SYSLOG Pseudotype wird nicht angenommen

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SYSLOG Pseudotype wird nicht angenommen

Beitrag von Makke »

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe eine Include um unter Linux Programmen ins syslog zu schreiben. Die Strings werden als ASCII verlangt. Wenn ich die Funktion openlog() mit dem Pseudotype .p-ascii nutze, dann kommt im syslog nur quatsch an:

Code: Alles auswählen

Nov 25 12:29:32 xxxxxx-Linux ˆÍŽ[4649]: 4649]: 
Nov 25 12:33:13 xxxxxx-Linux Ḟŵâ[4687]: 
Nov 25 12:34:40 xxxxxx-Linux ˆ+Q"ú[4708]: 
Nov 25 12:35:14 xxxxxx-Linux Ḟ$Ö[4729]: 9]: 
Gleichwohl funktioniert das bei der Funktion syslog() dann so wie es sollte. Ist merkwürdig. Weiß hier jemand Rat ? Danke im Voraus.

Und hier die Include:

Code: Alles auswählen

; C header for syslog (GNU C utils)

; option flags for openlog
#LOG_PID    = $01    ;log the pid with each message
#LOG_CONS   = $02    ;log on the console if errors in sending 
#LOG_ODELAY = $04    ;delay open until first syslog() (Default)
#LOG_NDELAY = $08    ;don't delay open
#LOG_NOWAIT = $10    ;don't wait for console forks: DEPRECATED
#LOG_PERROR = $20    ;log to stderr as well

; facility codes, I comment the not useful codes
;#LOG_KERN       = (0<<3)    ; kernel messages
#LOG_USER       = (1<<3)    ; random user-level messages
#LOG_MAIL       = (2<<3)    ; mail system
#LOG_DAEMON     = (3<<3)    ; system daemons
;#LOG_AUTH       = (4<<3)    ; security/authorization messages
;#LOG_SYSLOG     = (5<<3)    ; messages generated internally by syslogd
#LOG_LPR        = (6<<3)    ; line printer subsystem
#LOG_NEWS       = (7<<3)    ; network news subsystem
;#LOG_UUCP       = (8<<3)    ; UUCP subsystem
;#LOG_CRON       = (9<<3)    ; clock daemon
#LOG_AUTHPRIV   = (10<<3)   ; security/authorization messages (private)

#LOG_NFACILITIES  = 24      ; current number of facilities
#LOG_FACMASK      = $03f8   ; mask to extract facility part

; priorities (these are ordered)
Enumeration 0
  #LOG_EMERG      ; system is unusable
  #LOG_ALERT      ; action must be taken immediately
  #LOG_CRIT       ; critical conditions
  #LOG_ERR        ; error conditions
  #LOG_WARNING    ; warning conditions
  #LOG_NOTICE     ; normal but significant condition
  #LOG_INFO       ; informational
  #LOG_DEBUG      ; debug-level messages

; macro to create the facility_priority code for the SYSLOG command
Macro LOG_MAKEPRI(fac, pri)
  (((fac) << 3) | (pri))

; to get the syslog comamnds work inside purebasic, u have to import them
; this C functions need the strings in ASCII format
ImportC ""
  openlog_ (*ident, option.i, facility.i = #Null) As "openlog"    ; I did not use the pseudotype, because it did not work at all, in the sysslog are undefined symbols
  syslog_  (facility_priority.i, format.p-ascii) As "syslog"
  closelog_() As "closelog"

Procedure.i toAsc(String.s)
  Protected.l l = Len(String)
  Static.s ascString
  ascString = Space(l)
  PokeS(@ascString, String, l+1, #PB_Ascii)
  ProcedureReturn @ascString

Macro SysLog(ProgramName, Facility, Priority, Message)
  ;openlog_(toAsc(ProgramName), #LOG_PID, Facility)  ; use the PID in the log and writes to stderr
  openlog_(toAsc(ProgramName), #LOG_PID)
  syslog_(LOG_MAKEPRI(Facility, Priority), Message)

; special internal constant, u can switch inside PB with DEFINED compiler function to enable syslog feature
Windows 11 (64 bit)