String Memory Align because of SSE !PCMPISTRI

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String Memory Align because of SSE !PCMPISTRI

Post by SMaag »

Just for proof of concept I tried to use SSE !PCMPISTRI command to speed up String Functions.
For a first try I implemented String_Length and String_Compare

But !PCMPISTRI is a 16Byte Command, so it's possible to read outside the assigned memory of the string if the string is Alinged only 8 Bytes (or 4 Bytes at x32).
In my opinion this is not a problem as long as the 'OverRead Memory' is assigned to PureBasic. But can I be sure?

1. How StringMemory is aligned?
2. Is it possible to get the correct size of assigned StringMemory

Updated 2023/08/23 Proof of concept code
Updated 2024/01/03 16 Byte Problem

Now I understood the Problem. So it is not possible to use
PCMPISTRI safely if memroy is not aligned to 16Byte.

The Problem of 16 Byte operations on lower aligend memory

If we process 16 Bytes on lower aligned memory we may run into an overflow at the
end of meory pages when the end of String is located in the last bytes
of the memory page and the following page is not allocated to our process.
Yes this will happen very seldom but it can happen. So it is a source of
crashes may happen in years in the future. Because it can happen, it will happen!
It is only a question of time!

A memory page in x64 Systems is 4096 Bytes
We look on a 8 Byte aligned String at the end of memory page to show the problem

a String followed by a NullChar and a further NullChar then the page ends
EndOfString at Byte 4092..93 and a void 00
| ..... 'I am a String at the end of a memroy page' 0000|
if we process 16 Bytes at 8 Byte align starting at Byte 4088 we read until Byte 4103
we read 8 Bytes into the next page. Now it will crash if the next page is not
allocated to our process! We can use 16 Byte PCMPISTRI operation
only if we are not at the end of a memory page or we have a 16 Byte align memory.

Code: Select all

 ; Proof of concept code for SSE String functions in PureBasic

DeclareModule StrSSE
  ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ;- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  Declare.i SSE_LenAscii(*String)
  Declare.i SSE_LenStr(*String)
  Declare.i SSE_StringCompare(*String1, *String2)


Module StrSSE

  ;- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ;- Module Private
  ;- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  Procedure.i SSE_LenAscii(*String)
    ; ============================================================================
    ; NAME: SSE_LenAscii
    ; DESC: Length in number of characters of Ascii Strings
    ; DESC: Use SSE PCmpIStrI operation. This is aprox. 3 times faster than PB Len()
    ; VAR(*String): Pointer to String 1
    ; RET.i: Number of Characters
    ; ============================================================================
  	; IMM8[1:0]	= 00b
    ;	Src data is unsigned bytes(16 packed unsigned bytes)
  	; IMM8[3:2]	= 10b
    ; 	We are using Equal Each aggregation
  	; IMM8[5:4]	= 00b
    ;	Positive Polarity, IntRes2	= IntRes1
  	; IMM8[6]	= 0b
  	;	ECX contains the least significant set bit in IntRes2
    ; XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4
    ; XMM1 = [String1] : XMM2=[String2] : XMM3=WideCharMask
    CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_64Bit
      !MOV RDX, [p.p_String] 
      !PXOR XMM0, XMM0
      !MOV RAX, -16
        !ADD RAX, 16    
        !PCMPISTRI XMM0, [RDX+RAX], 0001010b ; EQUAL_EACH, Unis
      !JNZ loop_strLenAscii
      ; ECX will contain the offset from edx+eax where the first null
    	; terminating character was found.
      !ADD RAX, RCX    
      !MOV EDX, [p.p_String] 
      !PXOR XMM0, XMM0
      !MOV EAX, -16
        !ADD EAX, 16    
        !PCMPISTRI XMM0, [EDX+EAX], 0001000b ; EQUAL_EACH
      !JNZ loop_strLenAscii
      ; ECX will contain the offset from edx+eax where the first null
    	; terminating character was found.
      !ADD EAX, ECX
  Procedure.i SSE_LenStr(*String)
    ; ============================================================================
    ; NAME: SSE_LenStr
    ; DESC: Length in number of characters of 2-Byte Char Strings
    ; DESC: Use SSE PCmpIStrI operation. This is aprox. 3 times faster than PB Len()
    ; VAR(*String): Pointer to String
    ; RET.i: Number of Characters
    ; ============================================================================
  	; IMM8[1:0]	= 00b
  	;	Src data is unsigned bytes(16 packed unsigned bytes)
  	; IMM8[3:2]	= 10b
  	; 	We are using Equal Each aggregation
  	; IMM8[5:4]	= 00b
  	;	Positive Polarity, IntRes2	= IntRes1
  	; IMM8[6]	= 0b
  	;	ECX contains the least significant set bit in IntRes2
    ; XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4
    ; XMM1 = [String1] : XMM2=[String2] : XMM3=WideCharMask
    CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_64Bit 
      !MOV RDX, [p.p_String] 
      !PXOR XMM0, XMM0
      !MOV RAX, -16
        !ADD RAX, 16
        !PCMPISTRI XMM0, XMM1, 0001001b  ; EQUAL_EACH WORD
      !JNZ loop_strlen
      ; RCX will contain the offset from RDX+RAX where the first null
    	; terminating character was found.
      !SHR RAX, 1
      !ADD RAX, RCX
      !MOV EDX, [p.p_String] 
      !PXOR XMM0, XMM0
      !MOV EAX, -16
        !ADD EAX, 16
        !PCMPISTRI XMM0, XMM1, 0001001b  ; EQUAL_EACH WORD
      !JNZ loop_strlen
      ; RCX will contain the offset from edx+eax where the first null
      ; terminating character was found.
      !SHR EAX, 1
      !ADD EAX, ECX
  Procedure.i SSE_StringCompare(*String1, *String2)
    ; ============================================================================
    ; NAME: SSE_StringCompare
    ; DESC: Compares 2 Strings with SSE operation (PCmpIStrI)
    ; VAR(*String1): Pointer to String 1
    ; VAR(*String2): Pointer to String 2
    ; RET.i: 0 = (S1=S2), >0 = (S1>S2), <0 = (S1<S2)
    ; ============================================================================
    ; XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4
    ; XMM1 = [String1] : XMM2=[String2]
    CompilerIf #PB_Backend_Asm
      CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_64Bit 
        !MOV RAX, [p.p_String1]
        !MOV RDX, [p.p_String2]
        ; Subtract s2(RDX) from s1(RAX). This admititedly looks odd, but we
      	; can now use RDX to index into s1 and s2. As we adjust RDX to move
      	; forward into s2, we can then add RDX to RAX and this will give us
      	; the comparable offset into s1 i.e. if we take RDX + 16 then:
      	;	RDX     = RDX + 16		        = RDX + 16
      	;	RAX+RDX	= RAX -RDX + RDX + 16	= RAX + 16
      	; therefore RDX points to s2 + 16 and RAX + RDX points to s1 + 16.
      	; We only need one index, convoluted but effective.
      	!SUB RAX, RDX
      	!SUB RDX, 16		; Avoid extra jump in main loop 
         	!ADD	RDX, 16
        	; IMM8[1:0]	= 00b
        	  ;	00b: Src data is unsigned bytes(16 packed unsigned bytes)
         	  ;	01b: Src data is unsigned words( 8 packed unsigned words)
         	; IMM8[3:2]	= 10b
        	; 	We are using Equal Each aggregation
        	; IMM8[5:4]	= 01b
        	;	Negative Polarity, IntRes2	= -1 XOR IntRes1
        	; IMM8[6]	= 0b
        	;	RCX contains the least significant set bit in IntRes2  	
        	; Loop while ZF=0 and CF=0:
        	;	1) We find a null in s1(RDX+RAX) ZF=1
        	;	2) We find a char that does not match CF=1  	
        !JA	strcmpLoop ; IF CF=0 And ZF=0     	
      	; Jump if CF=1, we found a mismatched char
      	!JC	strcmpDiff ; IF CF=1
      	; We terminated loop due to a null character i.e. CF=0 and ZF=1
        ; The Strings are equal
      	!XOR RAX, RAX
      	!jmp exitStrcmp	
          !ADD RAX, RDX	  ; Set offset into s1 to match s2
          ; RCX is offset from current poition in chars where two strings do not match,
        	; so copy the respective non-matching char into RAX and RDX and fill
        	; in remaining bits w/ zero. Because of 2ByteChar we have convert Word to Byte
          ; to get the correct AdressOffset by RCX*2
          !ADD RCX, RCX  ; Number of Chars to Adress Offset
        	; If S1=S2 : Return (0) ; #PB_String_Equal
          ; If S1>S2 : Return (+) ; #PB_String_Greater
          ; If S1<S2 : Return (-) ; #PB_String_Lower
         	!SUB	RAX, RDX 
         	;!MOV RAX, RCX ; for test only, return Adress Offset
        !MOV EAX, [p.p_String1]
        !MOV EDX, [p.p_String2]
      	!SUB EAX, EDX
      	!SUB EDX, 16		; Avoid extra jump in main loop 
         	!ADD	EDX, 16
        	; Loop while ZF=0 and CF=0:
        	;	1) We find a null in s1(EDX+EAX) ZF=1
        	;	2) We find a char that does not match CF=1  	
        !JA	strcmpLoop ; IF CF=0 And ZF=0   	
      	; Jump if CF=1, we found a mismatched char
      	!JC	strcmpDiff ; IF CF=1
      	; We terminated loop due to a null character i.e. CF=0 and ZF=1
        ; The Strings are equal
      	!XOR EAX, EAX
      	!jmp exitStrcmp	
          !ADD EAX, EDX	  ; Set offset into s1 to match s2             
          !ADD ECX, ECX  ; Number of Chars to Adress Offset       
        	; If S1=S2 : Return (0) ; #PB_String_Equal
          ; If S1>S2 : Return (+) ; #PB_String_Greater
          ; If S1<S2 : Return (-) ; #PB_String_Lower
         	!SUB	EAX, EDX 
         	;!MOV EAX, ECX ; for test only, return Adress Offset

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_IsMainFile    
  ;- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ;- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  UseModule StrSSE
  Define sTest.s, sTest2.s, sASC.s
  Define sDbg.s
  Define I
  Dim bChar.b(255)  ; ASCII CHAR Array
  For I=0 To 99     ; Fill Char Array with 100 Ascii Chars
    bChar(i) = 33+I
  sTest= Space(255)   ; Fill TestString with 255 Spaces
  sDbg= "PB: Len() = "  + Len(sTest)
  Debug sDbg
  sDbg = "SSE Len = " + Str(SSE_LenStr(@sTest))
  Debug sDbg
  sDbg = "ASCII Len() = " + Str(SSE_LenAscii(@bChar(0)))
  Debug sDbg
  Define S1.s, S2.s
  Define ret
  S1 = "Ich bin ein langer String, in welchem man nach 1234 suchen kann 5677"
  S2 = "Ich bin ein langer String, in welchem man nach 1234 suchen kann 5679"
  ; S1 = "01234567"
  ; S2 = "01234568"
  ret = SSE_StringCompare(@S1, @S2)
  Debug "SSE-StringCompare = " + ret
  ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  #cst_Loops = 10000000
  Define T1, T2, txtStrLen.s, txtStrCompare.s
  Debug "Stringlength"
  Debug Str(@S1 % 32) + " : " + Hex(@S1)
  Debug Str(@S2 % 16) + " : " + Hex(@S2)
  ; ----------------    StringLength ----------------------
  ; SSE Assembler Version
  T1 = ElapsedMilliseconds()
  For I = 1 To #cst_Loops
    ret = SSE_LenStr(@S1) 
  T1 = ElapsedMilliseconds() - T1
  ; Standard PB StringLenth
  T2 = ElapsedMilliseconds()
  For I = 1 To #cst_Loops
    ;ret = Len(S1)
    ret = MemoryStringLength(@S1)
  T2 = ElapsedMilliseconds() - T2
  txtStrLen = "StringLength  " + #cst_Loops + " Calls : ASM SSE = " + T1 + " / " + "PB Version = " + T2
  ; ----------------    StringCompare ----------------------
  ; SSE Assembler Version
  T1 = ElapsedMilliseconds()
  For I = 1 To #cst_Loops
    ret = SSE_StringCompare(@S1, @S2)
  T1 = ElapsedMilliseconds() - T1
  ; Standard PB StringLenth
  T2 = ElapsedMilliseconds()
  For I = 1 To #cst_Loops
    ret = CompareMemoryString(@S1, @S2)
  T2 = ElapsedMilliseconds() - T2
  txtStrCompare = "StringCompare " + #cst_Loops + " Calls : ASM SSE = " + T1 + " / " + "PB Version = " + T2
  MessageRequester("Timing results", txtStrLen + #CRLF$ + txtStrCompare)

Last edited by SMaag on Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2023 6:55 pm

Re: String Memory Align because of SSE !PCMPISTRI

Post by SMaag »

I have an idea how to test the ByteAlign
it looks like 32Byte Align in x64 an 24Byte Align in x32

!PCMPISTRI use only 16Bytes. So I guess I will never read out of string memory!

Code: Select all

Define.s S1, S2, S3, S4, S5


Debug "S1: " + @S1 
Debug "S2: " + @S2 + " : " + Str(@S2-@S1)
Debug "S3: " + @S3 + " : " + Str(@S3-@S2)
Debug "S4: " + @S4 + " : " + Str(@S4-@S3)
Debug "S5: " + @S5 + " : " + Str(@S5-@S4)

; Debug Output looks like 32Byte Align in x64
; S1: 37423232
; S2: 37423264 : 32
; S3: 37423296 : 32
; S4: 37423328 : 32
; S5: 37423360 : 32

; Debug Output looks like 24Byte Align in x32
; S1: 36963792
; S2: 36963816 : 24
; S3: 36963840 : 24
; S4: 36963864 : 24
; S5: 36963888 : 24
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Re: String Memory Align because of SSE !PCMPISTRI

Post by STARGÅTE »

Please don't make the mistake of writing code based on unsubstantiated facts.

Firstly, your guess of 32 byte alignment in x64 is wrong. If you increase the string, your pointer differences become others than multiples of 32.
Secondly, just because the differences are multiples of 32 byte (or 16 byte), it doesn't mean, that the space behind the string allocation is "your" space or the space of the string.
Actually, this space is the head of the next string, which could be owned by pure basic, but it doesn't have to.

In summary, you have no documented information about the additionally allocated space alignment behind a string.
It could be also just the word size of the processor, of even less.
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Re: String Memory Align because of SSE !PCMPISTRI

Post by SMaag »

Yes, you are right!

Playing a little with the String Length, change the distance!

I found a minimum of 8 Bytes for x32 and 16 Bytes for x64.

I think this will be a question @Fred in an extra Post. He should know how it is implemented!
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