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Word Count

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:13 pm
by spacebuddy
Procedure.i CountWords(a$) ;-Count Words

While FindString(a$,Chr(10),0)
a$=ReplaceString(a$,Chr(10)," ")

While FindString(a$,Chr(13),0)
a$=ReplaceString(a$,Chr(13)," ")

While FindString(a$," ",0)
a$=ReplaceString(a$," "," ")

If (Len(a$)>0)
numwords=CountString(Trim(a$)," ")+1
numwords=CountString(Trim(a$)," ")

ProcedureReturn numwords

I have a routine that counts the number of words in a document. The problem it is a little slow on bigger documents. Can anyone convert this code to asm (x64)
to see if it would be faster :D

Re: Word Count

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:49 pm
by Demivec
spacebuddy wrote:The problem it is a little slow on bigger documents. Can anyone convert this code to asm (x64)
to see if it would be faster :D
I can't help you with an asm version. It was slow for many reasons. Some I fixed in the code below. See if it works for you.

Code: Select all

Procedure.i CountWords(a$) ;-Count Words
  ReplaceString(a$,Chr(10)," ", #PB_String_InPlace)
  ReplaceString(a$,Chr(13)," ", #PB_String_InPlace)
  While FindString(a$,"  ",0)
    a$=ReplaceString(a$,"  "," ")
  If (Len(a$)>0)
    numwords=CountString(a$," ")+1
  ProcedureReturn numwords 

Re: Word Count

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:56 pm
by spacebuddy
Thanks Demivec :D

I have old computer and very slow, I will test to see if it helps

Re: Word Count

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:25 pm
by Demivec
Here's the simple test code I used:

Code: Select all

Procedure.i CountWords(a$) ;-Count Words
  ReplaceString(a$,Chr(10)," ", #PB_String_InPlace)
  ReplaceString(a$,Chr(13)," ", #PB_String_InPlace)
  While FindString(a$,"  ",0)
    a$=ReplaceString(a$,"  "," ")
  If (Len(a$)>0)
    numwords=CountString(a$," ")+1
  ProcedureReturn numwords 

filename$ = OpenFileRequester("", "", "Text (*.txt)|*.txt;", 1)
If filename$
  ReadFile(1, filename$)
  a$ = ReadString(1, #PB_File_IgnoreEOL)

If a$
  t1 = ElapsedMilliseconds()
  c = CountWords(a$)
  t2 = ElapsedMilliseconds() - t1
  MessageRequester("Results", "For file: '" + GetFilePart(f$) +"', found " + c + " words in " + t2 + " ms.")
I have a faster computer and I tested it with a 1418 KB file. It found 237209 words in 74 ms.

I tested the same file with your procedure and I aborted the program after 4 minutes of waiting. :)

Re: Word Count

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:48 pm
by IdeasVacuum
Huh? PB's CountString() will find a partial string or a whole word, so there should be no need to worry about other chars.

For speed, assuming you are working with files, load the file into a memory buffer and then use CountString() directly on the buffer.

Re: Word Count

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:29 pm
by spacebuddy
My system q6600 with 1Gig of ram. Everything run slow :oops:

Re: Word Count

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:17 am
by IdeasVacuum
.... the bottleneck would be how you load the file, once loaded, everything should be fast. How big are the files that need to be searched?

Re: Word Count

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:30 am
by spacebuddy
IdeasVacuum wrote:.... the bottleneck would be how you load the file, once loaded, everything should be fast. How big are the files that need to be searched?
Files are around 100-200MB, this includes pictures and text. Loading is not problem :)

Re: Word Count

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 6:21 am
by Danilo
Pictures is binary data, and using strings of 100MB to 200MB does not make sense with
functions like 'a$=ReplaceString(a$," "," ")', because that creates/allocates a new string
of the big size, before it releases the old string. Same for 'CountString(Trim(a$)," ")', which
would create a new trimmed string of 100MB to 200MB first, and then it would count the
words within this big string. But counting spaces within binary data doesn't make much sense anyway?

Re: Word Count

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 6:30 am
by spacebuddy
Danilo, this could be big problem for me, now sure how to fix :cry:

Re: Word Count

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 6:46 am
by Danilo
What about loading it as binary data into a memory buffer? Then, search the buffer for spaces (Byte value 32).
Depends on the type of data. If it's text files, it depends on how the files are saved (ASCII or Unicode). For pictures,
or other binary data, I don't understand why you want to count space characters in it (.jpg, .png, .bmp)?

Re: Word Count

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:53 am
by wilbert
It was a bit of a puzzle to create but I hope this works for you.
It should work on x64 and x86, both ascii and unicode.

Code: Select all

Procedure.l CountWords(*Text.Character); Requires SSE
  ; init some mmx registers
  !mov eax, 1
  !movd mm4, eax        ; mm4 = previous comparison result
  !pxor mm3, mm3        ; mm3 = 0
  !movq mm2, mm4        ; mm2 = counter
  !mov eax, 0x200d0a09
  !movd mm1, eax
  !punpcklbw mm1, mm3   ; mm1 = separation characters (tab, lf, cr, space)
  !movq mm0, mm4        ; mm0 = working register
  CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64
    !mov rdx, [p.p_Text]
    !mov edx, [p.p_Text]
  !jmp countwords_entry
  ; main loop
  ; compare character with separation chars
  !pshufw mm0, mm5, 0
  !pcmpeqw mm0, mm1
  !psrlw mm0, 15
  !psadbw mm0, mm3
  ; at this time mm0 = 1 if a separation char is found otherwise 0
  !pandn mm4, mm0
  !paddd mm2, mm4
  ; make a copy of the comparison result
  !movq mm4, mm0
  ; entry point for first character
  CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Unicode
    CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64
      !movzx eax, word [rdx]
      !add rdx, 2
      !movzx eax, word [edx]
      !add edx, 2
    CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64
      !movzx eax, byte [rdx]
      !add rdx, 1
      !movzx eax, byte [edx]
      !add edx, 1
  !movd mm5, eax
  ; loop if not end of string
  !and ax, ax
  !jnz countwords_loop
  ; correct counter if last character was a separation character
  !psubd mm2, mm0
  ; set result and empty mmx state
  !movd eax, mm2

Code: Select all

S.s = "This is a test string"
Debug CountWords(@S)

Re: Word Count

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:37 am
by Danilo
wilbert's code translated to PB syntax:

Code: Select all

Procedure.l CountWords(*Text.Character)
    Protected wordCount
    If *Text
        While *text\c
            c.c = *text\c                                                    ; get current character
            If c = #TAB Or c = 32 Or c = #CR Or c = #LF                      ; If current char is TAB, SPACE, CR, LF
                *text + SizeOf(Character)                                    ;     ignore it
                Continue                                                     ;     Continue
            Else                                                             ; Else
                wordCount + 1                                                ;     wordCount + 1
                While c And c <> #TAB And c <> 32 And c <> #CR And c <> #LF  ;     take all characters, except: TAB, SPACE, CR, LF, 0
                    *text + SizeOf(Character)                                ;
                    c.c = *text\c                                            ;
                Wend                                                         ;
            EndIf                                                            ; EndIf
    ProcedureReturn wordCount

S.s = "This is a test string"
S.s + #TAB$+Space(10)+#TAB$+#CRLF$+#TAB$+"a bcd"+#LF$+#LFCR$+#CRLF$+Space(10)
Debug CountWords(@S)

Re: Word Count

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 6:50 pm
by davido

Thank you for sharing. :D
Both are neater and faster than the one I have been using.

Both are fast enough, but wilbert's is about 4x faster on my machine.

Re: Word Count

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:21 pm
by spacebuddy
Wilbert, I tested this on my machine and it is smoking fast :D