Russian Sorting Halves Danilin

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Russian Sorting Halves Danilin

Post by DANILIN »

Russian Sorting Halves and fast and human
sorts 1'000'000 in 0.3 seconds

number of elements is written to file with c:/N.txt or use variable n
array d(n) can be read from a file or synthesized in a program

Code: Select all

; Russian Sorting Halves Danilin
Declare RussianSortingHalvesDAV (ab, yz, part, age)


If ReadFile(0, "c:/N.txt") 
 n = Val(ReadString(0))

Global Dim d(n) 
Global Dim a(n) 

For i=1 To n

PrintN(" First 20")
For k=1 To 20: Print(" "+ d(k)): Next: PrintN("")
PrintN(" Last 10")
For k=n-9 To n : Print(" "+ d(k)): Next: PrintN("")


If age > 0 :
 RussianSortingHalvesDAV(1, n, 1, age)


PrintN("RussianSorting First 50")
For k=1 To 50: Print(" "+ d(k)): Next: PrintN("")
PrintN(" Last 20")
For k=n-19 To n : Print(" "+ d(k)): Next: PrintN("")

PrintN( "Time RussianSorting = " + Str(finish-start))

If OpenFile(0, "c:/RSH_DAV.txt")
  For k=1 To 1000 :WriteString (0, " " +d(k)): Next
  For k=n-1001 To n :WriteString (0, " " +d(k)): Next


Procedure RussianSortingHalvesDAV (ab, yz, part, age)

If yz-ab < 1 :ProcedureReturn 0

For i=ab To yz


For j=ab To yz
If d(j) <= middle: 
abc=abc+1: a(abc)=d(j)
xyz=xyz-1: a(xyz)=d(j)


For w=ab To yz: d(w)=a(w): Next

If part < age :
If abc >= ab :RussianSortingHalvesDAV(ab, abc, part+1, age)
If xyz < yz :RussianSortingHalvesDAV(xyz, yz, part+1, age)

Russian Sorting Halves Danilin visualisation


feature of the algorithm of the topic:
everyone is able to understand this algorithm
unlike certain incomprehensible algorithms machine sorting.

especially considering: my algorithm is pretty quick.

means using for example sorting of goods
or sorting the way people can be sure:
algorithm and quick and understandable to people.

and another feature: speeds up slow sorts
in 2 ... 4 ... 8 times dividing the bubble sort array
which makes my algorithm even more human.
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Re: Russian Sorting Halves Danilin

Post by Fig »

It's nice you made your own sort. Image
Could you describe in which cases this sort had any advantage over other sorts ?

My understanding of your sort is the following:
you first get an average threshold for all elements.
Then you "divide and conquer" the whole batch and repeat this operations. (so it's O(N²)+O(N.log(N)) ?? I am not sure...)
If I am wrong, please explain... Else, it'a a fancy but very slow sort. (??)

You may have a look to merge sort (it's pretty human too ^^ ) or quick sort instead. :wink:
Last edited by Fig on Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
There are 2 methods to program bugless.
But only the third works fine.

Win10, Pb x64 5.71 LTS
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Re: Russian Sorting Halves Danilin

Post by DANILIN »

O(N) = 3*N*LOG(N;2)

requires recalculation of entire array
and further distribution of entire array
and further return of sub-array back are required.

and number of distributions takes into account division by halves.
proves visualization and counters.

O(N) = 3*N*LOG(N;2)

Currently 8 options are created
Russian sorting halves:

1. Acceleration of bubble sorting by 2 times
adding a few lines code by dividing array into 2 parts

2. Acceleration of bubble sorting 4 times
adding a few lines code by dividing array into 4 parts

3. Acceleration of selection sorting by 2 times
adding a few lines code by dividing array into 2 parts

4. Acceleration of selection sorting by 4 times
adding a few lines code by dividing array into 4 parts

5. Recursive version of QB64 1'000'000 in 2.2 seconds
6. Recursive version of PureBasic 1'000'000 in 0.3 seconds

7. Excel animation version for 250 items on 150 second
8. Excel fast version for 250 items on 5 second




Russian Sorting Halves and risk management:
in 1st approximation relative to risk of 50%:

to left events with minimal risk for large participation
to right of event with maximum risk for small participation

and still easy to sort inside 2 parts
at least dividing risks into 4 parts.

Russian Sort Halves Accelerate Danilin visualisation
Russia looks world from future. big data is peace data
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Re: Russian Sorting Halves Danilin

Post by DANILIN »


Russian Sorting Halves and fast and human

9. Recursive version of C# Csharp 1'000'000 in 0.2 seconds


Russian Sorting Halves and fast and human
sorts 1'000'000 in 2.2 seconds on QB64
sorts 1'000'000 in 0.3 seconds on PureBasic
sorts 1'000'000 in 0.2 seconds on C# Csharp
Russia looks world from future. big data is peace data
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Re: Russian Sorting Halves Danilin

Post by Fig »

I was wondering, how do you prevent overflow when summing all numbers ? (with big numbers or lots of elements...)

Code: Select all

For i=ab To yz
There are 2 methods to program bugless.
But only the third works fine.

Win10, Pb x64 5.71 LTS
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Re: Russian Sorting Halves Danilin

Post by DANILIN »

c# version of "guess my number game" 1 line

Code: Select all

using System; using System.Text;namespace GURU { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Random rand = new Random(); int Russia = 0; int n = 0; int num = 0; dav: if(Russia == 0) {Russia = 2222; num = rand.Next(100)+1; goto dav; }else if (Russia != 0) {Console.Write("? "); n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());} if (n < num) { Console.WriteLine("MORE"); goto dav;}else if (n > num) { Console.WriteLine("less"); goto dav;}else if (n == num) {Console.Write("da"); Console.ReadKey(); }else goto dav;}}}// DANILIN Russia 9-9-2019 guessnum.cs
using System; using System.Text;namespace GURU { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Random rand = new Random(); int Russia = 0; int n = 0; int num = 0; dav: if(Russia == 0) {Russia = 2222; num = rand.Next(100)+1; goto dav; }else if (Russia != 0) {Console.Write("? "); n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());} if (n < num) { Console.WriteLine("MORE"); goto dav;}else if (n > num) { Console.WriteLine("less"); goto dav;}else if (n == num) {Console.Write("da"); Console.ReadKey(); }else goto dav;}}}// DANILIN Russia 9-9-2019 guessnum.cs

c# version of "guess my number game" 1 line

qbasic version of "guess my number game" 1 line

Code: Select all

1 IF Russia = 0 THEN Russia = 2222: RANDOMIZE TIMER: num = INT(RND * 100) + 1: GOTO 1 ELSE IF Russia <> 0 THEN INPUT n: IF n < num THEN PRINT "MORE": GOTO 1 ELSE IF n > num THEN PRINT "less": GOTO 1 ELSE IF n = num THEN PRINT "da": END ELSE GOTO 1 'DANILIN Russia 9-9-2019 guessnum.bas
1 IF Russia = 0 THEN Russia = 2222: RANDOMIZE TIMER: num = INT(RND * 100) + 1: GOTO 1 ELSE IF Russia <> 0 THEN INPUT n: IF n < num THEN PRINT "MORE": GOTO 1 ELSE IF n > num THEN PRINT "less": GOTO 1 ELSE IF n = num THEN PRINT "da": END ELSE GOTO 1 'DANILIN Russia 9-9-2019 guessnum.bas

qbasic version of "guess my number game" 1 line
Russia looks world from future. big data is peace data
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