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WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert w/PureBasic samples.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 2:27 am
by Thunder93
JHPJHP recently posted topic here in 'Trick's 'n' Tip's' forum: PureBasic Interface to WinDivert

I don't want to confuse nor hijack his topic, so this reason I've created new one. Besides this more dedicated to conversions over from existing WinDivert sample applications sources .. like the one I'm posting today, netdump.

About WinDivert -

WinDivert is a user-mode capture/sniffing/modification/blocking/re-injection package for Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows 8. WinDivert can be used to implement user-mode packet filters, packet sniffers, firewalls, NAT, VPNs, tunneling applications, etc., without the need to write kernel-mode code.
  • The main features of the WinDivert are:
  • User-mode packet capture, sniffing, dropping, filtering, modification, re-injection, etc.
  • Simple, high-level, programming API.
  • Fully documented with sample programs.
  • Full IPv6 support.
  • Full loopback (localhost) support.
  • A modern WDF/WFP driver implementation.
  • Open source; Licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3. See the License for more information.

WinDivert provides similar functionality to divert sockets from FreeBSD/MacOS, NETLINK sockets from Linux, and some commercial packages such as WinPkFilter for Windows. WinDivert also supports passive packet sniffing similar to Winpcap.

My PureBasic WinDivert sample package is available HERE..

Example utility source code... Netdump

Code: Select all

; /*
;  * This is a simple traffic monitor.  It uses a WinDivert handle in SNIFF mode.
;  * The SNIFF mode copies packets And does Not block the original.
;  *
;  * usage: netdump.exe windivert-filter [priority]
;               netdump true         ; < -- Diverts all traffic (w/WINDIVERT_FLAG_SNIFF flag.)
;  */

IncludeFile "include\WinDivert_Header.pbi"
IncludeFile "include\WinDivert_Exit_Routine.pbi"
IncludeFile "include\Long2IP.pbi"
IncludeFile "include\IsPrint.pbi"


Procedure mainTask()  
  Protected.i Handle, Console
  Protected.l I, packet_len
  Protected.w Priority = 0   
  Protected.s tcpSrcPort, tcpDstPort, tcpSeqNum, tcpAckNum, tcpHdrLength, tcpRSRV, tcpNS
  Protected.s tcpCWR, tcpECE, tcpURG, tcpACK, tcpPSH, tcpRST, tcpSYN, tcpFIN, tcpWin, tcpChksum, tcpUrgPtr
  Protected.s udpSrcPort, udpDstPort, udpHdrLength, udpChksum, pData1.a
  Protected.s IP_ver, IP_hdrlength, IP_tos, IP_length, IP_id, IP_fragResv, IP_fragsDF
  Protected.s IP_fragsMF, IP_fragOffset, IP_TTL, IP_Protocol, IP_chksum
  Protected.s IPv6_ver, IPv6_TrafficClass, IPv6_FlowLabel, IPv6_Length, IPv6_NextHdr.s, IPv6_HopLimit
  Protected.u IPv6_SrcAddr, IPv6_dstAddr
  Protected.s ICMP_Type, ICMP_Code, ICMP_Chksum, ICMP_Body
  Protected.s ICMPv6_Type, ICMPv6_Code, ICMPv6_Chksum, ICMPv6_Body  
  *Packet = AllocateMemory(#MAXBUF)
  SafeExit\Packet = *Packet
  If Not OpenConsole()
    MessageRequester("netdump", "Unable to open Console, program will now close", #PB_MessageRequester_Ok)
  Select CountProgramParameters()
    Case 1
      filter$ + ProgramParameter(0)
    Case 2
      Priority = Val(ProgramParameter(1))      
      PrintN("Usage: netdump windivert-filter [priority]"+#CRLF$+#CRLF$+
             "    netdump true"+#CRLF$+
             "    netdump "+#DQUOTE$+"outbound and tcp.DstPort == 80"+#DQUOTE$+" 1000"+#CRLF$+
             "    netdump "+#DQUOTE$+"inbound and tcp.Syn"+#DQUOTE$+" -4000")
      ;filter$ = "outbound and tcp.DstPort == 80"
  ; // Get console For pretty colors.
  Console = GetStdHandle_(#STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
  SafeExit\Console = Console
  ; // Divert traffic matching the filter:    
  handle = WinDivertOpen(filter$, #WINDIVERT_LAYER_NETWORK, priority, #WINDIVERT_FLAG_SNIFF)
  SafeExit\hWndDivert = handle
      PrintN("error: filter syntax error")
      PrintN("error: failed To open the WinDivert device ("+Str(GetLastError_())+")")
  ; // Max-out the packet queue:  
  If Not WinDivertSetParam(handle, #WINDIVERT_PARAM_QUEUE_LEN, 8192)    
    PrintN("error: failed to set packet queue length ("+Str(GetLastError_())+")")
  ElseIf Not WinDivertSetParam(handle, #WINDIVERT_PARAM_QUEUE_TIME, 2048)
    PrintN("error: failed to set packet queue time ("+Str(GetLastError_())+")")
  PrintN("Now waiting for network activity."+#CRLF$)
  ; Main Loop:
    ;  // Read a matching packet.
    If Not WinDivertRecv(handle, *packet, MemorySize(*packet), @addr, @packet_len)
      PrintN("warning: failed to read packet ("+Str(GetLastError_())+")")
    ; // Print info about the matching packet.    
    WinDivertHelperParsePacket(*packet, packet_len, @*ip_header, @*ipv6_header, @*icmp_header, @*icmpv6_header, @*tcp_header, @*udp_header, #Null, #Null)
    If Not *ip_header And Not *ipv6_header
      PrintN("warning: junk packet")
    ; // Dump packet info:    
    SetConsoleTextAttribute_(Console, #FOREGROUND_RED)
    PrintN(#CRLF$+"Packet [Direction="+Str(addr\Direction)+" IfIdx="+Str(addr\IfIdx)+" SubIfIdx="+Str(addr\SubIfIdx))
    If *ip_header
      IP_ver = Str(GET_ipVERSION(*ip_header))
      IP_hdrlength = Str(GET_ipHDRLENGTH(*ip_header))
      IP_tos = Str(ntohs_(PeekA(@*ip_header\TOS)))
      IP_length = Str(ntohs_(PeekU(@*ip_header\Length)))
      IP_id = RSet(Hex(ntohs_(PeekU(@*ip_header\Id))), 4, "0")
      IP_fragResv  = Str(WINDIVERT_IPHDR_GET_RESERVED(*ip_header))
      IP_fragsDF = Str(WINDIVERT_IPHDR_GET_DF(*ip_header))
      IP_fragsMF = Str(WINDIVERT_IPHDR_GET_MF(*ip_header))
      IP_fragOffset = Str(WINDIVERT_IPHDR_GET_FRAGOFF(*ip_header))
      IP_TTL = Str(PeekA(@*ip_header\TTL))
      IP_Protocol = Str(PeekA(@*ip_header\Protocol))
      IP_chksum = Hex(ntohs_(PeekU(@*ip_header\Checksum)))
      IP_srcAddr$ = Long2IP(ntohl_(PeekL(@*ip_header\SrcAddr)))
      IP_dstAddr$ = Long2IP(ntohl_(PeekL(@*ip_header\DstAddr)))
      SetConsoleTextAttribute_(Console, #FOREGROUND_GREEN | #FOREGROUND_RED)
      PrintN("IPv4 [Version=" + IP_ver + " HdrLength=" + IP_hdrlength +
             " TOS=" + IP_tos + " Length=" + IP_length + " Id=0x" + IP_id +
             " Reserved=" + IP_fragResv + " DF=" + IP_fragsDF + " MF=" + IP_fragsMF +
             " FragOff=" + IP_fragOffset + " TTL=" + IP_TTL + " Protocol=" + IP_Protocol +             
             " Checksum=0x" + IP_chksum +" SrcAddr="+IP_srcAddr$+" DstAddr="+IP_dstAddr$ + "]")
    If *ipv6_header
      IPv6_ver = Str(GET_IPv6VERSION(*ipv6_header))
      IPv6_TrafficClass = Str(WINDIVERT_IPV6HDR_GET_TRAFFICCLASS(*ipv6_header))
      IPv6_FlowLabel = Str(WINDIVERT_IPV6HDR_GET_FLOWLABEL(*ipv6_header))
      IPv6_Length = Str(ntohs_(PeekU(@*ipv6_header\Length)))
      IPv6_NextHdr = Str(PeekA(@*ipv6_header\NextHdr))
      IPv6_HopLimit = Str(PeekA(@*ipv6_header\HopLimit))      
      IPv6_srcAddr$ = "" : IPv6_dstAddr$ = ""
      For k = 0 To 7
        IPv6_srcAddr = PeekU(@*ipv6_header\SrcAddr[k])
        IPv6_dstAddr = PeekU(@*ipv6_header\DstAddr[k])
        If IPv6_srcAddr : IPv6_srcAddr$ + LCase(Hex(ntohs_(IPv6_srcAddr))) : EndIf
        If IPv6_dstAddr : IPv6_dstAddr$ + LCase(Hex(ntohs_(IPv6_dstAddr))) : EndIf
        If k = 0 : IPv6_srcAddr$ + "::" : IPv6_dstAddr$ + "::"
        ElseIf k < 7
          If IPv6_srcAddr : IPv6_srcAddr$ + ":" : EndIf
          If IPv6_dstAddr : IPv6_dstAddr$ + ":" : EndIf  
      SetConsoleTextAttribute_(Console, #FOREGROUND_GREEN | #FOREGROUND_RED)
      PrintN("IPv6 [Version=" + IPv6_ver + " TrafficClass=" + IPv6_TrafficClass + "  FlowLabel=" + IPv6_FlowLabel + 
             " Length=" + IPv6_length + " NextHdr=" + IPv6_NextHdr + " HopLimit=" + IPv6_HopLimit + " SrcAddr=" + IPv6_srcAddr$ +
             " DstAddr=" + IPv6_dstAddr$ + "]")
    If *icmp_header
      ICMP_Type = Str(PeekA(@*icmp_header\Type))
      ICMP_Code = Str(PeekA(@*icmp_header\Code))
      ICMP_Chksum = Hex(ntohs_(PeekU(@*icmp_header\Checksum)))
      ICMP_Body = Str(ntohl_(PeekL(@*icmp_header\Body)))      
      SetConsoleTextAttribute_(Console, #FOREGROUND_RED)
      PrintN("ICMP [Type=" + ICMP_Type + " Code=" + ICMP_Code + " Checksum=0x" + ICMP_Chksum + " Body=0x" + ICMP_Body + "]")
    If *icmpv6_header      
      ICMPv6_Type = Str(PeekA(@*icmpv6_header\Type))
      ICMPv6_Code = Str(PeekA(@*icmpv6_header\Code))
      ICMPv6_Chksum = Hex(ntohs_(PeekU(@*icmpv6_header\Checksum)))
      ICMPv6_Body = Str(ntohl_(PeekL(@*icmpv6_header\Body)))      
      SetConsoleTextAttribute_(Console, #FOREGROUND_RED)
      PrintN("ICMPV6 [Type=" + ICMPv6_Type + " Code=" + ICMPv6_Code + " Checksum=0x" + ICMPv6_Chksum + " Body=0x" + ICMPv6_Body + "]")
    If *tcp_header
      tcpSrcPort = Str(ntohs_(PeekU(@*tcp_header\SrcPort)))
      tcpDstPort = Str(ntohs_(PeekU(@*tcp_header\DstPort)))
      tcpSeqNum = Str(ntohl_(PeekL(@*tcp_header\SeqNum)) & $FFFFFFFF)
      tcpAckNum = Str(ntohl_(PeekL(@*tcp_header\AckNum)) & $FFFFFFFF)
      tcpHdrLength = Str(GET_tcpHDRLENGTH(*tcp_header))
      tcpRSRV = Str(GET_tcpRESERVED(*tcp_header))
      tcpNS = Str(GET_tcpNS(*tcp_header))
      tcpCWR = Str(GET_tcpCWR(*tcp_header))
      tcpECE = Str(GET_tcpECE(*tcp_header))
      tcpURG = Str(GET_tcpURG(*tcp_header))
      tcpACK = Str(GET_tcpACK(*tcp_header))
      tcpPSH = Str(GET_tcpPSH(*tcp_header))
      tcpRST = Str(GET_tcpRST(*tcp_header))
      tcpSYN = Str(GET_tcpSYN(*tcp_header))
      tcpFIN = Str(GET_tcpFIN(*tcp_header))
      tcpWin = Str(ntohs_(PeekU(@*tcp_header\Window)))
      tcpChksum = Hex(ntohs_(PeekU(@*tcp_header\Checksum)))
      tcpUrgPtr = Str(ntohs_(PeekU(@*tcp_header\UrgPtr)))
      SetConsoleTextAttribute_(Console, #FOREGROUND_GREEN)
      PrintN("TCP [SrcPort=" + tcpSrcPort + " DstPort=" + tcpDstPort + " SeqNum=" + tcpSeqNum + " AckNum=" + tcpAckNum +
             " HdrLength=" + tcpHdrLength + " Reserved=" + tcpRSRV + " Flags:[NS="+tcpNS + " CWR=" + tcpCWR + " ECE=" + tcpECE + " URG=" + tcpURG +
             " ACK=" + tcpACK + " PSH=" + tcpPSH + " RST=" + tcpRST + " SYN=" + tcpSYN + " FIN=" + tcpFIN +
             "] Window=" + tcpWin + " Checksum=0x" + tcpChksum + " UrgPtr=" + tcpUrgPtr + "]")      
    If *udp_header
      udpSrcPort = Str(ntohs_(PeekU(@*udp_header\SrcPort)))
      udpDstPort = Str(ntohs_(PeekU(@*udp_header\DstPort)))
      udpHdrLength = Str(ntohs_(PeekU(@*udp_header\Length)))
      udpChksum = Hex(ntohs_(PeekU(@*udp_header\Checksum)))
      SetConsoleTextAttribute_(Console, #FOREGROUND_GREEN)
      PrintN("UDP [SrcPort=" + udpSrcPort + " DstPort=" + udpDstPort + " Length=" + udpHdrLength + " Checksum=0x" + udpChksum + "]")
    SetConsoleTextAttribute_(Console, #FOREGROUND_GREEN | #FOREGROUND_BLUE)
    pData$ = ""
    For i = 0 To packet_len-1
      If (i % 20) = 0
        pData$ + #CRLF$ + "          "
      pData$ + RSet(Hex(PeekA(*Packet+i)), 2, "0")
    SetConsoleTextAttribute_(Console, #FOREGROUND_RED | #FOREGROUND_BLUE)
    pData$ = "" : pData = 0
    For i = 0 To packet_len-1
      If (i % 40) = 0
        pData$ + #CRLF$ + "          "
      pData = PeekA(*Packet+i)
      If IsPrint(pData) : pData$ + Chr(PeekA(*Packet+i))
        pData$ + "."



Code: Select all

Rev #5 (Updated on Tuesday Dec 2, 2014)

* Added netfilter.pb   (Credits to the PureBasic community. Special thanks to infratec & JHPJHP for the aid.)
* Tweaks to existing projects.

Rev #4  (Updated on Sunday Nov 23, 2014)

* netdump.pb (location: parent)
     - More code beautification.

* GetTCPFlags_.pbi (formely known as GetTCPFlags_STR.pbi, Location: \Include\)
     - Revamped the old procedure.

Rev #3  (Updated on Friday Nov 21, 2014)

* Updated to WinDivert 1.1.7 Library and required driver files. (Enhancements to IPv6 support)

* WinDivert_Header.pbi (location: \Includes\)
     - Updated existing PB-Specific Macros labelling.
     - PureBasic - Specific Macros additions (e.g, .. GET_tcpSYN(), SET_tcpSYN, UNSET_tcpSYN.)
     - Particular WINDIVERT_TCPHDR Structure Field names been changed.

* netdump.pb (location: parent)
     - Match changes made in WinDivert_Header.pbi file.
     - Beautified the code.
     - TCP Header logging now defines three more tcp flags (NS, CWR, ECE)

Rev #2  (Updated on Wed Nov 19, 2014

* WinDivert_Header.pbi
     - Added two additional PureBasic - Specific Macros.

* netdump.pb
     - N/A

Rev #1  (Updated on Wed Nov 16, 2014)

* WinDivert_Header.pbi
     - Updates to the Macros labelling. Couple still was using the old WinDivert Macro names.
     - Added two additional PureBasic - Specific Macro.

* netdump.pb
     - Now using the two new WinDivert Header file Macros additions.
     - Adjustment to RSet() on IP Header ID retrieval, showing couple extra characters.

Re: WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 2:32 am
by Thunder93
[reserved thread]

Re: WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 3:00 am
by Thunder93
[reserved thread]

Re: WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 3:07 am
by Thunder93
When time permits, I'll do the other two WinDivert sample applications. If someone wants to do the other two and post it here.. that's also alright. Keeping in mind I'm focusing on keeping conversion as close as possible with the original samples. :wink:

If you have created different applications, posting the source codes here for those is also welcome. :)

Re: WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 4:44 am
Hi Thunder93,

I'm glad you've taken your own advice to continue this project, we'd both agreed it's worthwhile.

Best of luck.

Re: WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 5:11 am
by Thunder93
Thanks JHPJHP.

I have always seen great potential with WinDivert for the PB community, like you have. I'm interested and really enjoy messing with WinDivert. :mrgreen:

Re: WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert w/PureBasic samples.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:45 am
by Thunder93
I have updated my PureBasic WinDivert samples, including WinDivert Lib and two required driver files. Now is available through maintained download, zip archived.. for people's convenience. Information included via original post.

Re: WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert w/PureBasic samples.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:31 am
Great job Thunder93, you're really knocking this one out of the park.

Re: WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert w/PureBasic samples.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:48 am
by Thunder93
Thanks JHPJHP! :mrgreen:

Re: WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert w/PureBasic samples.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:34 am
by Thunder93
Updated package. Mainly to include the converted netfilter.c

Re: WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert w/PureBasic samples.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 5:57 pm
by LinXP
Please reupload

Re: WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert w/PureBasic samples.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:22 pm
by Techie42
Does anyone have the original files mentioned in the top item for this post please?

Re: WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert w/PureBasic samples.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 7:32 am
by Zebuddi123

Re: WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert w/PureBasic samples.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:43 pm
by Techie42
Zebuddi123 wrote:@ Techie42 ...
Zebuddi. :)
Thank you very much :D (sorry for my tardiness - better late than never :wink: )