Graphs - fully configurable Pie Chart

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Post by thefool »

Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 00:07
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Post by fweil »

Seems that the color misses @line 124 (box in a for / next loop)

Code: Select all

    Box(x+#Border+1,a,Width-(2*#Border)-2,25, $808080)                 ; paint darker background bars
This works better, but I think it is a strange behaviour ?
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Post by rsts »

Yes jellybean, that's just how mine appeared.

Thanks fweil - looks much better this way :)
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Re: Graphs - fully configurable Pie Chart

Post by GG »

This code doesn't work anymore with PB 4.31.

Error returned :

Stats() is not a function, an array, a macro, or a list.

Any idea ?
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Arctic Fox
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Re: Graphs - fully configurable Pie Chart

Post by Arctic Fox »

Code: Select all

    ; ****  Pie Chart - Diagram  ****
    ; Created: 1st/2nd May 2003 by Andre Beer / PureBasic-Team (
    ; Many thanks to David "Tinman" McMinn for fixing the filling routine :-)

    ImW.w = 500        ; Width of diagram in pixel   \ in this case also the (inner) window
    ImH.w = 350        ; Height of diagram in pixel  / dimensions....
    MaxValue.w = 1000  ; Maximum individual value stored in the diagramm values
    Graphs.w = 10      ; Number of sectors (graphs) in the diagram
    Values.l = 1       ; Decide, if the relating sector values will be printed inside the descriptions box
                       ; 0 = print only the sector name (in this example: Part 1, Part 2, etc.)
                       ; 1 = print the sector name as well the relating value (in this example: Part 1 (Value1), Part 2 (Value2), etc.)
    Color.l = 2        ; Number of color-style, currently included only three:
                       ; 0 = blue style
                       ; 1 = brown style
                       ; 2 = green style

    Structure Diagram
      Value.l      ; Value
      Text.s       ; Description of the individual charts sectors
      Color.l      ; Color for filling the area of this sector

    Structure Style
      Front1.l   ; 1st foreground color  (main)
      Front2.l   ; 2nd foreground color  (lighter)
      Front3.l   ; 3rd foreground color  (darker)
      Back1.l    ; 1st background color  (lighter)
      Back2.l    ; 2nd background color  (darker)
      Bottom.l   ; Color of the bottom bar
      Title.l    ; Title color
      Text.l     ; Text color (axis descriptions)

    ; Init array  (item 0 is used for general settings, item 1 until Graphs+1 contains the diagram data
    Global Dim Stats.Diagram(Graphs+1)

    Global Dim Colors.Style(3)

    ; Set blue color-style
    Colors(0)\Front1 = RGB(71,71,108)
    Colors(0)\Front2 = RGB(140,140,183)
    Colors(0)\Front3 = RGB(49,49,75)
    Colors(0)\Back1  = RGB(201,211,233)
    Colors(0)\Back2  = RGB(184,197,226)
    Colors(0)\Bottom = RGB(255,255,255)
    Colors(0)\Title  = RGB(0,0,255)
    Colors(0)\Text   = RGB(0,0,0)

    ; Set red-brown color-style
    Colors(1)\Front1 = RGB(108,71,71)
    Colors(1)\Front2 = RGB(183,120,120)
    Colors(1)\Front3 = RGB(75,49,49)
    Colors(1)\Back1  = RGB(233,211,201)
    Colors(1)\Back2  = RGB(226,197,184)
    Colors(1)\Bottom = RGB(243,232,226)
    Colors(1)\Title  = RGB(255,0,0)
    Colors(1)\Text   = RGB(240,0,0)

    ; Set green color-style
    Colors(2)\Front1 = RGB(71,108,71)
    Colors(2)\Front2 = RGB(120,183,120)
    Colors(2)\Front3 = RGB(49,75,49)
    Colors(2)\Back1  = RGB(201,233,211)
    Colors(2)\Back2  = RGB(184,226,197)
    Colors(2)\Bottom = RGB(223,242,228)
    Colors(2)\Title  = RGB(49,75,49)
    Colors(2)\Text   = RGB(24,58,35)

    Procedure Pie(ID.l, Count.l, x.l, y.l, Width.l, Height.l, Color.l, Title.s)
      ; ID     = Output-ID for drawing operations (e.g. WindowOutput, ImageOutput, etc.)
      ; Count  = Value-/Bars-number
      ; x, y   = top-left corner of the diagram in pixel
      ; Width  = Width of diagram in pixel
      ; Height = Height of diagram in pixel, including title line and text line
      ; Color  = number of color-style
      ; Title  = String with the text, which should be printed as title line

      ; Initial values
      #Resolution = 65     ; Resolution is the part used for the pie-chart in percent, the other part is used for the description on the right side
      #Border = 10           ; Border (in pixel) on left and right side of the pie-chart
      AngleStart.f = -#PI    ; needed later for calculating the circle-parts
      AngleEnd.f = 0         ; defines where the drawing starts: 0 = right, #Pi = left, #Pi/2 = bottom, -#Pi/2 = top
      #TitleBar = 20         ; Height of the Title bar area
      #TitleFontHeight = 10  ; Font height of the Title text
      #TextFontHeight = 8    ; Font height of the Description text
      #White = 16777215      ; Set the value of RGB(255,255,255) to a white color constant
      ; Calculate initial chart values
      LeftWidth = Width * #Resolution / 100
      temp1.l = (LeftWidth - #Border - 5) / 2
      temp2.l = (Height - #TitleBar - 5) / 2
      If temp1 < temp2
        Radius.l = temp1
        Radius.l = temp2
      MX.l = x + #Border + ((LeftWidth-#Border) / 2)
      MY.l = y + temp2 + #TitleBar

      ; Count the sum of all graphs value (=100%)
      For a=1 To Count
        Sum.l + Stats(a)\Value

      ; Load fonts
      FontID.l = LoadFont(1, "ARIAL", #TitleFontHeight, #PB_Font_Bold | #PB_Font_HighQuality)
      FontID2.l = LoadFont(1, "ARIAL", #TextFontHeight, #PB_Font_HighQuality)

      ; Paint background  (used similar one as in Bars-Chart example, I was too lazy to create a new one  ;-)
      #Title   = 24
      #Bottom  = 15
      Box(x,y,Width,Height,Colors(Color)\Back1)                   ; paint lighter background fullsize
      Box(x,y,#Border,Height,Colors(Color)\Back2)                 ; paint darker bar at left
      Box(x+Width-#Border,y,#Border,Height,Colors(Color)\Back2)   ; paint darker bar at right
      For a = y+25 To Height Step 50
        Box(x+#Border+1,a,Width-(2*#Border)-2,25)                 ; paint darker background bars
      Next a

      ; Paint title string
      DrawingMode(1)     ; set drawing-mode to 1 for transparent text drawing
      DrawText(x+(Width-TextWidth(Title))/2, y, Title)

      For id=1 To Count
        AngleStart = AngleEnd
        AngleEnd = AngleStart + (Stats(id)\Value * 2 * #PI / Sum)

        ; Set black as default color for all border lines
        ; Draw the lines from inside the circle to the border
        LineXY(MX,MY,Cos(AngleStart)*(Radius+1)+MX,Sin(AngleStart)*(Radius+1)+MY)    ; note: Radius must be increases by 1 here,
        LineXY(MX,MY,Cos(AngleEnd)*(Radius+1)+MX,Sin(AngleEnd)*(Radius+1)+MY)        ; because otherwise sometimes misses a pixel

        ; Draw the circle     
        For a = AngleStart * Radius To AngleEnd * Radius  ;Step 2
          px.l = Cos(a / Radius) * Radius + MX
          py.l = Sin(a / Radius) * Radius + MY
          Plot(px, py)
        ; Calc the coordinates for filling point and finally fill the selected area
        px = Cos((AngleEnd + AngleStart) / 2)*(Radius / 2) + MX
        py = Sin((AngleEnd + AngleStart) / 2)*(Radius / 2) + MY
      ; Now draw the descriptions on the right side
      #LineHeight = #TextFontHeight + 4
      #LineSpace = 5
      ; Find the widthest string
      For id=1 To Count
        temp1 = TextWidth(Stats(id)\Text)
      temp1 + #LineHeight
      temp2 = (Width - LeftWidth - temp1) / 2
      If temp2 <=0 : temp2 = 0 : EndIf
      px = x + LeftWidth + temp2
      temp2 = (#LineHeight * Count) + (#LineSpace * (Count-1))
      py = y + #TitleBar + ((Height - temp2 - #TitleBar) / 2)  ; Image height decreased by needed height for the text descriptions
      ; paint white background box with black borders
      ; paint the color boxes with relating description
      For id=1 To Count
        DrawText(px + #LineHeight + 4, py-1,Stats(id)\Text)
        py + #LineHeight + #LineSpace

    ;- Diagram data

    ; Store some general values
    Stats(0)\Value = MaxValue  ; value is relating to 100% diagram height, must correspond to (at least) the greatest individual value!!!
    ; Fill data array
    For a=1 To Graphs
      ; Fill value
      Value = Random(MaxValue-1)+1       ; the values should be at least 2
      Stats(a)\Value = Value
      ; Fill x-Axis
      If Values=0
        Stats(a)\Text = "Part "+Str(a)
        Stats(a)\Text = "Part "+Str(a)+" ("+Str(Value)+")"
      ; Fill color
      Red   = Random(255)
      Green = Random(255)
      Blue  = Random(255)
      Stats(a)\Color = RGB(Red,Green,Blue)      ; currently here are used random colors, feel free to set your own's ;-)
    Next a

    ; Set some fixed values instead of random numbers  (delete the ";" in front of the lines if wanted)
    ;Stats(1)\Value = 10
    ;Stats(2)\Value = 20
    ;Stats(3)\Value = 30

    ;-Main Programm
    OpenWindow(0,100,200,ImW,ImH,"Diagrams... ;-)    <written May 2003 by Andre Beer>",#PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered)

    ;-Create Image
    If CreateImage(0,ImW,ImH)
      Debug "Error when creating image..."

    ;-Call Diagram
    ; Parameters: OutputID, Elements, x, y, Width, Height, Colorstyle, Title-String
    Pie(ImageOutput(0), Graphs, 0, 0, ImW, ImH, Color, "Pie Chart Example")         

    WinID.l = WindowID(0)

    ;- Main loop
       Event = WaitWindowEvent()
       Select Event
          Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
             Quit = #True
    Until Quit
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Re: Graphs - fully configurable Pie Chart

Post by GG »

Thanks Arctic Fox for your help. :)

With replacing line 124 with one proposed by >> fweil above << (to prevent dark box) : Image

, this one works perfectly :

Code: Select all

; ****  Pie Chart - Diagram  ****
    ; Created: 1st/2nd May 2003 by Andre Beer / PureBasic-Team (
    ; Many thanks to David "Tinman" McMinn for fixing the filling routine :-)

    ImW.w = 500        ; Width of diagram in pixel   \ in this case also the (inner) window
    ImH.w = 350        ; Height of diagram in pixel  / dimensions....
    MaxValue.w = 1000  ; Maximum individual value stored in the diagramm values
    Graphs.w = 10      ; Number of sectors (graphs) in the diagram
    Values.l = 1       ; Decide, if the relating sector values will be printed inside the descriptions box
                       ; 0 = print only the sector name (in this example: Part 1, Part 2, etc.)
                       ; 1 = print the sector name as well the relating value (in this example: Part 1 (Value1), Part 2 (Value2), etc.)
    Color.l = 2        ; Number of color-style, currently included only three:
                       ; 0 = blue style
                       ; 1 = brown style
                       ; 2 = green style

    Structure Diagram
      Value.l      ; Value
      Text.s       ; Description of the individual charts sectors
      Color.l      ; Color for filling the area of this sector

    Structure Style
      Front1.l   ; 1st foreground color  (main)
      Front2.l   ; 2nd foreground color  (lighter)
      Front3.l   ; 3rd foreground color  (darker)
      Back1.l    ; 1st background color  (lighter)
      Back2.l    ; 2nd background color  (darker)
      Bottom.l   ; Color of the bottom bar
      Title.l    ; Title color
      Text.l     ; Text color (axis descriptions)

    ; Init array  (item 0 is used for general settings, item 1 until Graphs+1 contains the diagram data
    Global Dim Stats.Diagram(Graphs+1)

    Global Dim Colors.Style(3)

    ; Set blue color-style
    Colors(0)\Front1 = RGB(71,71,108)
    Colors(0)\Front2 = RGB(140,140,183)
    Colors(0)\Front3 = RGB(49,49,75)
    Colors(0)\Back1  = RGB(201,211,233)
    Colors(0)\Back2  = RGB(184,197,226)
    Colors(0)\Bottom = RGB(255,255,255)
    Colors(0)\Title  = RGB(0,0,255)
    Colors(0)\Text   = RGB(0,0,0)

    ; Set red-brown color-style
    Colors(1)\Front1 = RGB(108,71,71)
    Colors(1)\Front2 = RGB(183,120,120)
    Colors(1)\Front3 = RGB(75,49,49)
    Colors(1)\Back1  = RGB(233,211,201)
    Colors(1)\Back2  = RGB(226,197,184)
    Colors(1)\Bottom = RGB(243,232,226)
    Colors(1)\Title  = RGB(255,0,0)
    Colors(1)\Text   = RGB(240,0,0)

    ; Set green color-style
    Colors(2)\Front1 = RGB(71,108,71)
    Colors(2)\Front2 = RGB(120,183,120)
    Colors(2)\Front3 = RGB(49,75,49)
    Colors(2)\Back1  = RGB(201,233,211)
    Colors(2)\Back2  = RGB(184,226,197)
    Colors(2)\Bottom = RGB(223,242,228)
    Colors(2)\Title  = RGB(49,75,49)
    Colors(2)\Text   = RGB(24,58,35)

    Procedure Pie(ID.l, Count.l, x.l, y.l, Width.l, Height.l, Color.l, Title.s)
      ; ID     = Output-ID for drawing operations (e.g. WindowOutput, ImageOutput, etc.)
      ; Count  = Value-/Bars-number
      ; x, y   = top-left corner of the diagram in pixel
      ; Width  = Width of diagram in pixel
      ; Height = Height of diagram in pixel, including title line and text line
      ; Color  = number of color-style
      ; Title  = String with the text, which should be printed as title line

      ; Initial values
      #Resolution = 65     ; Resolution is the part used for the pie-chart in percent, the other part is used for the description on the right side
      #Border = 10           ; Border (in pixel) on left and right side of the pie-chart
      AngleStart.f = -#PI    ; needed later for calculating the circle-parts
      AngleEnd.f = 0         ; defines where the drawing starts: 0 = right, #Pi = left, #Pi/2 = bottom, -#Pi/2 = top
      #TitleBar = 20         ; Height of the Title bar area
      #TitleFontHeight = 10  ; Font height of the Title text
      #TextFontHeight = 8    ; Font height of the Description text
      #White = 16777215      ; Set the value of RGB(255,255,255) to a white color constant
      ; Calculate initial chart values
      LeftWidth = Width * #Resolution / 100
      temp1.l = (LeftWidth - #Border - 5) / 2
      temp2.l = (Height - #TitleBar - 5) / 2
      If temp1 < temp2
        Radius.l = temp1
        Radius.l = temp2
      MX.l = x + #Border + ((LeftWidth-#Border) / 2)
      MY.l = y + temp2 + #TitleBar

      ; Count the sum of all graphs value (=100%)
      For a=1 To Count
        Sum.l + Stats(a)\Value

      ; Load fonts
      FontID.l = LoadFont(1, "ARIAL", #TitleFontHeight, #PB_Font_Bold | #PB_Font_HighQuality)
      FontID2.l = LoadFont(1, "ARIAL", #TextFontHeight, #PB_Font_HighQuality)

      ; Paint background  (used similar one as in Bars-Chart example, I was too lazy to create a new one  ;-)
      #Title   = 24
      #Bottom  = 15
      Box(x,y,Width,Height,Colors(Color)\Back1)                   ; paint lighter background fullsize
      Box(x,y,#Border,Height,Colors(Color)\Back2)                 ; paint darker bar at left
      Box(x+Width-#Border,y,#Border,Height,Colors(Color)\Back2)   ; paint darker bar at right
      For a = y+25 To Height Step 50
        Box(x+#Border+1,a,Width-(2*#Border)-2,25, $808080)                 ; paint darker background bars
      Next a

      ; Paint title string
      DrawingMode(1)     ; set drawing-mode to 1 for transparent text drawing
      DrawText(x+(Width-TextWidth(Title))/2, y, Title)

      For id=1 To Count
        AngleStart = AngleEnd
        AngleEnd = AngleStart + (Stats(id)\Value * 2 * #PI / Sum)

        ; Set black as default color for all border lines
        ; Draw the lines from inside the circle to the border
        LineXY(MX,MY,Cos(AngleStart)*(Radius+1)+MX,Sin(AngleStart)*(Radius+1)+MY)    ; note: Radius must be increases by 1 here,
        LineXY(MX,MY,Cos(AngleEnd)*(Radius+1)+MX,Sin(AngleEnd)*(Radius+1)+MY)        ; because otherwise sometimes misses a pixel

        ; Draw the circle     
        For a = AngleStart * Radius To AngleEnd * Radius  ;Step 2
          px.l = Cos(a / Radius) * Radius + MX
          py.l = Sin(a / Radius) * Radius + MY
          Plot(px, py)
        ; Calc the coordinates for filling point and finally fill the selected area
        px = Cos((AngleEnd + AngleStart) / 2)*(Radius / 2) + MX
        py = Sin((AngleEnd + AngleStart) / 2)*(Radius / 2) + MY
      ; Now draw the descriptions on the right side
      #LineHeight = #TextFontHeight + 4
      #LineSpace = 5
      ; Find the widthest string
      For id=1 To Count
        temp1 = TextWidth(Stats(id)\Text)
      temp1 + #LineHeight
      temp2 = (Width - LeftWidth - temp1) / 2
      If temp2 <=0 : temp2 = 0 : EndIf
      px = x + LeftWidth + temp2
      temp2 = (#LineHeight * Count) + (#LineSpace * (Count-1))
      py = y + #TitleBar + ((Height - temp2 - #TitleBar) / 2)  ; Image height decreased by needed height for the text descriptions
      ; paint white background box with black borders
      ; paint the color boxes with relating description
      For id=1 To Count
        DrawText(px + #LineHeight + 4, py-1,Stats(id)\Text)
        py + #LineHeight + #LineSpace

    ;- Diagram data

    ; Store some general values
    Stats(0)\Value = MaxValue  ; value is relating to 100% diagram height, must correspond to (at least) the greatest individual value!!!
    ; Fill data array
    For a=1 To Graphs
      ; Fill value
      Value = Random(MaxValue-1)+1       ; the values should be at least 2
      Stats(a)\Value = Value
      ; Fill x-Axis
      If Values=0
        Stats(a)\Text = "Part "+Str(a)
        Stats(a)\Text = "Part "+Str(a)+" ("+Str(Value)+")"
      ; Fill color
      Red   = Random(255)
      Green = Random(255)
      Blue  = Random(255)
      Stats(a)\Color = RGB(Red,Green,Blue)      ; currently here are used random colors, feel free to set your own's ;-)
    Next a

    ; Set some fixed values instead of random numbers  (delete the ";" in front of the lines if wanted)
    ;Stats(1)\Value = 10
    ;Stats(2)\Value = 20
    ;Stats(3)\Value = 30

    ;-Main Programm
    OpenWindow(0,100,200,ImW,ImH,"Diagrams... ;-)    <written May 2003 by Andre Beer>",#PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered)

    ;-Create Image
    If CreateImage(0,ImW,ImH)
      Debug "Error when creating image..."

    ;-Call Diagram
    ; Parameters: OutputID, Elements, x, y, Width, Height, Colorstyle, Title-String
    Pie(ImageOutput(0), Graphs, 0, 0, ImW, ImH, Color, "Pie Chart Example")         

    WinID.l = WindowID(0)

    ;- Main loop
       Event = WaitWindowEvent()
       Select Event
          Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
             Quit = #True
    Until Quit
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Rook Zimbabwe
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Re: Graphs - fully configurable Pie Chart

Post by Rook Zimbabwe »

Excellent GG in PB4.3 final on XP Pro se3
Binarily speaking... it takes 10 to Tango!!!

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Re: Graphs - fully configurable Pie Chart

Post by WilliamL »

Change the font from Arial to Geneva and it runs fine on the Mac in 4.40x86. (GG's version)
MacBook Pro-M1 (2021), Sonoma 14.4.1, PB 6.10LTS M1
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