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SQLite and Blob - SOLVED -

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 7:54 pm
by deanathpc
Here is some code that just will not populate the ListIcon with more than one (1) record. I use this code for other data with zero problems. Is it because of the BLOB that it won't populate more than one record?

I can change the select statement and pull each record number individually with zero issues. Just one record though. I am guessing I am missing something here and I just haven't found it yet.

If this is a BLOB specific type of thing is there a work around?

Code: Select all

If DatabaseQuery(1, "SELECT * FROM images where relatedfirearm='" + GetGadgetText(#Gadget_Form_FirearmAddEdit_String_Name) + "' ORDER BY deleted ASC")
    While NextDatabaseRow(1) > 0
      firearmpicdoc_RecNo = GetDatabaseLong(1,0)
      firearmpicdoc_name$ = GetDatabaseString(1, 1)
      firearmpicdoc_description$ = GetDatabaseString(1, 2)
      firearmpicdoc_relatedto$ = GetDatabaseString(1, 3)
      pictureSize = DatabaseColumnSize(1, 4)
      *picture = AllocateMemory(pictureSize)
      GetDatabaseBlob(1, 4, *picture, pictureSize)
      CatchImage(1, *picture, pictureSize)
      ResizeImage(1, 140, 130)
      ;SetGadgetState(#Gadget_Form_FirearmAddEdit_Image_Firearm_Image1, ImageID(1))
      firearmpicdoc_deleted$ = GetDatabaseString(1, 5)
      firearmpicdoc_string$ = Str(firearmpicdoc_RecNo) + Chr(10)
      firearmpicdoc_string$ + firearmpicdoc_name$ + Chr(10)
      firearmpicdoc_string$ + firearmpicdoc_description$ + Chr(10)
      firearmpicdoc_string$ + firearmpicdoc_deleted$
      AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_Form_FirearmAddEdit_ListIcon_Firearms_PhotosDocs, fadn, firearmpicdoc_string$)    ; Give the row an identifiable number of 0 to start
      SetGadgetItemData(#Gadget_Form_FirearmAddEdit_ListIcon_Firearms_PhotosDocs, fadn, Val(firearmpicdoc_string$)) ; Links identifiable number with database ID for PullIssue()
      EvenOddTest2 = Val(Right(Str(fadn),1))
      If EvenOddTest2 = 0 Or EvenOddTest2 = 2 Or EvenOddTest2 = 4 Or EvenOddTest2 = 6 Or EvenOddTest2 = 8
        SetGadgetItemColor(#Gadget_Form_FirearmAddEdit_ListIcon_Firearms_PhotosDocs, fadn, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, $E6D8AD, -1)
      If firearmpicdoc_deleted$ = "TRUE"
        SetGadgetItemColor(#Gadget_Form_FirearmAddEdit_ListIcon_Firearms_PhotosDocs, fadn, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, $0000FF, 0)
      Debug "Pic Doc counter: " + Str(fadn)
      fadn + 1   ; Increment for next identifiable number
    ;StatusBarText(#StatusBar_Form1, 0, Str(fadn) + " Firearm(s) found.")
    ; An alternate way of counting items in the gadget
    CountResult = CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_Form_FirearmAddEdit_ListIcon_Firearms_PhotosDocs)
    Debug "CountGadget found: " + Str(CountResult) + " items in the ListIconGadget"
    MessageRequester("Photo/Doc Error", "Can't pull photos / doc records: " + DatabaseError(), #PB_MessageRequester_Error)

Re: SQLite and Blob

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 8:33 pm
by skywalk
Can you make a working example with :memory: connection? The problem usually becomes clear when simplifying the code.

Re: SQLite and Blob - SOLVED -

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 4:22 am
by deanathpc
This has been resolved. I walked away from it for a couple of hours after looking at it for hours..

Finally saw the FinishedQuery in the middle of the routine.