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Virtual Keyboard

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 6:23 pm
by Lima
It is possible to have a virtual keyboard in PB such as
'Free Virtual Keyboard on, among others?
My main question is how to send the pressed key to the active field of any application.

My thanks in advance to anyone who devotes some time to this matter.

Re: Virtual Keyboard

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 6:59 pm
by Sicro
Have a look at my post signature:

Re: Virtual Keyboard

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 8:58 pm
by Lima
Thank you very much Sicro.
But I think that I can't solve the problem with that software.
The clicked key must go to the application that has the focus at the moment of the click.


Re: Virtual Keyboard

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 12:38 pm
by Sicro
Lima wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 8:58 pm But I think that I can't solve the problem with that software.
The clicked key must go to the application that has the focus at the moment of the click.
The trick now is to create a virtual keyboard window that doesn't steal focus from other windows.

Here is a code that creates a virtual keyboard with the letter keys "a" and "b":

Code: Select all

IncludeFile "Path to PB-CodeArchiv-Rebirth/Keyboard_Mouse/SimulateKeyboardMouseInputs.pbi"

Enumeration Window

Enumeration Gadget

If Not OpenWindow(#Window_Main, 0, 0, 160, 100, "Virtual Keyboard")
  Debug "Error: OpenWindow"

; Prevent the window from being activated (getting the focus)
exStyle = GetWindowLong_(WindowID(#Window_Main), #GWL_EXSTYLE)
SetWindowLong_(WindowID(#Window_Main), #GWL_EXSTYLE, exStyle | #WS_EX_NOACTIVATE)

; Set window always on top of all other open windows
StickyWindow(#Window_Main, #True)

ButtonGadget(#Button_a, 15, 20, 50, 50, "a")
ButtonGadget(#Button_b, 95, 20, 50, 50, "b")

  event = WaitWindowEvent()
  If event = #PB_Event_Gadget
    Select EventGadget()
      Case #Button_a
        Simulate::ComputerKey('A', #True)
        Simulate::ComputerKey('A', #False)
      Case #Button_b
        Simulate::ComputerKey('B', #True)
        Simulate::ComputerKey('B', #False)
Until event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow

Re: Virtual Keyboard

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 1:56 pm
by Lima
You're right Sicro.
The solution was in your module.
This was the big problem "The trick now is to create a virtual keyboard window that doesn't steal focus from other windows"

My big thanks to you.

Re: Virtual Keyboard

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 8:31 pm
by Lima
(PureBasic 5.73,Win 10, Portuguese keyboard)

With the code below I get Ã.
But the Chr(191)="¿" and Chr(126)="~".
Is it possible to match the character that the key displays and the Sendinput function?

Thank you

Code: Select all

OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 300,200, "Virtual Keyboard")
ButtonGadget(10, 15, 55, 50, 30,"Test")

SetWindowLong_(WindowID(0), #GWL_EXSTYLE,  GetWindowLong_(WindowID(0), #GWL_EXSTYLE) | #WS_EX_NOACTIVATE)

; Set window always on top of all other open windows
StickyWindow(0, #True)


Debug "Tilde= "+Asc("~");  =126
Debug "Chr(191)= "+Chr(191);  = ¿

  event = WaitWindowEvent()
  Select event 
      Case #PB_Event_Gadget
   Select EventGadget()
      Case 10
        TipTap\Type = #INPUT_KEYBOARD
            TipTap\ki\wVk =191
            TipTap\ki\dwFlags = 0
         SendInput_(1, @TipTap, SizeOf(INPUT))
;          TipTap\ki\wVk = 191
            TipTap\ki\dwFlags = #KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
            SendInput_(1, @TipTap, SizeOf(INPUT))
             TipTap\ki\wVk = #VK_LSHIFT
            TipTap\ki\dwFlags = 0
            SendInput_(1, @TipTap, SizeOf(INPUT))
            TipTap\ki\wVk ='A'
            TipTap\ki\dwFlags = 0
         SendInput_(1, @TipTap, SizeOf(INPUT))
;          TipTap\ki\wVk = 'A'
            TipTap\ki\dwFlags = #KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
            SendInput_(1, @TipTap, SizeOf(INPUT))
            TipTap\ki\wVk = #VK_LSHIFT
            TipTap\ki\dwFlags =  #KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
            SendInput_(1, @TipTap, SizeOf(INPUT))

  Until event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow

Re: Virtual Keyboard

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:41 pm
by Sicro
Try this code:

Code: Select all

IncludeFile "Path to PB-CodeArchiv-Rebirth/Keyboard_Mouse/SendKeys[Win].pbi"

OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 300,200, "Virtual Keyboard")
ButtonGadget(10, 15, 55, 50, 30,"Test")

SetWindowLong_(WindowID(0), #GWL_EXSTYLE,  GetWindowLong_(WindowID(0), #GWL_EXSTYLE) | #WS_EX_NOACTIVATE)

; Set window always on top of all other open windows
StickyWindow(0, #True)

Debug "Tilde= "+Asc("~");  =126
Debug "Chr(191)= "+Chr(191);  = ¿

  event = WaitWindowEvent()
  Select event
    Case #PB_Event_Gadget
      Select EventGadget()
        Case 10
          SendKeys(Chr(191) + "A")

Until event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow

Re: Virtual Keyboard

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 12:25 pm
by Lima
Hello Sicro.
It works. Now I can send the ascii code of the key that the result matches.

Thank you for the help.

Re: Virtual Keyboard

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 6:50 am
by Sicro
Glad to hear it. Then I know why it didn't work with the other module and can fix it.