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ASM Write to *Buffer

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:42 pm
by nco2k
a total asm-newbie question.

i need to copy some values to a buffer.

this (pseudocode) works:

Code: Select all

  Structure Buffer
  Protected Buffer.Buffer
  !MOV DWORD [p.v_Buffer], EAX
  !MOV DWORD [p.v_Buffer + 4], EBX
  !MOV DWORD [p.v_Buffer + 8], ECX
  Debug PeekL(@Buffer)
  Debug PeekL(@Buffer + 4)
  Debug PeekL(@Buffer + 8)
this (pseudocode) doesnt:

Code: Select all

  Protected *Buffer = AllocateMemory(12)
  !MOV DWORD [p.p_Buffer], EAX
  !MOV DWORD [p.p_Buffer + 4], EBX
  !MOV DWORD [p.p_Buffer + 8], ECX
  Debug PeekL(*Buffer)
  Debug PeekL(*Buffer + 4)
  Debug PeekL(*Buffer + 8)
can someone please explain what im doing wrong? :)

c ya,

Re: ASM Write to *Buffer

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:37 pm
by sys64802

Code: Select all

Procedure t()
 Protected *Buffer = AllocateMemory(12)
  !mov eax, [p.p_Buffer]
  !mov dword [eax], $ffffffff
  !mov dword [eax + 4], $fefefefe
  !mov dword [eax + 8], $fdfdfdfd 
  ShowMemoryViewer(*Buffer, 12)

You are writing in memory starting ad the address of the pointer variable, not at the address stored inside the pointer.

Re: ASM Write to *Buffer

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:30 am
by nco2k
cool thanks. :D

but i cant use eax, because eax-edx is filled with data that i need. is edi the right one in this case?

Code: Select all

Procedure t()
 Protected *Buffer = AllocateMemory(12)
  !mov edi, [p.p_Buffer]
  !mov eax, $ffffffff
  !mov ebx, $fefefefe
  !mov ecx, $fdfdfdfd
  !mov dword [edi], eax
  !mov dword [edi + 4], ebx
  !mov dword [edi + 8], ecx
  ShowMemoryViewer(*Buffer, 12)

c ya,

Re: ASM Write to *Buffer

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:44 am
by sys64802
According to the manual you can use eax, ecx and edx freely, but you need to preserve the others, so I think you should push edi (you can use the one you like, more or less) and then pop it before exit.

It should look this way:

Code: Select all

  !push edi
  !mov edi, [p.p_Buffer]
  !mov eax, $ffffffff
  !mov ebx, $fefefefe
  !mov ecx, $fdfdfdfd
  !mov dword [edi], eax
  !mov dword [edi + 4], ebx
  !mov dword [edi + 8], ecx
  !pop edi

but this doesn't work because by using push you alter the stack and PB defines the constant p.p_Buffer as an offset from the current stack pointer (esp).
So after your push you are reading a wrong value from a wrong place.

Code: Select all

; Procedure t()
  XOR    eax,eax
  PUSH   eax
; Protected *Buffer = AllocateMemory(12)
  PUSH   dword 12
  CALL  _PB_AllocateMemory@4
  MOV    dword [esp],eax

p.p_Buffer equ esp+0 ; here it is, esp+0

push edi ; esp changed

mov edi, [p.p_Buffer] ; reading from the wrong place

So you may do something like this:

Code: Select all

  !mov eax, [p.p_Buffer]
  !push edi
  !mov edi, eax
  !mov eax, $ffffffff
  !mov ebx, $fefefefe
  !mov ecx, $fdfdfdfd
  !mov dword [edi], eax
  !mov dword [edi + 4], ebx
  !mov dword [edi + 8], ecx
  !pop edi
Or even like this (but this is a little horrid and prone to errors)

Code: Select all

  !push edi
  !mov edi, [p.p_Buffer + 4] ; correct for the push
  !mov eax, $ffffffff
  !mov ebx, $fefefefe
  !mov ecx, $fdfdfdfd
  !mov dword [edi], eax
  !mov dword [edi + 4], ebx
  !mov dword [edi + 8], ecx
  !pop edi

Re: ASM Write to *Buffer

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:37 am
by nco2k
thanks a lot. very useful informations :)

c ya,

Re: ASM Write to *Buffer

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:50 am
by Keya
in this case it seems you dont need the stack and only need 2 registers if you do each value one-by-one rather than all-at-once? you'd probably have to use an approach more like this anyway if you had more data than the number of registers?

Code: Select all

! mov eax, [p.p_Buffer]
! mov ecx, $ffffffff
! mov dword [eax], ecx
! mov ecx, $fefefefe
! mov dword [eax+4], ecx
! mov ecx, $fdfdfdfd
! mov dword [eax+8], ecx
mines not a very good demo for learning anything about the stack though heehee (still learning here!)