Create scrollable areas for Gadgets easily...

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PureBasic Guru
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Create scrollable areas for Gadgets easily...

Post by BackupUser »

Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by freak.

Hi all,

To help Terry, and becourse i wanted to have this feature, too
i've played around with Scrollbar controls, and this is what came
out of it:

Please let me know, if something doesn't work.
(tested with Win98se and WinXP)


Code: Select all

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ScrollGadget:
; Makes scrollable Areas that can contain Gadgets, and other Controls.
; by Timo Harter
; Usage:
; *************************
; OpenScrollGadget(x, y, Width, Height, SizeX, SizeY, Flags, WindowID)
; x        = X Position of the Area
; y        = Y Position of the Area
; Width    = Width of Area
; Height   = Height of Area
; SizeX    = Width of the Virtual Area that can be scrolled
; SizeY    = Height of the Virtual Area that can be scrolled
; Flags    = Can be one or more of those Values (combine them with '|')
;           #ScrollBar_ScrollH     Shows a horizontal Scrollbar
;           #ScrollBar_ScrollV     Shows a vertical Scrollbar
;           #ScrollBar_Border      Draw a Border around the scrolling Area
;           #ScrollBar_ThickBorder Draw a thick border
; WindowID = ID of parent window (use WindowID() to get it)
; CloseScrollGadget()  Call this, when you finished putting Gadgets in the Scroll Area
;                      If this Command isn't called, all following Gadgets are put inside the Scroll Area
; Note: 
; ***********
; * Positions of Gadgets drawn inside a ScrollGadget are relative to the Position of the ScrollGadget, not to
;   the Main Window.
; * You can create as much ScrollGadgets as you want.
; * To create a ScrollGadget in another ScrollGadget, use the Handle returned by the first ScrollGadget as
;   WindowID for the other ScrollGadget.
; * To create a ScrollGadget inside a PanelGadget, create a Frame3dGadget() like this:
;   hFrame.l = Frame3DGadget(), and use hFrame as WindowID for the ScrollGadget.
;   You'll need to make the ScrollGadget 20 pixel smaller that the Frame3dGadget in order to
;   see the Scrollbars.
; * For more information, see the Example below.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This is initial Stuff, copy it to the beginning of your code.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure ScrollGadgetInfo
NewList ScrollGadgets.ScrollGadgetInfo()
Declare OpenScrollGadget(x, y, Width, Height, SizeX, SizeY, Flags, WindowID)
Declare CloseScrollGadget()
Declare WindowCallback(WindowID, Message, wParam, lParam)
#ScrollBar_ScrollH = 1
#ScrollBar_ScrollV = 2
#ScrollBar_Border = 4
#ScrollBar_ThickBorder = 8
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; End of initial code, following is a short example.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 500, 500, #PB_Window_SystemMenu, "Scrollbar Example") = 0    ; Create Window
CreateGadgetList(WindowID())                                    ; create some Gadgets
ButtonGadget(1, 10, 10, 140, 20, "Not scrolled Button!")
ButtonGadget(2, 160, 10, 100, 20, "Another Button!")
hScr.l = OpenScrollGadget(10, 40, 465, 400, 550, 700, #ScrollBar_ScrollH | #ScrollBar_ScrollV | #ScrollBar_Border, WindowID())
                                                                ; creat ScrollGadget with Border
  For i = 1 To 10                                               ; just some other Gadgets
    ButtonGadget(i+2, 20, i*70-60, 140, 25, "Button Number "+Str(i+2))
  Next i
  OpenScrollGadget(200, 100, 80, 30, 250, 0, #ScrollBar_ScrollH, hScr.l)  ; a scrollGadget inside a ScrollGadget
    ButtonGadget(13, 0, 0, 250, 30, "A Loooooooooooooooooong Gadget!")
  CloseScrollGadget()                                                     ; close the Gadget
ButtonGadget(14, 10, 465, 100, 25, "not Scrolled")                        ; this Button will not be scrolled

Repeat                                                                   ; main Loop
  Event = WaitWindowEvent()
  If Event = #PB_EventGadget
    MessageRequester("Event","Button Number "+Str(EventGadgetID())+" pushed!",#MB_ICONINFORMATION)
Until Event = #PB_EventCloseWindow
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; These are needed Procedures, put them at the End of your code, or in an IncludeFile
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Procedure OpenScrollGadget(x, y, Width, Height, SizeX, SizeY, Flags, WindowID)
  Protected WinFlag.l, Previous.l, *pointer, ScrollBars.l
  If SizeX  WindowID()
  ScrollGadgets()\ScrollBars = ScrollBars
  ProcedureReturn ScrollGadgets()\hWindow
Procedure CloseScrollGadget()
  Protected *poiner.l, ScrollBars.l
  ScrollBars = ScrollGadgets()\ScrollBars - 1
  If ScrollBars > 0
  *pointer = ScrollGadgets()\Previous
  ChangeCurrentElement(ScrollGadgets(), *pointer)
  ScrollGadgets()\ScrollBars = ScrollBars
Procedure WindowCallback(WindowID, Message, wParam, lParam) 
  Result = #PB_ProcessPureBasicEvents 
  Select Message
    Case #WM_HSCROLL
      If lParam  #NULL
         Repeat: ne = NextElement(ScrollGadgets())
         Until ScrollGadgets()\hScrollH = lParam Or ne = #FALSE
         wLow = PeekW(@wParam)
         wHi  = PeekW(@wParam+2)
         Select wLow
           Case #SB_LEFT: ScrollGadgets()\PosX = 0
           Case #SB_RIGHT: ScrollGadgets()\PosX = ScrollGadgets()\SizeX
           Case #SB_LINELEFT: ScrollGadgets()\PosX + 10
           Case #SB_LINERIGHT: ScrollGadgets()\PosX - 10
           Case #SB_PAGELEFT: ScrollGadgets()\PosX + ScrollGadgets()\Width
           Case #SB_PAGERIGHT: ScrollGadgets()\PosX - ScrollGadgets()\Width
           Case #SB_THUMBPOSITION: ScrollGadgets()\PosX = -wHi
           Case #SB_THUMBTRACK: ScrollGadgets()\PosX = -wHi
         SetWindowPos_(ScrollGadgets()\hWindow, 0, ScrollGadgets()\PosX, ScrollGadgets()\PosY, 0, 0, #SWP_NOACTIVATE | #SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | #SWP_NOSIZE | #SWP_NOZORDER | #SWP_SHOWWINDOW)         
         SetScrollPos_(ScrollGadgets()\hScrollH, #SB_CTL, -ScrollGadgets()\PosX, #TRUE)
         result = 0
    Case #WM_VSCROLL
      If lParam  #NULL
         Repeat: ne = NextElement(ScrollGadgets())
         Until ScrollGadgets()\hScrollV = lParam Or ne = #FALSE
         wLow = PeekW(@wParam)
         wHi  = PeekW(@wParam+2)
         Select wLow
           Case #SB_TOP: ScrollGadgets()\PosY = 0
           Case #SB_BOTTOM: ScrollGadgets()\PosY = ScrollGadgets()\SizeY
           Case #SB_LINEUP: ScrollGadgets()\PosY + 10
           Case #SB_LINEDOWN: ScrollGadgets()\PosY - 10
           Case #SB_PAGEUP: ScrollGadgets()\PosY + ScrollGadgets()\Height
           Case #SB_PAGEDOWN: ScrollGadgets()\PosY - ScrollGadgets()\Height
           Case #SB_THUMBPOSITION: ScrollGadgets()\PosY = -wHi
           Case #SB_THUMBTRACK: ScrollGadgets()\PosY = -wHi
         SetWindowPos_(ScrollGadgets()\hWindow, 0, ScrollGadgets()\PosX, ScrollGadgets()\PosY, 0, 0, #SWP_NOACTIVATE | #SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | #SWP_NOSIZE | #SWP_NOZORDER | #SWP_SHOWWINDOW)
         SetScrollPos_(ScrollGadgets()\hScrollV, #SB_CTL, -ScrollGadgets()\PosY, #TRUE)
         result = 0
  ProcedureReturn Result 
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and
better idiot-proof programs and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots.

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PureBasic Guru
PureBasic Guru
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Post by BackupUser »

Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by freak.

Hi again,

I just wanted to say, that i changed the Code above, becourse the
support for Panelgadgets didn't work. I also fixed another small
bug in the code.

So i anyone of you uses it, please replace your old code with the
one above (initial stuff and Procedures!)

Here's another Example of using it inside a Panelgadget:

Code: Select all

If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 540, 560, #PB_Window_SystemMenu, "Scrollbar Example") = 0    ; Create Window
PanelGadget(1, 10, 10, 520, 540)
  AddGadgetItem(1, -1, "Panel 1")

  hFrame.l = Frame3DGadget(2, 10, 10, 500, 500, "", 2)
  hScr.l = OpenScrollGadget(0, 0, 480, 480, 550, 700, #ScrollBar_ScrollH | #ScrollBar_ScrollV, hFrame)
                                                                ; creat ScrollGadget 
    For i = 1 To 10                                               ; just some other Gadgets
      ButtonGadget(i+2, 20, i*70-60, 140, 25, "Button Number "+Str(i+2))
    Next i
    OpenScrollGadget(200, 100, 80, 30, 250, 0, #ScrollBar_ScrollH, hScr.l)  ; a scrollGadget inside a ScrollGadget
      ButtonGadget(13, 0, 0, 250, 30, "A Loooooooooooooooooong Gadget!")
    CloseScrollGadget()                                                     ; close the Gadget

  AddGadgetItem(1, -1, "Panel 2")
  AddGadgetItem(1, -1, "Panel 3")

Repeat                                                                   ; main Loop
  Event = WaitWindowEvent()
  If Event = #PB_EventGadget And EventGadgetID()  1
    MessageRequester("Event","Button Number "+Str(EventGadgetID())+" pushed!",#MB_ICONINFORMATION)
Until Event = #PB_EventCloseWindow

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and
better idiot-proof programs and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots.

...So far, the universe is winning.
PureBasic Guru
PureBasic Guru
Posts: 16777133
Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 7:42 pm

Post by BackupUser »

Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by TerryHough.

This doesn't complile under vs3.40. Gets a "This structure is already declared" error. Removing the structure definition leads to more problems. I haven't gotten past them yet. :cry:

PureBasic Guru
PureBasic Guru
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Post by BackupUser »

Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by cor.

>This doesn't complile under vs3.40. Gets a "This structure is >already declared" error. Removing the structure definition leads to >more problems. I haven't gotten past them yet.

Same problem as above.

WIN 98 SE.

Compiled with 3.40

Using Windows 98 SE
Registered PB version : 3.40 (Windows)
C. de Visser
Author of Super Guitar Chord Finder
PureBasic Guru
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Post by BackupUser »

Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by Paul.

If someone uses a structure that is already declared, just rename it :)

Change ScrollInfo to ScrollInfo2 or something.

Visit the PB Resources Site at
PureBasic Guru
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Post by BackupUser »

Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by freak.

The problem, is that there is now a different built-in Structure that
wasn't there before.

In fact, the other one was there before, I even used it in this code.
The problem is, now Structures are case insesitive, and now SCROLLINFO and ScrollInfo
means the same,

You just need to change the Structure name to something like ScrollGadgetInfo,
and then change this line
NewList ScrollGadgets.ScrollInfo() (located right under the Structure)
NewList ScrollGadgets.ScrollGadgetInfo() ,
that's all.

(I also changed that in the source above, so it should work now.)

PureBasic Guru
PureBasic Guru
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Post by BackupUser »

Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by TerryHough.

Thanks Timo,

I should have read the History a bit closer. :)

PureBasic Guru
PureBasic Guru
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Post by BackupUser »

Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by tinman.

Hi freak,

nice code. I guess it's not meant to have some of the typos though (e.g. Prevoius instead of Previous)? There is another one, but it was a while ago that I found them.


Update: I notice you posted again to this thread, but I guess you just updated the source a bit. The typos are still there, basically all the lines with the text "Previous: ChangeCurrentElement" are bugged. The curse of CutNPaste ;p

It's not minimalist - I'm increasing efficiency by reducing input effort.
(Win98first ed. + SP1, PB3.30)
PureBasic Guru
PureBasic Guru
Posts: 16777133
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Post by BackupUser »

Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by GPI.

freedimension (from has modified the code:
(and i correct a little error, so the window now redraw in WIN98, if the size is changed)

Code: Select all

; ######################################################################################################## 
; ScrollGadget by freedimension based on the work by freak (January 2003) 
; ######################################################################################################## 

; ######################################################################################################## 
;- ENGLISH Manual 
; First of all I want to thank "Freak" for his superb code-pattern, on which this work is based. 
; The ScrollGadget can be used like any other Gadget except that it has its own GadgetID 
; that does not interfere with the IDs of other Gadgets. 
; One of his strengths is the possibility to place other Gadgets (even ScrollGadgets) inside 
; the ScrollGadget. To do so, just create the Gadgets after the creation of the ScrollGadget. 
; After all Gadgets are placed in the ScrollGadget you have to Close it with the 
; CloseScrollGadget() Command. All Gadgets created afterwards are placed outside of the ScrollGadget. 

; CreateScrollGadget(Scroll_ID, x, y, Width, Height, SizeX, SizeY, Flags, WindowID) 
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
; Scroll_ID   : The User defined ID of the ScrollGadget (to be used with SetScrollGadget() ) 
; x, y     : The Position on the Parent-Window 
; Width, Height : The Dimensions of the ScrollGadgets (including ScrollBars and Borders) 
; SizeX, SizeY : The Dimensions of the scrollable ClientArea of the Gadget 
; Flags     : Here you can characterize the look of the ScrollGadget 
; WindowID   : The Window Handle of the Parent-Window (to which the ScrollGadget should belong) 

; Options for the Flags-Parameter: 
;  #ScrollBar_NoScrollH  : In no case a horizontal ScrollBar will be displayed 
;  #ScrollBar_NoScrollV  :  -"-    vertical      -"- 
;  #ScrollBar_Border   : Gives the ScrollArea a thin (2D) Border 
;  #ScrollBar_ThickBorder :    -"-      a thick 3D-Border 
;  #ScrollBar_Left    : The vertical ScrollBar will be displayed on the left Side 
;  #ScrollBar_Top     : The horizontal ScrollBar will be displayed on the Top 
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

; SetScrollGadget(Scroll_ID, X, Y, Width, Height, ClientW, ClientH) 
; ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
; Scroll_ID   : The User defined ID of the ScrollGadget (defined on creation) 
; X, Y     : The new Position on the Parent-Window * 
; Width, Height : The new Dimensions of the ScrollGadget * 
; SizeX, SizeY : The new Dimensions of the ClientArea * 
; * Old Values can be taken on by setting the Parameter to -1 
; ----------------------------------------------------------------- 

; CloseScrollGadget() 
; ------------------- 
; This Function has to be called to finish the creation of the ScrollGadget. 
; Gadgets created in between are placed inside of the ScrollGadget. 
; ------------------- 
; ######################################################################################################## 

; ######################################################################################################## 
;- DEUTSCHE Anleitung 
; Zu allererst möchte ich "Freak" danken für sein hervorragendes Code-Beispiel auf welchem ich 
; diesen Code aufgebaut habe. 
; Das ScrollGadget wird wie jedes andere Gadget auch benutzt, es hat benutzt jedoch eine eigene 
; GadgetID so das es hier nicht zu Ãœberschneidungen mit den IDs anderer Gadgets kommen kann. 
; Eine der Stärken der ScrollGadgets ist die Möglichkeit, weitere Gadgets (sogar ScrollGadgets 
; sind möglich) innerhalb des ScrollGadgets zu platzieren. Dazu müssen nur diese Gadgets nach dem 
; Erzeugen des ScrollGadgets erzeugt werden. Sind sämtliche Gadgets innerhalb des ScrollGadgets 
; erstellt, muß das ScrollGadget mittels CloseScrollGadget() geschlossen werden. Alle Gadgets welche 
; danach erzeugt wurden, werden ausserhalb des ScrollGadgets platziert. 

; CreateScrollGadget(Scroll_ID, x, y, Width, Height, SizeX, SizeY, Flags, WindowID) 
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
; Scroll_ID   : Die Benutzerdefinierte ID des ScrollGadget (wird zusammen mit SetScrollGadget() benutzt) 
; x, y     : Die Position des übergeordneten Fensters 
; Width, Height : Höhe und Breite des ScrollGadgets (dies schließt die Bildlaufleisten und Rahmen mit ein) 
; SizeX, SizeY : Die Höhe und Breite des scrollbaren Bereichs. 
; Flags     : Einige Optionen zum Steuern des Aussehens des ScrollGadgets (s.u.) 
; WindowID   : Das Handle des Fensters in welchem das ScrollGadgets erstellt werden soll 

; Options for the Flags-Parameter: 
;  #ScrollBar_NoScrollH  : Eine horizontale Bildlaufleiste wird auf keinen Fall dargestellt 
;  #ScrollBar_NoScrollV  : Eine vertikale          -"- 
;  #ScrollBar_Border   : Gibt dem scrollbaren Bereich eine dünne (2D) Begrenzungslinie 
;  #ScrollBar_ThickBorder :        -"-      einen dicken 3D-Rahmen 
;  #ScrollBar_Left    : Die vertikale Bildlaufleiste wird auf der linken Seite dargestellt 
;  #ScrollBar_Top     : Die horizontale Bildlaufleiste wird oberhalb des scrollbaren Bereichs 
;              dargestellt 
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

; SetScrollGadget(Scroll_ID, X, Y, Width, Height, ClientW, ClientH) 
; ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
; Scroll_ID   : Die benutzerdefinierte ID des ScrollGadget (welche bei der Erzeugung angegeben wurde) 
; X, Y     : Die neue Position auf dem übergeordneten Fenster * 
; Width, Height : Die neue Höhe und Breite des ScrollGadgets * 
; SizeX, SizeY : Die neue Höhe und Breite des scrollbaren Bereichs * 
; * Die alten Werte können übernommen werden wenn hier jeweils -1 übergeben wird 
; ----------------------------------------------------------------- 

; CloseScrollGadget() 
; ------------------- 
; Diese Funktion muss aufgerufen werden um die Erstellung des ScrollGadgets abzuschließen. 
; Gadgets welche zwischen der Erzeugung und dem Abschluß erzeugt wurden, werden innerhalb 
; des ScrollGadgets dargestellt. 
; ------------------- 
; ######################################################################################################## 

; ######################################################################################################## 
;- ScrollInfo2 
Structure ScrollInfo2 
;##### Fixed Data ##### 
 ;Window Handles 
 hEnv.l  ; Envelope Window 
 hPB.l    ; Window 
 ;Flags for the Look and Feel of the ScrollGadget 

;##### Variable Data ##### 
 ;Position of the ScrollGadget on Parent Window 

 ;Size of the ScrollGadget (including the ScrollBars and Borders) 
 ;Position of the ClientArea in Envelope Window 

 ;Minimum Size of ClientArea 
 ;Actual Size of ClientArea (May differ when PageSize  -1 : ScrollGadgets()\X = X : Else : X = ScrollGadgets()\X : EndIf 
 If Y  -1 : ScrollGadgets()\Y = Y : Else : Y = ScrollGadgets()\Y : EndIf 
 If ClientW  -1 : ScrollGadgets()\ClientW = ClientW : Else : ClientW = ScrollGadgets()\ClientW : EndIf
 If ClientH  -1 : ScrollGadgets()\ClientH = ClientH : Else : ClientH = ScrollGadgets()\ClientH : EndIf
 If Width -1 : ScrollGadgets()\Width = Width : Else : Width = ScrollGadgets()\Width : EndIf 
 If Height-1 : ScrollGadgets()\Height = Height : Else : Height = ScrollGadgets()\Height : EndIf 

 If(ClientW > (Width - (2 * BorderW))) And (Flags & #ScrollBar_NoScrollH = 0) : sbHActive.b = #TRUE : Else : sbHActive.b = #FALSE : EndIf 
 If(ClientH > (Height - (2 * BorderH))) And (Flags & #ScrollBar_NoScrollV = 0) : sbVActive.b = #TRUE : Else : sbVActive.b = #FALSE : EndIf 
 If(sbHActive) And (Flags & #ScrollBar_NoScrollV = 0) 
  If(ClientH > (Height - (2 * BorderH) ) - ScrollBarH) : sbVActive = #TRUE : Else : sbVActive = #FALSE : EndIf 
 If(sbVActive) And (Flags & #ScrollBar_NoScrollH = 0) 
  If(ClientW > (Width - (2 * BorderW) ) - ScrollBarW) : sbHActive = #TRUE : Else : sbHActive = #FALSE : EndIf 
 If sbVActive 
  If(Flags & #ScrollBar_Left)>0 : XEnvW = X + ScrollBarW : XScr = X : Else : XEnvW = X : XScr = X + Width - ScrollBarW : EndIf 
  WEnvW = Width - ScrollBarW 
 Else : XEnvW = X : XScr = X : WEnvW = Width : EndIf 
 If sbHActive 
  If(Flags & #ScrollBar_Top)>0 : YEnvW = Y + ScrollBarH : YScr = Y : Else : YEnvW = Y : YScr = Y + Height - ScrollBarH : EndIf 
  HEnvW = Height - ScrollBarH 
 Else : YEnvW = Y : YScr = Y : HEnvW = Height : EndIf 
 ScrollGadgets()\VisW = WEnvW - 2*BorderW : ScrollGadgets()\VisH = HEnvW - 2*BorderH 
 If (ClientW  #NULL 
     ne = NextElement(ScrollGadgets()) 
    Until (ScrollGadgets()\hScrollH = lParam) Or (ne = #FALSE) 
    wLow = PeekW(@wParam) 
    wHi = PeekW(@wParam+2) - 1 
    Select wLow 
     Case #SB_LINELEFT: ScrollGadgets()\PosX + 10 
       If(ScrollGadgets()\PosX > 0) : ScrollGadgets()\PosX = 1 : EndIf 
     Case #SB_LINERIGHT: ScrollGadgets()\PosX - 10 
       If(ScrollGadgets()\PosX  0) : ScrollGadgets()\PosX = 1 : EndIf 
     Case #SB_PAGERIGHT: ScrollGadgets()\PosX - ScrollGadgets()\Width 
       If(ScrollGadgets()\PosX  #NULL 
    Repeat: ne = NextElement(ScrollGadgets()) 
    Until ScrollGadgets()\hScrollV = lParam Or ne = #FALSE 
    wLow = PeekW(@wParam) 
    wHi = PeekW(@wParam+2) - 1 
    Select wLow 
     Case #SB_LINEUP 
      ScrollGadgets()\PosY + 10 
      If(ScrollGadgets()\PosY > 0) : ScrollGadgets()\PosY = 1 : EndIf 
     Case #SB_LINEDOWN 
      ScrollGadgets()\PosY - 10 
      If(ScrollGadgets()\PosY  0) : ScrollGadgets()\PosY = 1 : EndIf 
     Case #SB_PAGEDOWN 
      ScrollGadgets()\PosY - ScrollGadgets()\Height 
      If(ScrollGadgets()\PosY < (-(ScrollGadgets()\SizeY - ScrollGadgets()\VisH) ) ) 
       ScrollGadgets()\PosY = - (ScrollGadgets()\SizeY - ScrollGadgets()\VisH) 
     Case #SB_THUMBPOSITION : ScrollGadgets()\PosY = -wHi 
     Case #SB_THUMBTRACK : ScrollGadgets()\PosY = -wHi 
    SetWindowPos_(ScrollGadgets()\hWindow, 0, ScrollGadgets()\PosX, ScrollGadgets()\PosY, 0, 0, #SWP_NOACTIVATE | #SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | #SWP_NOSIZE | #SWP_NOZORDER | #SWP_SHOWWINDOW) 
    SetScrollPos_(ScrollGadgets()\hScrollV, #SB_CTL, -ScrollGadgets()\PosY, #TRUE) 
    result = 0 
 ProcedureReturn Result 

PII 333, 256MB, Asus TNT2Ultra 32MB, AWE Gold 64 4MB
PureBasic Guru
PureBasic Guru
Posts: 16777133
Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 7:42 pm

Post by BackupUser »

Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by BalrogSoft.


I reply this message because i need this code snippet but i tryed to change the range of the scroll bars when it is already created, but i cant do it correctly, anyone knows how can chage the range of the scroll bar?

bye, Balrog Soft.

Balrog Soft
Amiga and PC Coder
PureBasic Guru
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Post by BackupUser »

Restored from previous forum. Originally posted by GPI.

if found a little bug in the Window-callback.

When you have a split-gadget in the window, the Splitgadget move the scrollarea :)

The problem ist

Code: Select all

Repeat: ne = NextElement(ScrollGadgets())
    Until ScrollGadgets()\hScrollV = lParam Or ne = #FALSE
Even when it found out, that the Scroll-id isn't the changed bar.

Code: Select all

Repeat: ne = NextElement(ScrollGadgets())
Until ScrollGadgets()\hScrollV = lParam Or ne = #FALSE
if ne#false
(This code is twice in the Window-Callback)

PII 333, 256MB, Asus TNT2Ultra 32MB, AWE Gold 64 4MB
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