Capture webgadget events

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Capture webgadget events

Post by captain_skank »

Morning All, hope everyone is well and staying safe.

Is it even possible to catch an event from a webgadget other than a hyperlink.

E.G a button or a checkbox

I've tried googling with all sorts of permutations but haven't found anything

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Re: Capture webgadget events

Post by Shardik »

Did you already try the following examples?

Detect button click:
- Sparkie
- utopiomania
- Kiffi

Detect selected option in dropdown list:
- viiartz (modified by Shardik)
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Re: Capture webgadget events

Post by captain_skank »

Thanks for the links - pointed me in the right direction.

Heres what i cobbled up ( not using a stock button ) :

Code: Select all

Declare.s PROC_create_web_hex(PVAR_colour.i)
Declare.i PROC_tint_rgb(PVAR_rgb.i, PVAR_percentage.i)
Declare.i PROC_populate_table(PVAR_wid.i, PVAR_gid.i)
Declare.i PROC_populate_table_2(PVAR_wid.i, PVAR_gid.i)
Declare.l PROC_display_main_table_events(gadget, url.s)

Global GBL_layer_border.i = 16750848
Global GBL_layer_background.i = 16448250
Global GBL_layer_text.i = 16777215
Global GBL_layer_alternate_text.i = 0

Procedure.s PROC_create_web_hex(PVAR_colour.i)
  ProcedureReturn "#" + RSet(Hex(Red(PVAR_colour)), 2, "0") + RSet(Hex(Green(PVAR_colour)), 2, "0") + RSet(Hex(Blue(PVAR_colour)), 2, "0") 

Procedure.i PROC_tint_rgb(PVAR_rgb.i, PVAR_percentage.i)
  ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ;                              P U R P O S E                                            
  ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; Lightens or darkens the RGB value passed by the percentage value passed
  ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ;                               I N P U T S                                            
  ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  ; PVAR_rgb.i          -> A colour in RGB format
  ; PVAR_percentage.i   -> The percentage to lighten or darken the original 
  ;                        colour ( 0 To 100 )
  ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ;                 D E C L A R E   L O C A L   V A R I A B L E S
  ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  LVAR_text_line.s  ; Used for storing lines read from file
  LVAR_r.i          ; the red value of the passed rgb colour
  LVAR_g.i          ; the green value of the passed rgb colour
  LVAR_b.i          ; the blue value of the passed rgb colour
  LVAR_p.d          ; the percentage to change the rgb colour by
  ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  LVAR_r = Red(PVAR_rgb)
  LVAR_g = Green(PVAR_rgb)
  LVAR_b = Blue(PVAR_rgb)
  LVAR_p = PVAR_percentage / 100
  LVAR_r = LVAR_r + (255 - LVAR_r) * LVAR_p
  LVAR_g = LVAR_g + (255 - LVAR_g) * LVAR_p
  LVAR_b = LVAR_b + (255 - LVAR_b) * LVAR_p
  ProcedureReturn RGB(LVAR_r, LVAR_g, LVAR_b)

Procedure.i PROC_populate_table_2(PVAR_wid.i, PVAR_gid.i)
  LVAR_html = ""
  LVAR_html = "<!DOCTYPE html>" + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "<HTML>" + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "<HEAD>" + #CRLF$
  ;{ Build the <STYLE>
  LVAR_html + "<STYLE TYPE='text/css'> " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "BODY {" + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "background-color: " + PROC_create_web_hex(GBL_layer_text) + "; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "color: " + PROC_create_web_hex(GBL_layer_alternate_text) + "; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "font-family: Arial;" + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "scroll = 'no';"
  LVAR_html +   "oncontextmenu = 'javascript:return false;'"
  LVAR_html + "} " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + ".button " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "{ " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */ " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "border: none; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "color: white; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "padding: 16px 32px; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "text-align: center; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "text-decoration: none; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "display: inline-block; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "font-size: 16px; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "margin: 0px 0px; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "transition-duration: 0.4s; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "cursor: pointer; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "} " + #CRLF$

  LVAR_html + ".button1 " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "{ " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "background-color: " + PROC_create_web_hex(GBL_layer_border) + "; " + #CRLF$ 
  LVAR_html +   "color: " + PROC_create_web_hex(GBL_layer_text) + "; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "border-left: 1px solid " + PROC_create_web_hex(PROC_tint_rgb(GBL_layer_border, 50)) + "; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "border-top: 1px solid " + PROC_create_web_hex(PROC_tint_rgb(GBL_layer_border, 50)) + "; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "border-right: 1px solid " + PROC_create_web_hex(PROC_tint_rgb(GBL_layer_border, 50)) + "; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "} " + #CRLF$

  LVAR_html + ".button1:hover " + #CRLF$ 
  LVAR_html + "{ " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html +   "background-color: " + PROC_create_web_hex(PROC_tint_rgb(GBL_layer_border, 50)) + "; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "color: " + PROC_create_web_hex(GBL_layer_text) + "; " + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "} " + #CRLF$

  LVAR_html + "</STYLE>" + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "</HEAD>" + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "<body scroll = 'no' oncontextmenu = 'javascript:return false;'>" + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "<button class=" + #DQUOTE$ + "button button1" + #DQUOTE$ + " onclick='window.location=" + #DQUOTE$ +"btn_1" + #DQUOTE$ + "'>Button 2</button>" + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "<button class=" + #DQUOTE$ + "button button1" + #DQUOTE$ + " onclick='window.location=" + #DQUOTE$ +"btn_2" + #DQUOTE$ + "'>Button 2</button>" + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "<button class=" + #DQUOTE$ + "button button1" + #DQUOTE$ + " onclick='window.location=" + #DQUOTE$ +"btn_3" + #DQUOTE$ + "'>Button 3</button>" + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "<button class=" + #DQUOTE$ + "button button1" + #DQUOTE$ + " onclick='window.location=" + #DQUOTE$ +"btn_4" + #DQUOTE$ + "'>Button 4</button>" + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "<button class=" + #DQUOTE$ + "button button1" + #DQUOTE$ + " onclick='window.location=" + #DQUOTE$ +"btn_5" + #DQUOTE$ + "'>Button 5</button>" + #CRLF$

  LVAR_html + "</BODY>" + #CRLF$
  LVAR_html + "</HTML>"
  Debug LVAR_html
  SetGadgetItemText(PVAR_gid, #PB_Web_HtmlCode, LVAR_html)
  ; hook webgadget events
  SetGadgetAttribute(PVAR_gid, #PB_Web_NavigationCallback, @PROC_display_main_table_events())
  ;SetGadgetAttribute(fld_wp_view_grid, #PB_Web_BlockPopupMenu,1)
  ; repaint the calling window


Procedure.l PROC_display_main_table_events(gadget, url.s)
  Debug "PROC_display_main_table_events()"
  Debug "Raw LINK : " + url
  ; ------------------------------------------------------
  ; format data passed by hyperlink
  ; ------------------------------------------------------
  ; first remove about or blank - inserted by browser
  ; ------------------------------------------------------
  link.s = RemoveString(url, "about:", #PB_String_NoCase)
  link = RemoveString(link, "blank", #PB_String_NoCase)
  Debug link

WNDW_main.i = OpenWindow(#PB_Any, 0, 0, 1000, 400, "A window", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered)

If WNDW_main
  LVAR_ww.i = WindowWidth(WNDW_main)
  LVAR_wh.i = WindowHeight(WNDW_main)
  Global fld_main_table.i = WebGadget(#PB_Any, 15, 15, LVAR_ww -30, LVAR_wh-30, "")
  WNDW_main_quit.i = #False
  PROC_populate_table_2(WNDW_main, fld_main_table )

  LVAR_event.i = WaitWindowEvent()
  Select LVAR_event
    Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
      WNDW_main_quit = #True
Until WNDW_main_quit = #True
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