I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

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I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by vmars316 »

Hello & Thanks ;
I can't figure this out :
Program :
Reads in an .html file one line at time into OneLine$ .
Appends OneLine$ at a time into OutputString$ .
Reads OutputString$ and Inserts a Chr(13) after each ">" .
Writes each Line into EditorArea .
Then writes each line into "HtmlLinesSplitAtGT.html" .

The problem is that is doesn't write out the last 3 lines ,
<div id="bg_popup-container"></div>

Thanks for your help .
Here is the input file :

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><meta content="text/html; ">
<!--  http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/forum/6-css/  -->
body {
     background-color: rgb(113, 30 , 19);
table {
border-style: none;  
tr {
border-style: none;  

.trBetween {


.td1 {
color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
vertical-align: top;
width: 50%;
font-size: 17px;
//border-color: white white rgb(246, 244, 242) white; 
//border-width: 2px;
background-color: rgb(232, 230 , 228);

.td2 {
color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
vertical-align: top;
width: 50%;
font-size: 18px;
//border-color: white white rgb(246, 244, 242) white; 
//border-width: 2px;
background-color: rgb(246, 244, 242); }
<h6 style="text-align: center; color: rgb(246, 244, 242);">Jesus's-Words-Only.html</h6>

<table style="text-align: left; width: 100%;">

<td class="td1" contenteditable="false" style="text-align: center;"> 
Hover over Bible references in this column 
<br>to see the GNT version .
<td class="td2" contenteditable="false" style="text-align: center;"> 
Jesus's words in ESV in this column .

<tr class="trBetween">&nbsp;</tr>
<td class="td1" contenteditable="false" style="vertical-align: top;"> 
The Young Jesus at the Temple (Luke 2:41-52) To His parents looking for Him, Jesus said.
<td class="td2" contenteditable="false" style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(246, 244, 242); "> 
Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?

<tr class="trBetween">&nbsp;</tr>

<td class="td1" contenteditable="false" style="vertical-align: top;"> 
John Baptizes Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-3, John 1:33-4) John protests.
<td class="td2" contenteditable="false" style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(246, 244, 242); "> 
Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.

<script src="https://www.biblegateway.com/public/link-to-us/tooltips/bglinks.js" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
BGLinks.version = "GNT";
<div id="bg_popup-container"></div>
AND here is program code :

Code: Select all

; ReadAll-CollectAsOneString-Missing(body)(html).pb 
; https://www.purebasic.fr/english/viewforum.php?f=13 
Global OneLine$ , OutputString$ , HtmlLineIn$ 
Global StartingHtmlElement$ = "<td" , EndingHtmlElement$ = "</td>"
Global LEN_StartingHtmlElement = Len(StartingHtmlElement$) , LEN_EndingHtmlElement = Len(EndingHtmlElement$)
Global Starting_HitsCount , Ending_HitsCount , OutputLines$
Global OpenWindow_0 , EditorArea , EditorAreaItemsCOUNT , StartTagStr , EndTagStr , CollectBtn ,
       SaveAsHtmlBtn , CollectWithinBtn , ExitBtn , HelpBtn , OpenInputBtn , 
       OpenThisFilename$  , EndOfProgram$ = "no" , InputFileIsOpen = 0 ,Result = 0 , 
       OutputFileName$ , OutputFileIsOpen = 0 , CurrentDIR$ = GetCurrentDirectory() , 
       HtmlHeader$  = "<!DOCTYPE html>" + Chr(10) + "<html>" + Chr(10) + "<head>" + Chr(10) +    
                      "<meta charset=" + Chr(34) + "UTF-8" + Chr(34) + ">" + Chr(10) +  
                      "<meta name=" + Chr(34) + "viewport"  + Chr(34) + "content="  + Chr(34) + "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" + Chr(34) + ">" + Chr(10) + Chr(13) + 
                      "<title></title>" + Chr(10) + "</head>" + Chr(10) +  
                      "<body>" ,
       HtmlTrailer$ = "</body></html>" , LengthOutputString = 0 , GtPosition = 0 , MidStringResult$ , 
       CollectWithinElement$ = "NO"  
Declare OpenInputFile()
Declare SaveFileAs()
Declare SplitOutputStringAT()
Declare WriteEditorAreaToFile()
Procedure OpenWindow_0(x = 0, y = 0, width = 600, height = 575)
  Window_0 = OpenWindow(#PB_Any, x, y, 600, 575, "Collect Html by Element", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget| #PB_Window_TitleBar  | #PB_Window_SizeGadget | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered )
  FirstContainer = ContainerGadget(#PB_Any, 10, 6, 580, 64, #PB_Container_Single )
  StartTagStr = StringGadget(#PB_Any, 16, 6, 60, 25, "<td")
  GadgetToolTip(StartTagStr, "Enter START TAG  <p  gets better results than  <p>")
  SetGadgetColor(StartTagStr, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor,RGB(64,0,64))
  EndTagStr = StringGadget(#PB_Any, 89, 6, 60, 25, "</td>")
  GadgetToolTip(EndTagStr, "Enter Full End Tag , like this </p> .")
  SetGadgetColor(EndTagStr, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor,RGB(0,0,0))
  SetGadgetColor(EndTagStr, #PB_Gadget_BackColor,RGB(255,255,255))
  CollectBtn = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, 180, 6, 120, 25, "Collect Elements")
  GadgetToolTip(CollectBtn, "Collect Elements , show in EditArea Below .")
  CollectWithinBtn = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, 180, 34, 150, 25, "Collect Within Elements")
  GadgetToolTip(CollectWithinBtn, "Collect Stuff WITHIN the Element Tag , show in EditArea Below .")
  SaveAsHtmlBtn = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, 320, 6, 86, 25, "Save As Html")
  GadgetToolTip(SaveAsHtmlBtn, "Looking Good , Save It NOW !")
  ExitBtn = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, 436, 6, 80, 25, "Exit") 
  GadgetToolTip(ExitBtn, "Exit This Program , Bye , Bye !  :)  .")
  HelpBtn = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, 526, 6, 40, 25, "?")
  GadgetToolTip(HelpBtn, "Show Program HELP File In Browsr.")
  EditorArea = EditorGadget(#PB_Any, 10, 80, 580, 475, #ES_MULTILINE|#ES_AUTOVSCROLL|#WS_VSCROLL|#WS_HSCROLL ) 
  GadgetToolTip(EditorArea, "This Is Where We Build The Html Page")
 EndProcedure ; OpenWindow_0  
 Procedure OpenInputFile() ; |All files (*.*)|*.*
   MessageRequester("  " , " OpenInputFile() " )
;  MessageRequester("" , "CurrentDIR$ = " + CurrentDIR$ ) 
   OpenThisFilename$ = "Jesus'sWordsOnly-3-Rows-RO.html"
   Goto SkipOpenFileRequester
   InputFileIsOpen = InputFileIsOpen + 1 
   If InputFileIsOpen > 1 : CloseFile(2) : InputFileIsOpen = 0
  StandardFile$ = GetCurrentDirectory()   ; set initial file+path to display
  Pattern$ = "Html (*.html)|*.html;*.html|Text (*.txt)|*.txt"
  Pattern = 0    ; use the first of the three possible patterns as standard
  OpenThisFilename$ = OpenFileRequester("Please choose file to load", StandardFile$, Pattern$, Pattern)
  If OpenThisFilename$
    MessageRequester("Information", "You have selected following file:" + Chr(10) + OpenThisFilename$, 0)
    MessageRequester("Information", "The requester was canceled.", 0) 
ReadFile(2, OpenThisFilename$) 
OneLine$ = ReadString(2 ) ;=====================================================================

If OneLine$ = "<!--StartMessageHere-->" : ShowMessageRequester$ = "yes" : EndIf 
If ShowMessageRequester$ = "yes" 
  MessageRequester(" OneLine$ " , " OneLine$ " + OneLine$ ) 

OutputString$ = OutputString$ + OneLine$ 
Until Eof(2)
EndProcedure ; OpenInputFile()
Procedure SplitOutputStringAT() ; OutputString$ 

  LengthOutputString = Len(OutputString$)
  GtPosition = 1
  LastGtPosition = 1
  GtPosition = FindString(OutputString$, ">" , GtPosition )
  GtPosition = GtPosition + 1
  MidStringResult$ = Mid(OutputString$, LastGtPosition , GtPosition - LastGtPosition )
  LastGtPosition = GtPosition + 1
  AddGadgetItem(EditorArea ,-1 , MidStringResult$)
  OutputString$ = InsertString(OutputString$ , Chr(13) , GtPosition)
Until GtPosition + 2 > LengthOutputString 
; NO File to Close 
EndProcedure ; SplitOutputStringAT()
Procedure WriteEditorAreaToFile() 
    EditorAreaItemsCOUNT = CountGadgetItems(EditorArea)
    If CreateFile(1, "HtmlLinesSplitAtGT.html") ; If file can be created... 
      For k = 0 To EditorAreaItemsCOUNT - 1
        WriteStringN(1, GetGadgetItemText(EditorArea, k ) ) 
;        WriteStringN(1, HtmlTrailer$ ) 
    MessageRequester("OpenFile(1,  ", "Can't Open File = " + OutputFileName$ )    
EndProcedure ; WriteEditorAreaToFile()
  Select WaitWindowEvent() 
    Case #PB_Event_Gadget 

    Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow : End 
Until event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow 
vmars.us Win11 x64 , Martin Guitar 000-16 (1995)
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Re: I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by infratec »

Very bad that your code is not compilable :(
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Re: I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by infratec »

Code: Select all

Procedure SplitOutputStringAT() ; OutputString$
  Protected GtPosition.i, LastGtPosition.i, MidStringResult$
  GtPosition = 1
  LastGtPosition = 1
    GtPosition = FindString(OutputString$, ">" , GtPosition )
    If GtPosition
      GtPosition = GtPosition + 1
      MidStringResult$ = Mid(OutputString$, LastGtPosition , GtPosition - LastGtPosition)
      MidStringResult$ = Trim(MidStringResult$, #CR$)
      MidStringResult$ = Trim(MidStringResult$, #LF$)
      LastGtPosition = GtPosition
      AddGadgetItem(EditorArea, -1, MidStringResult$)
      OutputString$ = InsertString(OutputString$, #CR$, GtPosition)
  Until GtPosition = 0
  ; NO File to Close
EndProcedure ; SplitOutputStringAT()
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Re: I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by vmars316 »

Thank you very much !
I have never used the Trim or Protected before .

From the Html.help :
Protected allows a variable to be accessed only in a Procedure even if the same variable has been declared as Global in the main program. Protected in its function is often known as 'Local' from other BASIC dialects. Each variable can have a default value directly assigned to it. If a type is specified after Protected, the default type is changed for this declaration. Protected can also be used with arrays, lists and maps.

The value of the local variable will be reinitialized at each procedure call. To avoid this, you can use the keyword Static, to separate global from local variables while keeping their values.
Example: With variable

Global a
a = 10

Procedure Change()
Protected a
a = 20

Debug a ; Will print 10, as the variable has been protected.

"Protected allows a variable to be accessed only in a Procedure "
But the example seems to show that it can't be changed within a procedure .
Does the declared as a Global change that behavior ?
vmars.us Win11 x64 , Martin Guitar 000-16 (1995)
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Re: I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by Demivec »

vmars316 wrote: Example: With variable

Global a
a = 10

Procedure Change()
Protected a
a = 20

Debug a ; Will print 10, as the variable has been protected.

"Protected allows a variable to be accessed only in a Procedure "
But the example seems to show that it can't be changed within a procedure .
Add 'Debug a' in the procedure to see the value in the procedure. The whole point is that there are two separate variables with separate values even though they have the same name if 'Protected' is used. It also shows that a Global variable's scope can be excluded from a procedure if desired
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Re: I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by infratec »

To avoid trouble use

Code: Select all

At beginning of the code.

General I always use Protected in a Procedure when the variable is only used inside of the Procedure.
This avoids also very long searching for a bug if you have unfortunately 2 variables with the same name.

I also don't use Global if I can avoid it.
And in most times you can avoid it :wink:
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Re: I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by vmars316 »

Demivec wrote:
vmars316 wrote: Example: With variable

Global a
a = 10

Procedure Change()
Protected a
a = 20

Debug a ; Will print 10, as the variable has been protected.

"Protected allows a variable to be accessed only in a Procedure "
But the example seems to show that it can't be changed within a procedure .
Add 'Debug a' in the procedure to see the value in the procedure. The whole point is that there are two separate variables with separate values even though they have the same name if 'Protected' is used. It also shows that a Global variable's scope can be excluded from a procedure if desired
Ok , I see . Thanks
vmars.us Win11 x64 , Martin Guitar 000-16 (1995)
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Re: I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by vmars316 »

infratec wrote:To avoid trouble use

Code: Select all

At beginning of the code.

General I always use Protected in a Procedure when the variable is only used inside of the Procedure.
This avoids also very long searching for a bug if you have unfortunately 2 variables with the same name.

I also don't use Global if I can avoid it.
And in most times you can avoid it :wink:
Thanks infratec .
vmars.us Win11 x64 , Martin Guitar 000-16 (1995)
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Re: I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by Kiffi »

vmars316 wrote:
infratec wrote:To avoid trouble use

Code: Select all

Thanks infratec .
I'm having a déjà vu.
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Re: I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by skywalk »

EnableExplicit should be ON by default! :evil:
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Re: I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by Caronte3D »

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Re: I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by vmars316 »

Now I see more:

Code: Select all

;Example: With variable

Global a
a = 10

Procedure Change()
Protected a
a = 20
Debug a 
Procedure ChangeAgain()
Protected a
a = 30
Debug a 

Debug a ; Will print 10, as the variable has been protected.

;"Protected allows a variable to be accessed only in a Procedure "
;But the example seems To show that it can't be changed within a procedure .

vmars.us Win11 x64 , Martin Guitar 000-16 (1995)
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Re: I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by infratec »

To avoid Global, which is dangerous, use a structure with all your 'global' stuff:

Code: Select all

EnableExplicit  ; you still didn't use it ;)

Structure MyEverywhereNeededVariablesStructure

Global a.i

Procedure Change()
  Protected a.i
  a = 20
  Debug a
Procedure ChangeAgain()
  Protected a.i
  a = 30
  Debug a

Procedure ChangeMyEverywhereNeededVariables(*Variables.MyEverywhereNeededVariablesStructure)
  Protected a.i
  a = 40
  Debug a
  *Variables\a = 20

Define MyEverywhereNeededVariables.MyEverywhereNeededVariablesStructure

MyEverywhereNeededVariables\a = 10

a = 10
Debug a
Debug "---"
Debug MyEverywhereNeededVariables\a
Debug MyEverywhereNeededVariables\a
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Re: I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by vmars316 »

Very cool .
Thanks !
vmars.us Win11 x64 , Martin Guitar 000-16 (1995)
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Re: I need another set of eyes , mine not working so good .

Post by Saki »

Hi vmars316

Globals are a mighty feature !

But it's very dangerous.
Coding without EnableExplicit is a stupid thing to do, sorry, no offense, but it's a fact !

You can also make it so, that you have global variable
e.g. always writes like this or similar marked :

Code: Select all

My_Variable = 100 ; Local

My_Variable__ = 100 ; Global

My_Variable$ = "100" ; Local

My_Variable__$ = "100" ; Global
So you can simple ever found all globals.

But you should to do what you're told.
If you don't do that you will always fail and people will not help you anymore, because you ignore their friendly advice.

Best regards Saki
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