C++ conversion of interactive process

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C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by tatanas »


I would like to do exactly this : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previ ... 8(v=vs.85)

I tried to convert this C++ code in Purebasic but my knowledge is insufficient to make it work.

Could someone help me ?

Thank you for your time.

EDIT : I fixed some errors. The last error is coming from the CreateProcessAsUser_ (1314 : A required privilege is not held by the client)
Here is what I did :

Code: Select all

Procedure Hiword(a.l)
  ProcedureReturn (a>>16 & $ffff)

Procedure LOWORD(a.l)
  ProcedureReturn (a & $ffff)

Procedure WriteToLog(entry.s)
	Debug entry
; 	Protected hFile.l
; 	hFile = OpenFile(#PB_Any, "", #PB_File_SharedRead | #PB_File_SharedWrite)
; 	If hFile = #Null
; 		ProcedureReturn #False
; 	EndIf
; 	FileSeek(hFile, Lof(hFile))
; 	WriteStringN(hFile, entry)
; 	CloseFile(hFile)
; 	ProcedureReturn #True

; https://github.com/poweradminllc/PAExec/blob/master/InteractiveSession.cpp
; https://www.installsetupconfig.com/win32programming/windowstationsdesktops13_5.html
; https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/aa379608(v=vs.85)

Declare AddAceToWindowStation(hwinsta, *psid)
Declare AddAceToDesktop(hdesk, psid)
; Declare RemoveAceFromWindowStation(hwinsta, psid)
; Declare RemoveAceFromDesktop(hdesk, psid)
Declare GetLogonSID(hToken, *ppsid)
Declare FreeLogonSID(*ppsid) 

Procedure AccessWinStation(hToken)

	Protected hdesk = #Null
	Protected hwinsta = #Null
	Protected pSid = #Null
	Protected hwinstaSave = #Null
	Protected err
	hwinstaSave = GetProcessWindowStation_()
	; Save a handle To the caller's current window station.
	If hwinstaSave = #Null
		err = GetLastError_()
		WriteToLog("Failed to get GetProcessWindowStation : " + err)
		Goto Cleanup_AccessWinStation
	; Get a handle To the interactive window station.
	hwinsta = OpenWindowStation_(@"winsta0", #False, #READ_CONTROL | #WRITE_DAC)
	If hwinsta = #Null
		err = GetLastError_()
		WriteToLog("Failed to open winsta0 : " + err)
		Goto Cleanup_AccessWinStation
Debug "1"

	; To get the correct Default desktop, set the caller's window station To the interactive window station.
	If Not SetProcessWindowStation_(hwinsta)
		err = GetLastError_()
		WriteToLog("Failed to SetProcessWindowStation : " + err)
		Goto Cleanup_AccessWinStation
	; Get a handle To the interactive desktop.
	hdesk = OpenDesktop_(@"default", 0, #False, #READ_CONTROL | #WRITE_DAC | #DESKTOP_WRITEOBJECTS | #DESKTOP_READOBJECTS)
	err = GetLastError_()
	; Restore the caller's window station.
	If Not SetProcessWindowStation_(hwinstaSave)
		Goto Cleanup_AccessWinStation
	If hdesk = #Null
		WriteToLog("Failed to get Default desktop : " + err)
		Goto Cleanup_AccessWinStation
Debug "2"	
	; Get the SID For the client's logon session.
	If Not GetLogonSID(hToken, @pSid)
		WriteToLog("Failed to get login SID")
		Goto Cleanup_AccessWinStation
Debug "3"	
	; Allow logon SID full access To interactive window station.
	If Not AddAceToWindowStation(hwinsta, @pSid)
		err = GetLastError_()
		WriteToLog("Failed to add ACE to WinStation : " + err)
		hwinsta = #Null; so it's not removed and cleaned up later
		Goto Cleanup_AccessWinStation
Debug "4"

	; Allow logon SID full access To interactive desktop.
	If Not AddAceToDesktop(hdesk, @pSid)
		err = GetLastError_()
		WriteToLog("Failed to add ACE to Desktop : " + err)
		hdesk = #Null
		Goto Cleanup_AccessWinStation
Debug "5"

	Protected si.STARTUPINFO
	ZeroMemory_(@si, SizeOf(STARTUPINFO))
		si\cb = SizeOf(STARTUPINFO)
		si\lpDesktop = @"WinSta0\Default"

	ZeroMemory_(@pi, SizeOf(PROCESS_INFORMATION))


	Protected lpCommandLine = #Null
	If CreateProcessAsUser_(hToken, #Null, @"c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe", #Null, #Null, #False, dwCreationFlags, #Null, #Null, @si, @pi)
		error = GetLastError_()
		WriteToLog("CreateProcessAsUser_ : " + error)


	If hwinstaSave : SetProcessWindowStation_(hwinstaSave) : EndIf

	; Free the buffer for the logon SID
	If pSid : FreeLogonSID(@pSid) : EndIf

	; Close the handles to the interactive window station and desktop.
   If hwinsta : CloseWindowStation_(hwinsta) : EndIf
   If hdesk : CloseDesktop_(hdesk) : EndIf

	; Close the handle To the client's access token.
   If hToken <> #INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE : CloseHandle_(hToken) : EndIf


Procedure FreeLogonSID(*ppsid) 
	HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *ppsid)

Procedure GetLogonSID(hToken, *ppsid) 

	Structure TOKEN_USER

	Protected bSuccess = #False
	Protected dwIndex
	Protected dwLength = 0
	Protected ptg.TOKEN_GROUPS
	Protected *pTU.TOKEN_USER
	Protected err

	; Verify the parameter passed in is Not NULL.
	If *ppsid = #Null
		Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID

	If GetTokenInformation_(hToken, #TokenUser, 0, 0, @dwLength) = #False And GetLastError_() = #ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER And dwLength
		*pTU = AllocateMemory(dwLength)
		If *pTU	
			If GetTokenInformation_(hToken, #TokenUser, *pTU, dwLength, @dwLength)
				If Not CopySid_(dwLength, *ppsid, *pTU\User\Sid)
					HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *ppsid)
					Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID
Debug "2.1"
				bSuccess = #True
				Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID

				err = GetLastError_()
				WriteToLog("Failed to get login token information 2: " + err)
				Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID
		err = GetLastError_()
		WriteToLog("Failed to get login token information 1: " + err)
		Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID	

Debug "2.2"

	; fall through And make alternate attempt

	; Get required buffer size And allocate the TOKEN_GROUPS buffer.
	If Not GetTokenInformation_(hToken, #TokenGroups, ptg, 0, @dwLength)
			err = GetLastError_()
			WriteToLog("Failed to get login token information[2] : " + err)
			Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID

; 		ptg = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwLength)
; 		If ptg = #Null
; 			Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID
; 		EndIf
Debug "2.3"

	; Get the token group information from the access token.
	If Not GetTokenInformation_(hToken, #TokenGroups, ptg, dwLength, @dwLength)
		Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID

	; Loop through the groups To find the logon SID.
	For dwIndex = 0 To ptg\GroupCount - 1
		If ptg\Groups[dwIndex]\Attributes & #SE_GROUP_LOGON_ID = #SE_GROUP_LOGON_ID
			; Found the logon SID; make a copy of it.
			dwLength = GetLengthSid_(ptg\Groups[dwIndex]\Sid)
			*ppsid = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(),	#HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwLength)
			If *ppsid = #Null
				Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID
			If Not CopySid_(dwLength, *ppsid, ptg\Groups[dwIndex]\Sid)
				HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *ppsid)
				Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID
			bSuccess = #True

	If ptg <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, ptg) : EndIf
; 	ptg = #Null
; 	If pTU <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *pTU) : EndIf
; 	pTU = #Null

	ProcedureReturn bSuccess


Procedure AddAceToWindowStation(hwinsta, psid)

; 	Protected *pace = #Null
	Protected aclSizeInfo.ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION
	Protected bDaclExist
	Protected bDaclPresent
	Protected bSuccess = #False
	Protected dwNewAclSize
	Protected dwSidSize = 0
	Protected dwSdSizeNeeded
	Protected pacl
	Protected pNewAcl = #Null
	Protected psd = #Null
	Protected psdNew = #Null
	Protected pTempAce
	Protected *aceHeader.ACE_HEADER
	Protected i

	; Obtain the DACL For the window station.
	If Not GetUserObjectSecurity_(hwinsta, @si, psd, dwSidSize, @dwSdSizeNeeded)


			psd = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSdSizeNeeded)
			If psd = #Null : ProcedureReturn 0 : EndIf
			psdNew = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSdSizeNeeded)
			If psdNew = #Null : ProcedureReturn 0 : EndIf

			dwSidSize = dwSdSizeNeeded
			If Not GetUserObjectSecurity_(hwinsta, @si, psd, dwSidSize, @dwSdSizeNeeded)
				ProcedureReturn 0

			ProcedureReturn 0

Debug "3.1"

	; Create a new DACL.
	If Not InitializeSecurityDescriptor_(psdNew, #SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)
		ProcedureReturn 0

	; Get the DACL from the security descriptor.
	If Not GetSecurityDescriptorDacl_(psd, @bDaclPresent, @pacl, @bDaclExist)
		ProcedureReturn 0
Debug "3.2"

	; Initialize the ACL.
	ZeroMemory_(@aclSizeInfo, SizeOf(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION))
	aclSizeInfo\AclBytesInUse = SizeOf(ACL) ; ACL ???

	; Call only If the DACL is Not NULL.
	If pacl <> #Null
		; get the file ACL size info
		If Not GetAclInformation_(pacl, @aclSizeInfo, SizeOf(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION), #AclSizeInformation)
			ProcedureReturn 0
Debug "3.3"

	; Compute the size of the new ACL.
	dwNewAclSize = aclSizeInfo\AclBytesInUse + (2 * SizeOf(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)) + (2 * GetLengthSid_(psid)) - (2 * SizeOf(LONG))

	; Allocate memory For the new ACL.
	pNewAcl = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwNewAclSize)
	If pNewAcl = #Null : ProcedureReturn 0 : EndIf

	;Initialize the new DACL.
	If Not InitializeAcl_(pNewAcl, dwNewAclSize, #ACL_REVISION)
		ProcedureReturn 0

	; If DACL is present, copy it To a new DACL.
	If bDaclPresent
		; Copy the ACEs To the new ACL.
		If aclSizeInfo\AceCount

			For i = 0 To aclSizeInfo\AceCount - 1
				; Get an ACE.
				If Not GetAce_(pacl, i, @pTempAce)
					ProcedureReturn 0

				*aceHeader = pTempAce

				; Add the ACE To the new ACL.
				If Not AddAce_(pNewAcl, #ACL_REVISION, #MAXDWORD, pTempAce, *aceHeader\AceSize) ; ?????
					ProcedureReturn 0

Debug "3.4"

	;Add the first ACE To the window station.
	Protected *pace.ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE ;= AllocateStructure(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)

	*pace = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, SizeOf(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid_(psid) - SizeOf(LONG)) ; ?????
	If *pace = #Null
		ProcedureReturn 0


	*pace\Header\AceType  = #ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
	*pace\Header\AceSize  = LOWORD(SizeOf(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid_(psid) - SizeOf(LONG))
	*pace\Mask            = #GENERIC_ACCESS

	If Not CopySid_(GetLengthSid_(psid), @*pace\SidStart, psid) ; ????????????
		ProcedureReturn 0
Debug "3.5"

	If Not AddAce_(pNewAcl, #ACL_REVISION, #MAXDWORD, *pace, *pace\Header\AceSize) ; ?????
		ProcedureReturn 0
Debug "3.6"

	; Add the second ACE To the window station.
	*pace\Header\AceFlags = #NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE
	*pace\Mask            = #WINSTA_ALL

	If Not AddAce_(pNewAcl, #ACL_REVISION, #MAXDWORD, *pace, *pace\Header\AceSize) ; ????
		ProcedureReturn 0
Debug "3.7"

	;Set a new DACL For the security descriptor.
	If Not SetSecurityDescriptorDacl_(psdNew, #True, pNewAcl, #False)
		ProcedureReturn 0
Debug "3.8"

	; Set the new security descriptor For the window station.
	If Not SetUserObjectSecurity_(hwinsta, @si, psdNew)
		ProcedureReturn 0

	; Indicate success.
	bSuccess = #True
Debug "3.9"

	; Free the allocated buffers.
	If *pace <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *pace) : EndIf
	If pNewAcl <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, pNewAcl) : EndIf
	If psd <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, psd) : EndIf
	If psdNew <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, psdNew) : EndIf

	ProcedureReturn bSuccess


Procedure AddAceToDesktop(hdesk, psid)

	Protected aclSizeInfo.ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION
	Protected bDaclExist
	Protected bDaclPresent
	Protected bSuccess = #False
	Protected dwNewAclSize
	Protected dwSidSize = 0
	Protected dwSdSizeNeeded
	Protected pacl
	Protected pNewAcl = #Null
	Protected psd = #Null
	Protected psdNew = #Null
	Protected pTempAce;.ACE_HEADER
	Protected *aceHeader.ACE_HEADER
	Protected i

	; Obtain the security descriptor for the desktop object.
	If Not GetUserObjectSecurity_(hdesk, @si, psd, dwSidSize, @dwSdSizeNeeded)


			psd = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSdSizeNeeded)
			If psd = #Null : ProcedureReturn 0 : EndIf
			psdNew = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSdSizeNeeded)
			If psdNew = #Null : ProcedureReturn 0 : EndIf

			dwSidSize = dwSdSizeNeeded
			If Not GetUserObjectSecurity_(hdesk, @si, psd, dwSidSize, @dwSdSizeNeeded)
				ProcedureReturn 0

			ProcedureReturn 0

Debug "4.1"

	; Create a new security descriptor
	If Not InitializeSecurityDescriptor_(psdNew, #SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)
		ProcedureReturn 0
Debug "4.2"

	; Obtain the DACL from the security descriptor.
	If Not GetSecurityDescriptorDacl_(psd, @bDaclPresent, @pacl, @bDaclExist)
		ProcedureReturn 0
Debug "4.3"

	; Initialize the ACL.
	ZeroMemory_(@aclSizeInfo, SizeOf(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION))
	aclSizeInfo\AclBytesInUse = SizeOf(ACL)

	; Call only If the DACL is Not NULL.
	If pacl <> #Null
		; get the file ACL size info
		If Not GetAclInformation_(pacl, @aclSizeInfo, SizeOf(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION), #AclSizeInformation) 
			ProcedureReturn 0
Debug "4.4"

	; Compute the size of the new ACL.
	dwNewAclSize = aclSizeInfo\AclBytesInUse + SizeOf(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid_(psid) - SizeOf(LONG)

	; Allocate memory For the new ACL.
	pNewAcl = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwNewAclSize)
	If pNewAcl = #Null : ProcedureReturn 0 : EndIf

	;Initialize the new DACL.
	If Not InitializeAcl_(pNewAcl, dwNewAclSize, #ACL_REVISION)
		ProcedureReturn 0
Debug "4.5"

	; If DACL is present, copy it To a new DACL.
	If bDaclPresent
		; Copy the ACEs To the new ACL.
		If aclSizeInfo\AceCount
			For i = 0 To aclSizeInfo\AceCount - 1
				; Get an ACE.
				If Not GetAce_(pacl, i, @pTempAce)
					ProcedureReturn 0

				*aceHeader = pTempAce

				; Add the ACE To the new ACL.
				If Not AddAce_(pNewAcl, #ACL_REVISION, #MAXDWORD, pTempAce, *aceHeader\AceSize) ; ?????
					ProcedureReturn 0
Debug "4.6"


	; Add ACE To the DACL.
	If Not AddAccessAllowedAce_(pNewAcl, #ACL_REVISION, #DESKTOP_ALL, psid)
		ProcedureReturn 0
Debug "4.7"

	; Set new DACL To the new security descriptor.
	If Not SetSecurityDescriptorDacl_(psdNew, #True, pNewAcl, #False)
		ProcedureReturn 0
Debug "4.8"

	; Set the new security descriptor For the desktop object.
	If Not SetUserObjectSecurity_(hdesk, @si, psdNew)
		ProcedureReturn 0
Debug "4.9"

	; Indicate success.
	bSuccess = #True

	; Free the allocated buffers.
	If pNewAcl <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, pNewAcl) : EndIf
	If psd <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, psd) : EndIf
	If psdNew <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, psdNew) : EndIf

	ProcedureReturn bSuccess


; Procedure RemoveAceFromWindowStation(hwinsta, psid)
; 	Protected aclSizeInfo.ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION
; 	Protected bDaclExist
; 	Protected bDaclPresent
; 	Protected bSuccess = #False
; 	Protected dwNewAclSize
; 	Protected dwSidSize = 0
; 	Protected dwSdSizeNeeded
; 	Protected pacl
; 	Protected pNewAcl = #Null
; 	Protected psd = #Null
; 	Protected psdNew = #Null
; 	Protected pTempAce.ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE
; 	Protected i
; 	; Obtain the DACL For the window station.
; 	If Not GetUserObjectSecurity_(hwinsta, @si, psd, dwSidSize, @dwSdSizeNeeded)
; 			psd = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSdSizeNeeded)
; 			If psd = #Null : ProcedureReturn 0 : EndIf
; 			psdNew = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSdSizeNeeded)
; 			If psdNew = #Null : ProcedureReturn 0 : EndIf
; 			dwSidSize = dwSdSizeNeeded
; 			If Not GetUserObjectSecurity_(hwinsta, @si, psd, dwSidSize, @dwSdSizeNeeded)
; 				ProcedureReturn 0
; 			EndIf
; 		Else
; 			ProcedureReturn 0
; 		EndIf
; 	EndIf
; 	; Create a new DACL.
; 	If Not InitializeSecurityDescriptor_(psdNew, #SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)
; 		ProcedureReturn 0
; 	EndIf
; 	; Get the DACL from the security descriptor.
; 	If Not GetSecurityDescriptorDacl_(psd, @bDaclPresent, @pacl, @bDaclExist)
; 		ProcedureReturn 0
; 	EndIf
; 	; Initialize the ACL.
; 	ZeroMemory_(@aclSizeInfo, SizeOf(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION))
; 	aclSizeInfo\AclBytesInUse = SizeOf(ACL) ; ACL ???
; 	; Call only If the DACL is Not NULL.
; 	If pacl <> #Null
; 		; get the file ACL size info
; 		If Not GetAclInformation_(pacl, @aclSizeInfo, SizeOf(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION), #AclSizeInformation)
; 			ProcedureReturn 0
; 		EndIf
; 	EndIf
; 	; Compute the size of the new ACL.
; 	dwNewAclSize = aclSizeInfo\AclBytesInUse + (2 * SizeOf(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)) + (2 * GetLengthSid_(psid)) - (2 * SizeOf(LONG))
; 	; Allocate memory For the new ACL.
; 	pNewAcl = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwNewAclSize)
; 	If pNewAcl = #Null : ProcedureReturn 0 : EndIf
; 	; Initialize the new DACL.
; 	If Not InitializeAcl_(pNewAcl, dwNewAclSize, #ACL_REVISION)
; 		ProcedureReturn 0
; 	EndIf
; 	; If DACL is present, copy it To a new DACL.
; 	If bDaclPresent
; 		; Copy the ACEs To the new ACL.
; 		If aclSizeInfo\AceCount
; 			For i = 0 To aclSizeInfo\AceCount - 1
; 				; Get an ACE.
; 				If Not GetAce_(pacl, i, @pTempAce)
; 					ProcedureReturn 0
; 				EndIf
; 				If Not EqualSid_(psid, @pTempAce\SidStart)
; 					; Add the ACE To the new ACL.
; 					If Not AddAce_(pNewAcl, #ACL_REVISION, #MAXDWORD, pTempAce, pTempAce\Header\AceSize) ; ?????
; 						ProcedureReturn 0
; 					EndIf
; 				EndIf
; 			Next
; 		EndIf
; 	EndIf
; 	If pacl <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, pacl) : EndIf
; 	;Set a new DACL For the security descriptor.
; 	If Not SetSecurityDescriptorDacl_(psdNew, #True, pNewAcl, #False)
; 		ProcedureReturn 0
; 	EndIf
; 	; Set the new security descriptor For the window station.
; 	If Not SetUserObjectSecurity_(hwinsta, @si, psdNew)
; 		ProcedureReturn 0
; 	EndIf
; 	; Indicate success.
; 	bSuccess = #True
; 	; Free the allocated buffers.
; 	If pace <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, pace) : EndIf
; 	If pNewAcl <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, pNewAcl) : EndIf
; 	If psd <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, psd) : EndIf
; 	If psdNew <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, psdNew) : EndIf
; 	ProcedureReturn bSuccess
; EndProcedure
; Procedure RemoveAceFromDesktop(hdesk, psid)
; 	Protected aclSizeInfo.ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION
; 	Protected bDaclExist
; 	Protected bDaclPresent
; 	Protected bSuccess = #False
; 	Protected dwNewAclSize
; 	Protected dwSidSize = 0
; 	Protected dwSdSizeNeeded
; 	Protected pacl
; 	Protected pNewAcl = #Null
; 	Protected psd = #Null
; 	Protected psdNew = #Null
; 	Protected pTempAce.ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE
; 	Protected i
; 	; Obtain the DACL For the window station.
; 	If Not GetUserObjectSecurity_(hdesk, @si, psd, dwSidSize, @dwSdSizeNeeded)
; 			psd = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSdSizeNeeded)
; 			If psd = #Null : ProcedureReturn 0 : EndIf
; 			psdNew = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSdSizeNeeded)
; 			If psdNew = #Null : ProcedureReturn 0 : EndIf
; 			dwSidSize = dwSdSizeNeeded
; 			If Not GetUserObjectSecurity_(hdesk, @si, psd, dwSidSize, @dwSdSizeNeeded)
; 				ProcedureReturn 0
; 			EndIf
; 		Else
; 			ProcedureReturn 0
; 		EndIf
; 	EndIf
; 	; Create a new DACL.
; 	If Not InitializeSecurityDescriptor_(psdNew, #SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)
; 		ProcedureReturn 0
; 	EndIf
; 	; Get the DACL from the security descriptor.
; 	If Not GetSecurityDescriptorDacl_(psd, @bDaclPresent, @pacl, @bDaclExist)
; 		ProcedureReturn 0
; 	EndIf
; 	; Initialize the ACL.
; 	ZeroMemory_(@aclSizeInfo, SizeOf(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION))
; 	aclSizeInfo\AclBytesInUse = SizeOf(ACL) ; ACL ???
; 	; Call only If the DACL is Not NULL.
; 	If pacl <> #Null
; 		; get the file ACL size info
; 		If Not GetAclInformation_(pacl, @aclSizeInfo, SizeOf(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION), #AclSizeInformation)
; 			ProcedureReturn 0
; 		EndIf
; 	EndIf
; 	; Compute the size of the new ACL.
; 	dwNewAclSize = aclSizeInfo\AclBytesInUse + SizeOf(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid_(psid) - SizeOf(LONG)
; 	; Allocate memory For the new ACL.
; 	pNewAcl = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwNewAclSize)
; 	If pNewAcl = #Null : ProcedureReturn 0 : EndIf
; 	;Initialize the new DACL.
; 	If Not InitializeAcl_(pNewAcl, dwNewAclSize, #ACL_REVISION)
; 		ProcedureReturn 0
; 	EndIf
; 	; If DACL is present, copy it To a new DACL.
; 	If bDaclPresent
; 		; Copy the ACEs To the new ACL.
; 		If aclSizeInfo\AceCount
; 			For i = 0 To aclSizeInfo\AceCount - 1
; 				; Get an ACE.
; 				If Not GetAce_(pacl, i, @pTempAce) ; ?????
; 					ProcedureReturn 0
; 				EndIf
; 				If Not EqualSid_(psid, @pTempAce\SidStart)
; 					; Add the ACE To the new ACL.
; 					If Not AddAce_(pNewAcl, #ACL_REVISION, #MAXDWORD, pTempAce, pTempAce\Header\AceSize) ; ?????
; 						ProcedureReturn 0
; 					EndIf
; 				EndIf
; 			Next
; 		EndIf
; 	EndIf
; 	; Set new DACL To the new security descriptor.
; 	If Not SetSecurityDescriptorDacl_(psdNew, #True, pNewAcl, #False)
; 		ProcedureReturn 0
; 	EndIf
; 	; Set the new security descriptor For the desktop object.
; 	If Not SetUserObjectSecurity_(hdesk, @si, psdNew)
; 		ProcedureReturn 0
; 	EndIf
; 	; Indicate success.
; 	bSuccess = #True
; 	; Free the allocated buffers.
; 	If pAcl <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, pAcl) : EndIf
; 	If pNewAcl <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, pNewAcl) : EndIf
; 	If psd <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, psd) : EndIf
; 	If psdNew <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, psdNew) : EndIf
; 	ProcedureReturn bSuccess
; EndProcedure


#TokenPrimary = 1

If Not LogonUser_(@"user", @".", @"pass", #LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, #LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, @hToken)
	WriteToLog("erreur LogonUser_")

Windows 10 Pro x64
PureBasic 6.04 x64
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Pierre Bellisle
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:12 am

Re: C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by Pierre Bellisle »

Hi tatanas,
Good to read you again.
I did some small modifications to your code.
In the hope that it will help a little...
Double check, I might have missed some points...
Of course, for lurkers, LogonUser name and password have to be set...

Take care,

[Complete rewrite using the original C++ source - 2023-02-06]

Code: Select all


Structure SID Align 1
  Value.b[5] ;or Value.s[6] < SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY

Declare.l StartInteractiveClientProcess()
Declare.l AddAceToWindowStation(hWinSta.i, *psid.SID)
Declare.l AddAceToDesktop(hDesk.i, *psid.SID)
Declare.l GetLogonSID(hToken.i, *ppsid.SID)
Declare.l FreeLogonSID(*ppsid.SID)

;Procedure Hiword(a.w)
; ProcedureReturn(a>>16 & $ffff)

Procedure LOWORD(a.w)
 ProcedureReturn(a & $ffff)

Procedure.s WinError(ErrorCode.L)
 Protected *BStrData.String
 Protected *BStr
 Protected ErrorMessage.s
 Protected ErrorLen.l

                           #Null$, ErrorCode, #Null$, @*BStr , #Null$, #Null$)
 If ErrorLen
   *BStrData.String = @*BStr
   ErrorMessage = *BStrData\s
   ProcedureReturn("Error " + Str(ErrorCode) + " (0x" + Hex(ErrorCode) + ") : " + Left(ErrorMessage, ErrorLen - 2))
   ProcedureReturn("Unknown error " + Str(ErrorCode) + " (0x" + Hex(ErrorCode) + ")")


Procedure WriteToLog(entry.s)
 OutputDebugString_(entry) ; Using DebugView from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/debugview
 ;Debug entry
 ;Protected hFile.l
 ;hFile = OpenFile(#PB_Any, "", #PB_File_SharedRead | #PB_File_SharedWrite)
 ;If hFile = #Null
 ;  ProcedureReturn #False
 ;FileSeek(hFile, Lof(hFile))
 ;WriteStringN(hFile, entry)
 ;ProcedureReturn #True
EndProcedure ; WriteToLog

Procedure.l StartInteractiveClientProcess()
 Protected si.STARTUPINFO
 Protected *pSid.SID
 Protected hToken.i
 Protected hdesk.i
 Protected hwinsta.i
 Protected hwinstaSave.i
 Protected bResult.l

 If (LogonUser_(@"tatanas", @".", @"password", #LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, #LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, @hToken)) = #False
   MessageBox_(#HWND_DESKTOP, "Set valid logon and password...", "LogonUser", #MB_OK | #MB_SYSTEMMODAL | #MB_TOPMOST)
   Goto Cleanup_StartInteractiveClientProcess

 ; Save a handle To the caller's current window station.
 hwinstaSave = GetProcessWindowStation_()
 If hwinstaSave = #Null : Goto Cleanup_StartInteractiveClientProcess : EndIf

 ; Get a handle To the interactive window station.
 hwinsta = OpenWindowStation_(@"winsta0", #False, #READ_CONTROL | #WRITE_DAC)
 If hwinsta = #Null : Goto Cleanup_StartInteractiveClientProcess : EndIf

 ; To get the correct Default desktop, set the caller's window station To the interactive window station.
 If SetProcessWindowStation_(hwinsta) = #False : Goto Cleanup_StartInteractiveClientProcess : EndIf

 ; Get a handle To the interactive desktop.
 hdesk = OpenDesktop_(@"default", 0, #False, #READ_CONTROL | #WRITE_DAC | #DESKTOP_WRITEOBJECTS | #DESKTOP_READOBJECTS)

 ; Restore the caller's window station.
 If SetProcessWindowStation_(hwinstaSave) = #False : Goto Cleanup_StartInteractiveClientProcess : EndIf

 If hdesk = #Null : Goto Cleanup_StartInteractiveClientProcess : EndIf

 If GetLogonSID(hToken.i, @*pSid.sid) = #False : Goto Cleanup_StartInteractiveClientProcess : EndIf

 ; Allow logon SID full access To interactive window station.
 If (AddAceToWindowStation(hwinsta, *pSid)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_StartInteractiveClientProcess : EndIf

 ; Allow logon SID full access To interactive desktop.
 If (AddAceToDesktop(hdesk, *pSid)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_StartInteractiveClientProcess : EndIf

 ; Impersonate client To ensure access To executable file.
 If (ImpersonateLoggedOnUser_(hToken)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_StartInteractiveClientProcess : EndIf

 ; Initialize the STARTUPINFO Structure.
 ; Specify that the process runs IN the interactive desktop.
 ZeroMemory_(@si, SizeOf(STARTUPINFO))
 si\cb = SizeOf(STARTUPINFO)
 si\lpDesktop = @"WinSta0\Default" ;si.lpDesktop = TEXT("winsta0\\default");

 bResult = CreateProcessAsUser_(hToken, #Null, @"c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe", #Null, #Null, #False,
                                #NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS | #CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, #Null, #Null, @si, @pi)
 ; End impersonation of client.

 If (bResult <> #False And pi\hProcess <> #INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
   WaitForSingleObject_(pi\hProcess, #INFINITE)

   If hwinstaSave <> #Null : SetProcessWindowStation_(hwinstaSave) : EndIf

   ; Free the buffer for the logon SID
   If *pSid <> #Null : FreeLogonSID(*pSid) : EndIf

   ; Close the handles To the interactive window station And desktop.
   If hwinsta <> #Null : CloseWindowStation_(hwinsta) : EndIf
   If hdesk   <> #Null : CloseDesktop_(hdesk)         : EndIf

   ; Close the handle To the client's access token.
   If hToken <> #INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE : CloseHandle_(hToken) : EndIf


EndProcedure ; StartInteractiveClientProcess(hToken)

Procedure.l GetLogonSID(hToken.i, *ppsid.SID)
 Protected *ptg.TOKEN_GROUPS
 Protected *psid.SID
 Protected bSuccess.l
 Protected dwIndex.l
 Protected dwLength.l

 ; Verify the parameter passed IN is Not NULL.
 If *ppsid = #Null : Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID : EndIf

 ; Get required buffer size And allocate the TOKEN_GROUPS buffer.
 GetTokenInformation_(hToken, #TokenGroups, 0, 0, @dwLength)
 If GetLastError_() <> #ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER : Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID : EndIf

 *ptg = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwLength)
 If *ptg = #Null : Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID : EndIf

 ; Get the token group information from the access token.
 If (GetTokenInformation_(hToken, #TokenGroups, *ptg, dwLength, @dwLength)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID : EndIf

 ; Loop through the groups To find the logon SID.
 For dwIndex = 0 To *ptg\GroupCount - 1
   If *ptg\Groups[dwIndex]\Attributes & #SE_GROUP_LOGON_ID = #SE_GROUP_LOGON_ID
     ; Found the logon SID; make a copy of it.
     dwLength = GetLengthSid_(*ptg\Groups[dwIndex]\Sid)
     *psid = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwLength)
     If *psid = #Null : Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID : EndIf
     If CopySid_(dwLength, *psid, *ptg\Groups[dwIndex]\Sid) = #False
       HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *psid)
       Goto Cleanup_GetLogonSID
     PokeI(*ppsid, *psid) ;Copy *psid to *ppsid
     bSuccess = #True

 If *ptg <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *ptg) : EndIf

 ProcedureReturn bSuccess

EndProcedure ;GetLogonSID

Procedure.l FreeLogonSID(*ppsid.SID)

 HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *ppsid)

EndProcedure ;FreeLogonSID

Procedure.l AddAceToWindowStation(hwinsta.i, *psid.sid)
 Protected *pace.ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE
 Protected aclSizeInfo.ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION
 Protected *pTempAce.ACE_HEADER
 Protected *aceHeader.ACE_HEADER
 Protected pacl.i
 Protected bDaclExist.l
 Protected bSuccess.l
 Protected bDaclPresent.l
 Protected dwNewAclSize.l
 Protected dwSidSize.l
 Protected dwSdSizeNeeded.l
 Protected i.l

 ; Obtain the DACL For the window station.
 If (GetUserObjectSecurity_(hwinsta, @si, *psd, dwSidSize, @dwSdSizeNeeded)) = #False


    *psd = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSdSizeNeeded)
    If *psd = #Null : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

    *psdNew = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSdSizeNeeded)
    If *psdNew = #Null : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

    dwSidSize = dwSdSizeNeeded
    If (GetUserObjectSecurity_(hwinsta, @si, *psd, dwSidSize, @dwSdSizeNeeded)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

    Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation

 ; Create a new DACL.
 If (InitializeSecurityDescriptor_(*psdNew, #SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

 ; Get the DACL from the security descriptor.
 If (GetSecurityDescriptorDacl_(*psd, @bDaclPresent, @pacl, @bDaclExist)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

 ; Initialize the ACL.
 ZeroMemory_(@aclSizeInfo, SizeOf(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION))
 aclSizeInfo\AclBytesInUse = SizeOf(ACL)

 ; Call only If the DACL is Not NULL.
 If pacl <> #Null
   ; get the file ACL size info
   If (GetAclInformation_(pacl, @aclSizeInfo, SizeOf(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION), #AclSizeInformation)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

 ; Compute the size of the new ACL.
 dwNewAclSize = aclSizeInfo\AclBytesInUse + (2 * SizeOf(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)) + (2 * GetLengthSid_(*psid)) - (2 * SizeOf(LONG))

 ; Allocate memory For the new ACL.
 *pNewAcl = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwNewAclSize)
 If *pNewAcl = #Null : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

 ; Initialize the new DACL.
 If (InitializeAcl_(*pNewAcl, dwNewAclSize, #ACL_REVISION)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

 ; If DACL is present, copy it To a new DACL.
 If bDaclPresent
   ; Copy the ACEs To the new ACL.
   If aclSizeInfo\AceCount
     For i = 0 To aclSizeInfo\AceCount - 1

       ; Get an ACE.
       If (GetAce_(pacl, i, @*pTempAce)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

       ; Add the ACE To the new ACL.
       If (AddAce_(*pNewAcl, #ACL_REVISION, #MAXDWORD, *pTempAce, *pTempAce\AceSize)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf



 ;Add the first ACE To the window station.
 *pace = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, SizeOf(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid_(*psid) - SizeOf(LONG))
 If *pace = #Null : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

 *pace\Header\AceType  = #ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
 *pace\Header\AceSize  = LOWORD(SizeOf(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid_(*psid) - SizeOf(LONG))
 *pace\Mask            = #GENERIC_ACCESS

 If (CopySid_(GetLengthSid_(*psid), @*pace\SidStart, *psid)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

 If (AddAce_(*pNewAcl, #ACL_REVISION, #MAXDWORD, *pace, *pace\Header\AceSize)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

 ; Add the second ACE To the window station.
 *pace\Header\AceFlags = #NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE
 *pace\Mask            = #WINSTA_ALL

 ;AddAce adds one or more access control entries (ACEs) to a specified access control list (ACL).
 If (AddAce_(*pNewAcl, #ACL_REVISION, #MAXDWORD, *pace,    *pace\Header\AceSize)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

 ;Set a new DACL For the security descriptor.
 If (SetSecurityDescriptorDacl_(*psdNew, #True, *pNewAcl, #False)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

 ; Set the new security descriptor For the window station.
 If (SetUserObjectSecurity_(hwinsta, @si, *psdNew)) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToWindowStation : EndIf

 ; Indicate success.
 bSuccess = #True

 ; Free the allocated buffers.
 If *pace    <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *pace)    : EndIf
 If *pNewAcl <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *pNewAcl) : EndIf
 If *psd     <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *psd)     : EndIf
 If *psdNew  <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *psdNew)  : EndIf

 ProcedureReturn bSuccess

EndProcedure ;AddAceToWindowStation

Procedure.l AddAceToDesktop(hdesk, psid)
 Protected aclSizeInfo.ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION
 Protected *pNewAcl.ACL
 Protected *pTempAce.ACE_HEADER
 Protected pacl.i
 Protected bDaclExist.l
 Protected bDaclPresent.l
 Protected bSuccess.l
 Protected dwNewAclSize.l
 Protected dwSidSize.l
 Protected dwSdSizeNeeded.l
 Protected i.l

 ;Obtain the security descriptor For the desktop object.
 If (GetUserObjectSecurity_(hdesk, @si, *psd, dwSidSize, @dwSdSizeNeeded)) = #False


     *psd = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSdSizeNeeded)
     If *psd = #Null : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToDesktop : EndIf

     *psdNew = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSdSizeNeeded)
     If *psdNew = #Null : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToDesktop : EndIf

     dwSidSize = dwSdSizeNeeded
     If GetUserObjectSecurity_(hdesk, @si, *psd, dwSidSize, @dwSdSizeNeeded) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToDesktop : EndIf
     Goto Cleanup_AddAceToDesktop

 ;Create a new security descriptor
 If InitializeSecurityDescriptor_(*psdNew, #SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToDesktop : EndIf

 ; Obtain the DACL from the security descriptor.
 If GetSecurityDescriptorDacl_(*psd, @bDaclPresent, @pacl, @bDaclExist) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToDesktop : EndIf

 ; Initialize the ACL.
 ZeroMemory_(@aclSizeInfo, SizeOf(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION))
 aclSizeInfo\AclBytesInUse = SizeOf(ACL)

 ; Call only If the DACL is Not NULL.
 If pacl <> #Null
   ; Determine the size of the ACL information
   If GetAclInformation_(pacl, @aclSizeInfo, SizeOf(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION), #AclSizeInformation) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToDesktop : EndIf

 ; Compute the size of the new ACL.
 dwNewAclSize = aclSizeInfo\AclBytesInUse + SizeOf(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid_(psid) - SizeOf(LONG)

 ; Allocate memory For the new ACL.
 *pNewAcl = HeapAlloc_(GetProcessHeap_(), #HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwNewAclSize)
 If *pNewAcl = #Null : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToDesktop : EndIf

 ;Initialize the new DACL.
 If InitializeAcl_(*pNewAcl, dwNewAclSize, #ACL_REVISION) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToDesktop : EndIf

 ; If DACL is present, copy it To a new DACL.
 If bDaclPresent

  ; Copy the ACEs To the new ACL.
  If aclSizeInfo\AceCount
   For i = 0 To aclSizeInfo\AceCount - 1

    ; Get an ACE.
    If GetAce_(pacl, i, @*pTempAce) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToDesktop : EndIf

    ; Add the ACE To the new ACL.
    If AddAce_(*pNewAcl, #ACL_REVISION, #MAXDWORD, *pTempAce, *pTempAce\AceSize) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToDesktop : EndIf




 ; Add ACE To the DACL.
 If AddAccessAllowedAce_(*pNewAcl, #ACL_REVISION, #DESKTOP_ALL, psid) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToDesktop : EndIf

 ; Set new DACL To the new security descriptor.
 If SetSecurityDescriptorDacl_(*psdNew, #True, *pNewAcl, #False) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToDesktop : EndIf

 ; Set the new security descriptor For the desktop object.
 If SetUserObjectSecurity_(hdesk, @si, *psdNew) = #False : Goto Cleanup_AddAceToDesktop : EndIf

 ; Indicate success.
 bSuccess = #True

 ; Free the allocated buffers.
 If *pNewAcl <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *pNewAcl) : EndIf
 If *psd     <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *psd)     : EndIf
 If *psdNew  <> #Null : HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, *psdNew)  : EndIf

 ProcedureReturn bSuccess

EndProcedure ;AddAceToDesktop

Procedure MainProc()

 ;Protected zFileName.s
 ;zFileName.s = Space(#MAX_PATH)
 ;GetModuleFileName_(0, zFileName, #MAX_PATH)


EndProcedure ;Main

; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.73 LTS (Windows - x64)
; CursorPosition = 99
; FirstLine = 47
; EnableAsm
; EnableXP
; Executable = InteractiveClientProcessWeb3.exe
; DisableDebugger
; CompileSourceDirectory
Last edited by Pierre Bellisle on Tue Feb 07, 2023 4:29 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by tatanas »

Thanks Pierre :D
Glad you were able to look at this code. But I have an error when I try to run it : "The debugged executable quit unexpectedly".
No further indication...

No more error if I replace OutputDebugString_() by Debug() but the notepad.exe doesn't start.
Same 1314 error from CreateProcessAsUser_()
Windows 10 Pro x64
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Pierre Bellisle
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Re: C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by Pierre Bellisle »

On my side, I thought OutputDebugString_ reported only successfull action.
I missed the CreateProcessAsUser_() error.

Not sure about the Debug(), maybe some conflict since this code goes goes deep in some aspect.
As a try, you may download Sysinternals's debugview

I may have some time today, with your comment in mind, I will see if I can do some corrections...
Specially for CreateProcessAsUser_()

Added: Error 1314 (0x522) : Le client ne dispose pas d’un privilège nécessaire.
Added: Error 1314: A required privilege is not held by the client. (ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD 0x522)
Added: This is quite a good indication...

The CreateProcessAsUser Microsoft web page have a remark about error 1314...
Solution is near, get SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME privilege or use CreateProcessWithLogonW().

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Pierre Bellisle
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Re: C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by Pierre Bellisle »

I got this working... Still not enough... Going back to the drawing board...

Code: Select all

 Protected TokenPriv.TOKEN_PRIVILEGES
 TokenPriv\PrivilegeCount = 1
 LookupPrivilegeValue_(#Null, "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege", TokenPriv\Privileges[0]\Luid) ;SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME = "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege"
 TokenPriv\Privileges[0]\Attributes = 2 ;SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED = 2
 If AdjustTokenPrivileges_(hToken, FALSE, TokenPriv, 0, #Null, #Null) ;nzok	
    WriteToLog("a18a AdjustTokenPrivileges_: ok")
    WriteToLog("a18a AdjustTokenPrivileges_: failed")
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Pierre Bellisle
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Re: C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by Pierre Bellisle »

In my context, i didn't have success with CreateProcessAsUser_() even with SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege and SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege privileges.
Still more work to do on this.

I replaced CreateProcessAsUser_() with CreateProcessWithLogonW() and it seems to work fine...
As always, LogonUser_ and CreateProcessWithLogonW need username and password set.

Code in my first post has been updated.

Hope it work fine on your side...

[Added: I did a correction in Procedure FreeLogonSID]
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Re: C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by tatanas »

IT's ok for me too. Nice job ! You really understand the internal mechanics of windows.
And I'm glad that all the code, except the CreateProcessAsUser part, I converted from C++ is not buggy. It was not easy...

Again, thank you very much for helping me.

EDIT : Is there a problem with the FreeLogonSID procedure ? The paramater is a pointer (*ppsid) but the variable used inside is different : "ppsid" (=0)

Code: Select all

Procedure FreeLogonSID(*ppsid) 
  WriteToLog("f1 FreeLogonSID start") ;nzok
   If HeapFree_(GetProcessHeap_(), 0, ppsid)  
     WriteToLog("f1 FreeLogonSID ok") ;nzok
     WriteToLog("f1 FreeLogonSID failed") ;nzok
EndProcedure ;FreeLogonSID
EDIT 2 : Too bad, it's not working when the code is executed as system (from a service). I've got ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED from CreateProcessWithLogonW() and a crash because of the FreeLogonSID() procedure.
From mdsn :
Windows XP with SP2,Windows Server 2003, or later: You cannot call CreateProcessWithLogonW from a process that is running under the "LocalSystem" account, because the function uses the logon SID in the caller token, and the token for the "LocalSystem" account does not contain this SID. As an alternative, use the CreateProcessAsUser and LogonUser functions.
EDIT3 : I used PaExec source code (opensource) to create this sample but it seems that it is not working either. As for PSExec, it works correctly (no source :( )
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Pierre Bellisle
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Re: C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by Pierre Bellisle »

About FreeLogonSID, I had some GPF, the absence of "*" is the left over result of some try I did.
It's now set back to a *Pointer as it should.

About CreateProcessWithLogonW, I'm with you, I went back to CreateProcessAsUser.
Before calling CreateProcessAsUser I call AdjustTokenPrivileges with SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege
and SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege, from my context, it seems it was not mandatory,
I leaved it there, nothing to loose, try as you like.

I updated the code from my first post.
As a Local SystemAdministrator, I can execute the code and get Notepad to appear.

Hope it will be fine on your side.
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Re: C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by tatanas »

As a Local SystemAdministrator, I can execute the code and get Notepad to appear.
What do you mean ? When the code is executed from a service, you get the notepad gui ? So a notepad.exe in session X (not 0) executed by the Username you provided in parameter ?
Because on my side, it's the same as before, I've got a notepad in session 0 (without GUI) executed by the User provided in the Logon() paramater.
And FreeLogonSID() craches the service.
If I run the code on local machine (no service), I've got a Error 1314 from CreateProcessAsUser.
Too bad the PsExec source is not available...

EDIT : This is the best I can achieve (a black gui of notepad)
Insert this code before the ImpersonateLoggedOnUser_()

Code: Select all

	#TokenSessionId = 12
	#SecurityImpersonation = 2
	#TokenPrimary = 1

	Protected ReturnLength ; semble retourner un LONG
	Protected targetSessionID.l = WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId()
	Protected origSessionID.l
	Protected error

	If Not IPF_EnablePrivilege("SeDebugPrivilege")
		WriteToLog("Erreur IPF_EnablePrivilege")
	If Not IPF_EnablePrivilege("SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege")
		WriteToLog("Erreur SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege")
	If Not IPF_EnablePrivilege("SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege")
		WriteToLog("Erreur SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege")

	Protected ret = GetTokenInformation_(hToken, #TokenSessionId, #Null, 0, @ReturnLength)
	If ret = 0
		error = GetLastError_()

			; on laisse faire, c'est normal, ReturnLength contient ce qu'il faut maintenant
			Protected *TokenInformation ;= AllocateMemory(ReturnLength)
			*TokenInformation = LocalAlloc_(#LMEM_FIXED, ReturnLength)
			If *TokenInformation <> #Null
				If GetTokenInformation_(hToken, #TokenSessionId, @*TokenInformation, ReturnLength, @ReturnLength)
					origSessionID = PeekL(@*TokenInformation)

					If Not IPF_EnablePrivilege("SeTcbPrivilege", #True, hToken) ;SE_TCB_NAME
						WriteToLog("Erreur SeTcbPrivilege")
					PokeL(@*TokenInformation, targetSessionID)

					If Not SetTokenInformation_(hToken, #TokenSessionId, @*TokenInformation, ReturnLength)
						error = GetLastError_()
						WriteToLog("SetTokenInformation_ 1 : " + WinError(error))

					error = GetLastError_()
					WriteToLog("GetTokenInformation_ 2 : " + error)

; 				LocalFree_(*TokenInformation)
			WriteToLog("GetTokenInformation_ 1 : " + error)
			WriteToLog("ReturnLength=" + ReturnLength)
EDIT 2 : I just thought of something, all the functions GetProcessWindowStation/OpenWindowStation/SetProcessWindowStation/SetProcessWindowStation aren't they working on the "session 0" Winstation ? If so then it should be on user session X ?
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Re: C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by JHPJHP »

Hi tatanas,

I tried the latest version posted by Pierre Bellisle, and it worked as expected.
I compiled the code into an executable, ran it from the NT Authority\System account and Notepad opened.

Are you trying to run an Interactive Process from a Windows Service? If not, what are your requirements?

Previously, I wrote my own example from the link you posted, and the code worked as intended.
Last edited by JHPJHP on Tue Feb 07, 2023 5:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Pierre Bellisle
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Re: C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by Pierre Bellisle »

tatanas: Too bad the PsExec source is not available...

A quick note: Are you aware of PAExec source, clone of PsExec

Added: Code in my first post was updated with EnableExplicit. I did set the type of all variables and made some more modifications. Program should be more robust, without the FreeLogonSID() GPF.
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Re: C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by tatanas »

I'm sorry I can't get it to work.
I included your code in my service (your service code too :) ). So it is executed by system from session 0.
But notepad start in session 0 not the user session who is currently logged in.
Here is the log :
a1 AccessWinStation start
a3 hWinStaSave 0x9C
a5 hWinSta 0x458
a7 hDesk 0x454
a9 Get Default desktop 0x454
g1 hToken 0x420 *ppsid = 0x176FCD8
g2 hToken 0x420
g3 TokenInformation meeded len 44
g4 ptu AllocateMemory 0x1F0770 len = 44
g5 ptu AllocateMemory 0x1F0770 dwLength = 44 / 44
g6 *ppsid 0x176FCD8 *pTU\User\Sid 0x1F0780
g7 CopySid_ success
g9 *ppsid 0x176FCD8 *pTU\User\Sid 0x1F0780
g10 GetTokenInformation_ ok
g12 ptu AllocateMemory 0x1F0770 len = 44
g14 ptu AllocateMemory 0x1F0770 len = 44
g16 *ptg GetTokenInformation_ OK 408
g17 ptg GetTokenInformation_ ok
g18 ptg AllocateMemory 0x1F2FA0 len = 408
g19 ptg\GroupCount = 13
g20 ptg\GroupCount # 0
g20 ptg\GroupCount # 1
g20 ptg\GroupCount # 2
g20 ptg\GroupCount # 3
g20 ptg\GroupCount # 4
g20 ptg\GroupCount # 5
g20 ptg\GroupCount # 6
g20 ptg\GroupCount # 7
g20 ptg\GroupCount # 8
g20 ptg\GroupCount # 9
g20 ptg\GroupCount # 10
g21 ptg Found the logon SID
g23 ptu AllocateMemory 0x1F0770 len = 20
g24 Cleanup_GetLogonSID
g25 ptu FreeMemory 0x1F0770
g26 ptg FreeMemory 0x0
g27 GetLogonSID exit 1
a11 GetLogonSID ok
w1 AddAceToWindowStation
w2 GetUserObjectSecurity_
w3 InitializeSecurityDescriptor_
w4 GetSecurityDescriptorDacl_
w5 GetAclInformation_
w6 dwNewAclSize
w7 bDaclPresent
w8 HeapAlloc_
w9 AceType
w10 AddAce_
w11 SetUserObjectSecurity_
w99 exit
a13 AddAceToWindowStation ok
k1 AddAceToDesktop
k2 GetUserObjectSecurity_
k3 InitializeSecurityDescriptor_
k4 GetSecurityDescriptorDacl_
k5 GetAclInformation_
k6 dwNewAclSize
k7 HeapAlloc_
k8 bDaclPresent
k9 AddAccessAllowedAce_
k99 exit
a15 AddAceToDesktop ok
a16 ImpersonateLoggedOnUser_ ok
a18 AdjustTokenPrivileges: Success if non zero = 1
LastError = Error 1300 (0x514) : L’appelant ne bénéficie pas de tous les privilèges ou groupes référencés.
a19 CreateProcessAsUser: ok
a99 AccessWinStation exitting
It seems the AdjustTokenPrivileges_ is at fault.

About PaExec :
EDIT3 : I used PaExec source code (opensource) to create this sample but it seems that it is not working either. As for PSExec, it works correctly (no source :( )
I posted a message in the PaExec forum yesterday : http://support.poweradmin.com/osqa/ques ... age=1#3528
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Re: C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by tatanas »


Do you execute it from a service in session 0 ?
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Re: C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by JHPJHP »

Hi tatanas,
JHPJHP wrote:Are you trying to run an Interactive Process from a Windows Service?
You didn't answer my question. I asked it because included in my Windows Services & Other Stuff download is script to create and run a service as the logged-in user without having to provide login credentials.

It doesn't make sense providing login credentials (at run time) for a script to run from a service. If you're already providing user credentials, then why not just create the service to run in the user's session?

I'm not sure what happened between yesterday and today, but the script provided by Pierre Bellisle is no longer working.
I might have been mistaken about it working yesterday, I did not test what session notepad was running in.

To answer your question, yes, I run my version of the script from a Session 0 account (NT Authority\System), executing Command Prompt (CMD). When I type WHOAMI into the window it returns the logged-in user account.
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Re: C++ conversion of interactive process

Post by tatanas »

I just want to do the same as psexec.
I work on a school environnement. So I try to order remotely students/professors computers.
The service is actualy a tcp client which can respond to server commands. One of the command could be the execution of a program on this client with admin rights (the one provided by my remote command). This can permit interactiv (or silent) installation of program.
I'm already able to execute program as system (too much rights) or as the logged on user (not enough rights).
Windows 10 Pro x64
PureBasic 6.04 x64
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