C++ conditional operator conversion help [GPL Code!]

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C++ conditional operator conversion help [GPL Code!]

Post by AndyMK »

I am trying to conver this to PB.

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env = rt * env + (1 - at) * ((fabs - env > 0) ? fbs - env : 0)
I have this but i am not sure if its correct as the result is not what i expect.

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If fabs - env > 0
    env = (rt * env + (1 - at)) * (fabs - env)
    env = 0
Last edited by AndyMK on Sun Sep 11, 2022 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: C++ conditional operator conversion help

Post by infratec »


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If fabs - env > 0
  env = rt * env + (1 - at) * (fabs - env)
  env = rt * env

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((fabs - env > 0) ? fabs - env : 0)
generates only the last part of the term.

And I think you last sometimes an 'a' at fbs.
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Re: C++ conditional operator conversion help

Post by AndyMK »

Still not working but it could be a problem somewhere else. Here is the original code and my conversion below it.


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typedef struct  {
	double samplerate_;		// sample rate(Hz)		48000
	double attackTime_;		// attack time(seconds)	0.05
	double releaseTime_;	// release time(seconds)0.02
	double holdTime_;		// hold time(second)	0.0003
	double threshold_;		// threshold_(dB)		-24
	double holdTimeCount;	// hold time count (points)
	double linearThreshold;	// linear threshold
	double at;				// attack time smoothing coefficient
	double rt;				// release time smoothing coefficient

	double attactCounter = 0;					// hold counter for attack time
	double releaseCounter = 0;					// hold counter for release time
	double x_env = 0;
	double gca = 0;
	double gs[2] = { 0 };

NoiseGate_t* newNoiesGate() {
	NoiseGate_t* obj = (NoiseGate_t*)malloc(sizeof(NoiseGate_t));
	memset(obj, 0, sizeof(NoiseGate_t));
	if (!obj)
		return NULL;
	return obj;
void setNoiseGate(NoiseGate_t* obj,float attackTime, float releaseTime, float threshold,float holdTime,float samplerate) {
	// samplerate		sample rate (Hz)		48000
	// attackTime		attack time (seconds)	0.05
	// releaseTime		release time (seconds)	0.02
	// holdTime			hold time (second)		0.0003
	// threshold		threshold (dB)			-24
	obj->attackTime_ = attackTime;
	obj->releaseTime_ = releaseTime;
	obj->threshold_ = threshold;
	obj->samplerate_ = samplerate;
	obj->holdTime_ = holdTime;

	obj->holdTimeCount = obj->holdTime_ * obj->samplerate_;
	obj->linearThreshold = powf(10.0f, obj->threshold_ / 20.0f);
	obj->at = exp(-logf(9) / (obj->samplerate_ * obj->attackTime_));
	obj->rt = exp(-logf(9) / (obj->samplerate_ * obj->releaseTime_));
NoiseGate_t* createNoiseGate(float attackTime, float releaseTime, float threshold, float samplerate) {
	NoiseGate_t* obj = newNoiesGate();
	if (!obj) {
		return NULL;
	setNoiseGate(obj, attackTime, releaseTime, threshold, 0.0003,samplerate);
	return obj;
float runNoiseGate( NoiseGate_t* obj, float in,float& out) {
	double x_abs = in > 0? in : -in;
	// envelop detector  at = 0.02;rt = 0.01;  0.9977 = exp(-log(9) / (samplerate * 0.02));
	//obj->x_env = 0.9977 * obj->x_env + (1 - 0.9553) * ((x_abs - obj->x_env > 0) ? x_abs - obj->x_env : 0);
	obj->x_env = obj->rt * obj->x_env + (1 - obj->at) * ((x_abs - obj->x_env > 0) ? x_abs - obj->x_env : 0);

	if (obj->x_env < obj->linearThreshold)
		obj->gca = 0;
		obj->gca = 1;

	if (obj->gca < obj->gs[0]) 
		// attack mode
		obj->releaseCounter = 0;
		if (++obj->attactCounter < obj->holdTimeCount) 
			// hold mode
			obj->gs[0] = obj->gs[1];
			obj->gs[0] = obj->at * obj->gs[1] + (1 - obj->at) * obj->gca;
		obj->gs[1] = obj->gs[0];

	else {
		// release mode
		obj->attactCounter = 0;
		if (++obj->releaseCounter < obj->holdTimeCount) 
			// hold mode
			obj->gs[0] = obj->gs[1];
			obj->gs[0] = obj->rt * obj->gs[1] + (1 - obj->rt) * obj->gca;
		obj->gs[1] = obj->gs[0];
	// apply gain
	out = obj->gs[0] * in;
	return (obj->gs[0] * in);

int freeNoiseGate(NoiseGate_t* obj) {
	if (!obj)
		return -1;
	return 0;

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Structure noisegate
	samplerate.f;		// sample rate(Hz)		48000
	attackTime.f;		// attack time(seconds)	0.05
	releaseTime.f;	// release time(seconds)0.02
	holdTime.f;		// hold time(second)	0.0003
	threshold.f;		// threshold_(dB)		-24
	holdTimeCount.f;	// hold time count (points)
	linearThreshold.f;	// linear threshold
	at.f;				// attack time smoothing coefficient
	rt.f;				// release time smoothing coefficient

	attactCounter.f; = 0;					// hold counter for attack time
	releaseCounter.f; = 0;					// hold counter for release time
	x_env.f; = 0;
	gca.f; = 0;
	gs.f[2]; = { 0 };

Procedure setNoiseGate(*obj.noisegate, attackTime.f, releaseTime.f, threshold.f, holdTime.f, samplerate.f)
  *obj\attackTime = attackTime
	*obj\releaseTime = releaseTime
	*obj\threshold = threshold
	*obj\samplerate = samplerate
	*obj\holdTime = holdTime

	*obj\holdTimeCount = *obj\holdTime * *obj\samplerate
	*obj\linearThreshold = Pow(10.0, *obj\threshold / 20.0)
	*obj\at = Exp(-Log(9) / (*obj\samplerate * *obj\attackTime))
	*obj\rt = Exp(-Log(9) / (*obj\samplerate * *obj\releaseTime))

Procedure.l createNoiseGate(attackTime.f, releaseTime.f, threshold.f, samplerate.f)
  *obj = AllocateStructure(noisegate)
	If Not *obj
		ProcedureReturn #False
	setNoiseGate(*obj, attackTime, releaseTime, threshold, 0.0003, samplerate)
	ProcedureReturn *obj

Procedure.f runNoiseGate(*obj.noisegate, in.f)
  x_abs.f = Abs(in)
	;// envelop detector  at = 0.02;rt = 0.01;  0.9977 = exp(-log(9) / (samplerate * 0.02));
  ;//obj->x_env = 0.9977 * obj->x_env + (1 - 0.9553) * ((x_abs - obj->x_env > 0) ? x_abs - obj->x_env : 0);
  If x_abs - *obj\x_env > 0
    *obj\x_env = (*obj\rt * *obj\x_env + (1 - *obj\at)) * (x_abs - *obj\x_env)
    *obj\x_env = *obj\rt * *obj\x_env
  If *obj\x_env < *obj\linearThreshold
    *obj\gca = 0
    *obj\gca = 1
  If *obj\gca < *obj\gs[0]
    ;// attack mode
    *obj\releaseCounter = 0
    If *obj\attactCounter+1 < *obj\holdTimeCount
      ;// hold mode
      *obj\gs[0] = *obj\gs[1]
      *obj\gs[0] = *obj\at * *obj\gs[1] + (1 - *obj\at) * *obj\gca
    *obj\gs[1] = *obj\gs[0]
    ;// release mode
    *obj\attactCounter = 0
    If *obj\releaseCounter+1 < *obj\holdTimeCount
      ;// hold mode
      *obj\gs[0] = *obj\gs[1]
      *obj\gs[0] = *obj\rt * *obj\gs[1] + (1 - *obj\rt) * *obj\gca
    *obj\gs[1] = *obj\gs[0]
  ;// apply gain
  out.f = *obj\gs[0] * in
  ProcedureReturn *obj\gs[0] * in


Procedure.l freeNoiseGate(*obj.noisegate)
	If Not *obj
		ProcedureReturn #False
	ProcedureReturn #True
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Re: C++ conditional operator conversion help

Post by infratec »

My version:

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Structure NoiseGate
  samplerate.d      ; sample rate(Hz)		48000
  attackTime.d      ; attack time(seconds)	0.05
  releaseTime.d     ; release time(seconds)0.02
  holdTime.d        ; hold time(second)	0.0003
  threshold.d       ; threshold_(dB)		-24
  holdTimeCount.d   ;	hold time count (points)
  linearThreshold.d ;	linear threshold
  at.d              ; attack time smoothing coefficient
  rt.d              ; release time smoothing coefficient
  attactCounter.d   ;	hold counter for attack time
  releaseCounter.d  ; hold counter for release time
  x_env.d           ;
  gca.d             ;
  gs.d[2]           ;

Procedure.i newNoiesGate()
  Protected *obj.NoiseGate
  *obj = AllocateStructure(NoiseGate)
  ProcedureReturn *obj

Procedure setNoiseGate(*obj.noisegate, attackTime.f, releaseTime.f, threshold.f, holdTime.f, samplerate.f)
  *obj\attackTime = attackTime
  *obj\releaseTime = releaseTime
  *obj\threshold = threshold
  *obj\samplerate = samplerate
  *obj\holdTime = holdTime
  *obj\holdTimeCount = *obj\holdTime * *obj\samplerate
  *obj\linearThreshold = Pow(10.0, *obj\threshold / 20.0)
  *obj\at = Exp(-Log(9) / (*obj\samplerate * *obj\attackTime))
  *obj\rt = Exp(-Log(9) / (*obj\samplerate * *obj\releaseTime))

Procedure.i createNoiseGate(attackTime.f, releaseTime.f, threshold.f, samplerate.f)
  *obj = newNoiesGate()
  If Not *obj
    ProcedureReturn #Null
  setNoiseGate(*obj, attackTime, releaseTime, threshold, 0.0003, samplerate)
  ProcedureReturn *obj

Procedure.f runNoiseGate(*obj.noisegate, in.f, *out.Float)
  Protected x_abs.d
  x_abs = Abs(in)
  ;// envelop detector  at = 0.02;rt = 0.01;  0.9977 = exp(-log(9) / (samplerate * 0.02));
  ;//obj->x_env = 0.9977 * obj->x_env + (1 - 0.9553) * ((x_abs - obj->x_env > 0) ? x_abs - obj->x_env : 0);
  If x_abs - *obj\x_env > 0
    *obj\x_env = *obj\rt * *obj\x_env + (1 - *obj\at) * (x_abs - *obj\x_env)
    *obj\x_env = *obj\rt * *obj\x_env
  If *obj\x_env < *obj\linearThreshold
    *obj\gca = 0
    *obj\gca = 1
  If *obj\gca < *obj\gs[0]
    ;// attack mode
    *obj\releaseCounter = 0
    *obj\attactCounter + 1
    If *obj\attactCounter < *obj\holdTimeCount
      ;// hold mode
      *obj\gs[0] = *obj\gs[1]
      *obj\gs[0] = *obj\at * *obj\gs[1] + (1 - *obj\at) * *obj\gca
    *obj\gs[1] = *obj\gs[0]
    ;// release mode
    *obj\attactCounter = 0
    *obj\releaseCounter + 1
    If *obj\releaseCounter < *obj\holdTimeCount
      ;// hold mode
      *obj\gs[0] = *obj\gs[1]
      *obj\gs[0] = *obj\rt * *obj\gs[1] + (1 - *obj\rt) * *obj\gca
    *obj\gs[1] = *obj\gs[0]
  ;// apply gain
  *out\f = *obj\gs[0] * in
  ProcedureReturn *obj\gs[0] * in

Procedure.i freeNoiseGate(*obj.noisegate)
  If Not *obj
    ProcedureReturn #False
  ProcedureReturn #True
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Re: C++ conditional operator conversion help

Post by AndyMK »


Thanks. I removed the second parameter from the runnoisegate function and return the result. It works fine. I'm checking to see where i went wrong.
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Re: C++ conditional operator conversion help

Post by infratec »

My hint:

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if (++obj->attactCounter < obj->holdTimeCount)
You have to do + 1 before the if. Else it is not really added.
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Re: C++ conditional operator conversion help

Post by AndyMK »

I already tried that before i posted :lol:
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Re: C++ conditional operator conversion help

Post by idle »

shouldn't that be

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	If  x_abs - *obj\x_env > 0 
	  *obj\x_env = *obj\rt * *obj\x_env + (1 - *obj\at) * (x_abs - *obj\x_env)
	  *obj\x_env = 0

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Re: C++ conditional operator conversion help

Post by infratec »

Why ?

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env = rt * env + (1 - at) * ((fabs - env > 0) ? fbs - env : 0)
Has 2 posibilities:

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env = rt * env + (1 - at) * (fbs - env)

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env = rt * env + (1 - at) * (0)
The second case can be reduced to:

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env = rt * env
(In my opinion, I didn't checked it with a C compiler.
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Re: C++ conditional operator conversion help

Post by Olli »

(inserted... I Did not see infratec)
After having read the infratec message, after a read of ms doc page and after having read idle syntax, below is my version (to be nested in a With *obj: EndWith part)

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\x_env * \rt + (1 - \at) * Bool(x_abs > \x_env) * (x_abs - \x_env)
(and after checked 'at' field type... oosh... headaches...)

Shorter version :

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env * rt + (1 - at) * Bool(fabs > env) * (fabs - env)
Note : the operator 'a ? b : c' is not unable to be transformed in macro and/or procedure. In this exemple, yes, we can, because fabs (*obj\x_abs) is not used after this source code line. But if we would need this value after this, the cpp 'a ? b : c' operator returns a result and also changes the variable. This requires a Shared directive, as we are not able to get which variable is in the procedure argument and might be so modified. Also a macro does not allow us to nest a variable modifier op in an arithmetic or boolean expression.
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Re: C++ conditional operator conversion help

Post by infratec »

Bool() is dangerous, because it is not guaranteed that #True is 1 and #False is 0.
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Re: C++ conditional operator conversion help

Post by mk-soft »

infratec wrote: Sat Sep 10, 2022 10:41 am Bool() is dangerous, because it is not guaranteed that #True is 1 and #False is 0.
The Bool() function had always returned 1 for true. This is also the case with C-Backend.

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x = 10
a = Bool(x >= 10)
Debug a

;  x = 10
;   MOV    qword [v_x],10
; ; a = Bool(x >= 10)
;   MOV    r15,qword [v_x]
;   CMP    r15,10
; _Bool0:
;   JL    .False
;   MOV    rax,1
;   JMP   .True
; .False:
;   XOR    rax,rax
; .True:
;   MOV    qword [v_a],rax
; ;

; C-Backend
; // x = 10
; v_x=10;
; // a = Bool(x >= 10)
; v_a=(((v_x>=10))?1:0);
; /
And #True is defined as '1'

Bool(<boolean expression>)
Bool can be used to evaluate a boolean expression outside of regular conditional operator like If, While, Until etc. If the boolean expression is true, it will return #True, otherwise it will return #False.
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Re: C++ conditional operator conversion help

Post by Olli »

I think infratec wanted to be careful to this :

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Macro EquToIf(a, b) ; if a is true returns b eval
Bool(a) * (b) ; the parenthesis over b
And, for sure, concerning the floating point types...

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... is dangerous (if allowed by the compiler)as

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Bool(a.d = b.d) ; dangerous also
Bool(a.d <> b.d) ; dangerous also
Equ ('a=b') and unequ ('a<>b') ops treat only derivable (continous function, without geometric breakthrough) expression.


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Bool(a.d < b.d)
; or
Bool(a.d > b.d)
... allows us to compare and handle the result of Bool(), but only if the general algo does not require precision.

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Bool(a.d < b.d) ; returns 1 if a is near below b, else returns 0.
So, what is really dangerous for equalities test is sometimes no dangerous for unequalities.

Searching the english version of ms doc page, that Microsoft prevents it to be changed, I went to w3school very few commercial, and better than Microsoft.

w3school allowed me to check my conclusion above (last message) is false and cpp 'a ? b : c' operator can be converted to a pureBasic macro.

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Macro Ternary(a, b, c)
Bool(a) * (b) + (1 - Bool(a) ) * (c)
Other version :

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Macro iTernary(a, b, c) ; only for integers !!!
(0 - Bool(a) ) & (b) | (Bool(a) - 1) & (c)
Last edited by Olli on Sat Sep 10, 2022 11:46 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: C++ conditional operator conversion help

Post by infratec »

Yes, and exactly this is the point:

Bool() returns always #True and #False.
But it is no where written that #True is always and for ever 1 and #False is always and for ever 0.
Else you could read in the help:
If the boolean expression is true, it will return 1, otherwise it will return 0.
But it is not.
#True and #False are constants and why? Because the real value of them maybe changed.
Maybe like in C, where a positive return value is 0 and -1 is an error. Who knows.
And therefore it is unsafe to use Bool() as 1 or 0. Doesn't matter what there current value represents.

Btw. have you ever used something like that:

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while x < 100
 x + #True
Why not?
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Re: C++ conditional operator conversion help

Post by Olli »


What you say is not false.

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#cTrue = ~0
Debug Bool(#cTrue) ; returns 1 (Long term support)
And, if a C boolean result should appear, maybe cBool() or other would be added.
A true set to 1 is better mixed with doubles (mul op : x*1)
While a true set to -1 is better mixed with integers (bitwise and op : x&(-1) ).

I would do the note that 1 in a signed bit is -1.
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