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QEdit = EditorGadget (Access to QTextCursor)

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:33 pm
by ccode
how to access internal QT class structures / members ("Probably used by PureBasic?)

(Move cursor)
QTextCursor :: position
(setPosition, movePosition, ...)

Maybe not implemented yet ? (For QTScript)


And I need examples of:


It is working:

Code: Select all

test = 12
Runtime test
QtScript(~"runtime.set(\"test\", 24)")
Debug test
Can I use that for any other internal QT stuff?

So far you can only get a lot, but how can you adjust that (set) ?
For example: (It is working)

Code: Select all

test = "12"
Runtime test
QtScript(~"runtime.set(\"test\", gadget(1).pos);")
Debug test
QtScript(~"var p = \"3, 5\"; gadget(1).pos = p; runtime.set(\"test\", p);")
Debug test
QtScript(~"runtime.set(\"test\", gadget(1).pos);")
How can I use QPoint, QCursor, ...?
Is this usable via QML in PureBasic?