN (for DatabaseConnectivity) on the fly

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:30 pm
by infratec

does it work when you do it the 'normal' way by hand?
And driver is without brackets.


Re: Create DSN (for DatabaseConnectivity) on the fly

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:40 pm
by bbanelli
infratec wrote:Hi,

does it work when you do it the 'normal' way by hand?
And driver is without brackets.

OK, I've figured it out:
Makeconnection("ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server", "Dsn=XXX;,1433;Database=XXX;Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no;")
So, UID and PWD parameters have to be omitted, but when you supply them through OpenDatabase() parameters, connection works as expected!

BTW, as far as I've noticed, this procedure does not require Administrator privileges, or am I wrong? In addition, is there any harm in calling that function on each start of a program, since I can't find any easy "SQLCheckDataSource" function?