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Kollisionserkennung für rotierte Rechtecke 2d/3d

Verfasst: 17.12.2017 22:04
von #NULL
(Rotated Box Collision Detection, OBB, Oriented Bounding Box Collision Detection)

Ich habe 2 Demos gebaut um das 'Separating Axis Theorem' umzusetzten bzw zu verstehen, für Kollisionserkennung zwischen rotierten Rechtecken (2d, erster Code) oder Quadern (3d, zweiter Code).

Unter Windows müßt ihr vielleicht einen anderen Font angeben. Unter Linux subsystem gtk2 verwenden um Bugs von DrawText() zu vermeiden, siehe Kommentar am Anfang der 3d Version.

2d version:

Code: Alles auswählen

Define ww, wh, style, win, canvas, event, quit
Define mouseButtonLeft, mouseButtonRight

style | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered
style | #PB_Window_SystemMenu
style | #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget

win = OpenWindow(#PB_Any, 50,100, ww,wh, "", style)
AddKeyboardShortcut(win, #PB_Shortcut_Escape, 10)
canvas = CanvasGadget(#PB_Any, 0, 0, ww, wh, #PB_Canvas_Keyboard)
SetGadgetAttribute(canvas, #PB_Canvas_Cursor, #PB_Cursor_Invisible)
SetWindowTitle(win, "press mousebuttons to rotate boxes")

Structure sVec

Structure sBox
  ; box position and origin of rotation
  ; corner positions (relative to box position and unrotated)
  p1.sVec ; top left
  p2.sVec ; top right
  p3.sVec ; bottom right
  p4.sVec ; bottom left
  ; rotation

NewList b.sBox()
Define.sBox *b1, *b2

Declare.i newBox(posx.f, posY.f,  p1x.f, p1y.f,  p2x.f, p2y.f,  p3x.f, p3y.f,  p4x.f, p4y.f, a.f)

*b1 = newBox(400, 300,   -60, -10,   60, -10,   60, 40,   -60, 40,  Radian(22))
*b2 = newBox(500, 200,   -20, -50,   20, -50,   20, 20,   -20, 20,  Radian(-10))

Procedure.i newBox(posx.f, posY.f,  p1x.f, p1y.f,  p2x.f, p2y.f,  p3x.f, p3y.f,  p4x.f, p4y.f, a.f)
  Shared b()
  b()\pos\x  = posx
  b()\pos\y  = posy
  b()\p1\x = p1x
  b()\p1\y = p1y
  b()\p2\x = p2x
  b()\p2\y = p2y
  b()\p3\x = p3x
  b()\p3\y = p3y
  b()\p4\x = p4x
  b()\p4\y = p4y
  b()\a  = a
  ProcedureReturn b()

Procedure rotate(*p.sVec, a.f, *pOut.sVec)
  Define l.f
  l = Sqr( (*p\x * *p\x) + (*p\y * *p\y) )
  a = ATan2(*p\x, *p\y) + a
  *pOut\x = l * Cos(a)
  *pOut\y = l * Sin(a)

Procedure.i boxCollisionUnrotated(*b1.sBox, *b2.sBox)
  If (*b1\pos\x + *b1\p2\x) >= (*b2\pos\x + *b2\p1\x) And
     (*b1\pos\x + *b1\p1\x) <= (*b2\pos\x + *b2\p2\x) And
     (*b1\pos\y + *b1\p3\y) >= (*b2\pos\y + *b2\p1\y) And
     (*b1\pos\y + *b1\p2\y) <= (*b2\pos\y + *b2\p3\y) 
    ProcedureReturn #True
  ProcedureReturn #False

Procedure.f min(a.f, b.f)
  If a < b
    ProcedureReturn a
  ProcedureReturn b

Procedure.f max(a.f, b.f)
  If a > b
    ProcedureReturn a
  ProcedureReturn b

Procedure.i boxCollisionRotated(*b1.sBox, *b2.sBox)
  Define.sBox b1rot, b2rot, bTmpRot
  Define.f b1size
  Define countIntersection
  ; copy boxes and apply rotation directly to corner points 1-4
  CopyStructure(*b1, @ b1rot, sBox)
  rotate(b1rot\p1, b1rot\a, @ b1rot\p1)
  rotate(b1rot\p2, b1rot\a, @ b1rot\p2)
  rotate(b1rot\p3, b1rot\a, @ b1rot\p3)
  rotate(b1rot\p4, b1rot\a, @ b1rot\p4)
  CopyStructure(*b2, @ b2rot, sBox)
  rotate(b2rot\p1, b2rot\a, @ b2rot\p1)
  rotate(b2rot\p2, b2rot\a, @ b2rot\p2)
  rotate(b2rot\p3, b2rot\a, @ b2rot\p3)
  rotate(b2rot\p4, b2rot\a, @ b2rot\p4)
  countIntersection = 0
  Define.i swapBoxes
  ; 1 = test box 1 normals with projected box 2 corners
  ; 2 = test box 2 normals with projected box 1 corners
  For swapBoxes = 1 To 2
    ; test the other way round in second run
    If swapBoxes = 2
      Swap *b1, *b2    ; swap unrotated boxes
      bTmpRot = b1rot  ; swap rotated copies
      b1rot = b2rot
      b2rot = bTmpRot
    Define.i     b1edge
    Define.sVec  *b1pA, *b1pB
    ; test for 2 edges per box (top and right)
    For b1edge = 1 To 2
      Select b1edge
        Case 1 :                        ; box 1 top edge
          *b1pA = b1rot\p1              ; top left
          *b1pB = b1rot\p2              ; top right
          b1size = *b1\p4\y - *b1\p1\y  ; box height (using unrotated coordinates for simpler calculation)
        Case 2 :                        ; box 1 right edge
          *b1pA = b1rot\p2              ; top right
          *b1pB = b1rot\p3              ; bottom right
          b1size = *b1\p2\x - *b1\p1\x  ; box width (using unrotated coordinates for simpler calculation)
      Define.sVec edge, normal
      Define.f f
      Define.f dx, dy
      Define.f b2pProjected
      Define.f b2pProjectedMin
      Define.f b2pProjectedMax
      ; get edge (point B - point A)
      edge\x = *b1pB\x - *b1pA\x
      edge\y = *b1pB\y - *b1pA\y
      LineXY(b1rot\pos\x + *b1pA\x +1, ; ( +1 offset to be visible)
             b1rot\pos\y + *b1pA\y +1, 
             b1rot\pos\x + *b1pA\x +1 + edge\x, 
             b1rot\pos\y + *b1pA\y +1 + edge\y, 
             $ff00bbdd)                                                        ; yellow
      ; get edge normal
      normal\x = - edge\y
      normal\y =   edge\x
      f = -1 / Sqr(normal\x * normal\x + normal\y * normal\y)
      normal\x * f  ; normalize magnitude, factor = reciprocal of length
      normal\y * f
      LineXY(b1rot\pos\x + *b1pA\x + edge\x/2 - normal\x * 200, 
             b1rot\pos\y + *b1pA\y + edge\y/2 - normal\y * 200, 
             b1rot\pos\x + *b1pA\x + edge\x/2 + normal\x * 200, 
             b1rot\pos\y + *b1pA\y + edge\y/2 + normal\y * 200, 
             $aaff3333)                                                        ; blue
      ; project all 4 corners of box 2 onto current box 1 edge normal
      Define.i     b2p
      Define.sVec *b2p
      b2pProjectedMin =  999999
      b2pProjectedMax = -999999
      ; each corner of box 2
      For b2p = 1 To 4
        Select b2p
          Case 1 : *b2p = b2rot\p1
          Case 2 : *b2p = b2rot\p2
          Case 3 : *b2p = b2rot\p3
          Case 4 : *b2p = b2rot\p4
        ; get vector from any point on edge (b1pA) to box 2 corner
        dx = (b2rot\pos\x + *b2p\x) - (b1rot\pos\x + *b1pA\x)
        dy = (b2rot\pos\y + *b2p\y) - (b1rot\pos\y + *b1pA\y)
        ; dot product of vector and normal (project corner vector onto normal vector)
        b2pProjected = normal\x * dx + normal\y * dy
        Circle(b1rot\pos\x + *b1pA\x + edge\x/2 + normal\x * b2pProjected, 
               b1rot\pos\y + *b1pA\y + edge\y/2 + normal\y * b2pProjected, 
               2, $66dd33aa)                                                   ; purple
        LineXY(b1rot\pos\x + *b1pA\x + edge\x/2 + normal\x * b2pProjected, 
               b1rot\pos\y + *b1pA\y + edge\y/2 + normal\y * b2pProjected, 
               b2rot\pos\x + *b2p\x, 
               b2rot\pos\y + *b2p\y, 
               $66dd33aa)                                                      ; purple
        ; get min/max of projected range
        If b2pProjected <= b2pProjectedMin
          b2pProjectedMin = b2pProjected
        If b2pProjected >= b2pProjectedMax
          b2pProjectedMax = b2pProjected
      LineXY(b1rot\pos\x + *b1pA\x + edge\x/2 + normal\x * b2pProjectedMin, 
             b1rot\pos\y + *b1pA\y + edge\y/2 + normal\y * b2pProjectedMin, 
             b1rot\pos\x + *b1pA\x + edge\x/2 + normal\x * b2pProjectedMax, 
             b1rot\pos\y + *b1pA\y + edge\y/2 + normal\y * b2pProjectedMax, 
             $dd999999)                                                        ; gray
      ; test intersection of projection and box size
      If (b2pProjectedMin <= 0) And (b2pProjectedMax >= -b1size)
        countIntersection + 1
        LineXY(b1rot\pos\x + *b1pA\x + edge\x/2 + normal\x * max(b2pProjectedMin, -b1size), 
               b1rot\pos\y + *b1pA\y + edge\y/2 + normal\y * max(b2pProjectedMin, -b1size), 
               b1rot\pos\x + *b1pA\x + edge\x/2 + normal\x * min(0, b2pProjectedMax), 
               b1rot\pos\y + *b1pA\y + edge\y/2 + normal\y * min(0, b2pProjectedMax), 
               $aa3333ff)                                                      ; red
        ; no intersection in one of the 4 projections means no collision
        ;Procedure #False   ; (would cancel drawing)
  ; for a collision all 4 cases must cause intersections
  If countIntersection = 4
    ProcedureReturn #True
  ProcedureReturn #False

Procedure drawBox(*b.sBox, colorUnrotated, colorRotated)
  Define.sVec p1, p2, p3, p4
  ;Shared *b1, *b2
  ; draw position
  Circle(*b\pos\x, *b\pos\y, 2, colorUnrotated)
  ; draw unrotated
  rotate(*b\p1, 0, @ p1)  :  p1\x + *b\pos\x  :  p1\y + *b\pos\y
  rotate(*b\p2, 0, @ p2)  :  p2\x + *b\pos\x  :  p2\y + *b\pos\y
  rotate(*b\p3, 0, @ p3)  :  p3\x + *b\pos\x  :  p3\y + *b\pos\y
  rotate(*b\p4, 0, @ p4)  :  p4\x + *b\pos\x  :  p4\y + *b\pos\y
  LineXY(p1\x, p1\y, p2\x, p2\y, colorUnrotated)
  LineXY(p2\x, p2\y, p3\x, p3\y, colorUnrotated)
  LineXY(p3\x, p3\y, p4\x, p4\y, colorUnrotated)
  LineXY(p4\x, p4\y, p1\x, p1\y, colorUnrotated)
  ; draw rotated
  rotate(*b\p1, *b\a, @ p1)  :  p1\x + *b\pos\x  :  p1\y + *b\pos\y
  rotate(*b\p2, *b\a, @ p2)  :  p2\x + *b\pos\x  :  p2\y + *b\pos\y
  rotate(*b\p3, *b\a, @ p3)  :  p3\x + *b\pos\x  :  p3\y + *b\pos\y
  rotate(*b\p4, *b\a, @ p4)  :  p4\x + *b\pos\x  :  p4\y + *b\pos\y
  LineXY(p1\x, p1\y, p2\x, p2\y, colorRotated)
  LineXY(p2\x, p2\y, p3\x, p3\y, colorRotated)
  LineXY(p3\x, p3\y, p4\x, p4\y, colorRotated)
  LineXY(p4\x, p4\y, p1\x, p1\y, colorRotated)

Procedure p()
  Shared win, mouseButtonLeft, mouseButtonRight
  Shared *b1, *b2
  Define colorUnrotated, colorRotated
  If WindowMouseX(win) >= 0 And WindowMouseY(win) >= 0
    *b2\pos\x = WindowMouseX(win)
    *b2\pos\y = WindowMouseY(win)
    *b2\pos\x = 500
    *b2\pos\y = 200
  If mousebuttonLeft
    *b1\a + 0.001
  If mouseButtonRight
    *b2\a - 0.001
  ; check and draw simple box collision
  colorUnrotated = $4400ff00                                            ; dimmed green
  If boxCollisionUnrotated(*b1, *b2)
    colorUnrotated = $440000ff                                          ; dimmed red (collision)
  ; check and draw rotated box collision
  colorRotated = $aa00ff00                                              ; green
  If boxCollisionRotated(*b1, *b2)
    colorRotated = $aa0000ff                                            ; red (collision)
  ; draw boxes only
  drawBox(*b1, colorUnrotated, colorRotated)
  drawBox(*b2, colorUnrotated, colorRotated)

  If IsWindow(win) ;{
      event   = WindowEvent()
      Select event
        Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
          quit = #True
        Case #PB_Event_Menu
          Select EventMenu()
            Case 10
              quit = #True
        Case #PB_Event_Gadget
          Select EventGadget()
            Case canvas
              Select EventType()
                Case #PB_EventType_LeftButtonDown  : mouseButtonLeft = #True
                Case #PB_EventType_LeftButtonUp    : mouseButtonLeft = #False
                Case #PB_EventType_RightButtonDown : mouseButtonRight = #True
                Case #PB_EventType_RightButtonUp   : mouseButtonRight = #False
    Until Not event
    Box(0, 0, OutputWidth(), OutputHeight(), $00000000)
Until quit
3d version:

Code: Alles auswählen

; use subsystem gtk2 to avoid:
;   pb 5.61, memory leak of DrawText(), program might be killed by the system after a while.
;   pb 5.46 lts, wrong text displayed with DrawText().

Define ww, wh, style, win, canvas, event, quit
Define mouseButtonLeft
Define mouseButtonRight
Define mouseButtonMiddle
Define mouseWheelDelta
Define mouseX
Define mouseY
Define mouseXDelta
Define mouseYDelta
Define keyUpR
Define keyDownLeft
Define keyDownRight
Define control = 1
Define showStep = 1

Define frameTime, perSecond.f

Define font
font = LoadFont(#PB_Any, "monospace", 8)
;font = LoadFont(#PB_Any, "Lucida Console", 8)

style | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered
style | #PB_Window_SystemMenu
style | #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget

win = OpenWindow(#PB_Any, 50,100, ww,wh, "", style)
AddKeyboardShortcut(win, #PB_Shortcut_Escape, 10)
canvas = CanvasGadget(#PB_Any, 0, 0, ww, wh, #PB_Canvas_Keyboard)
SetGadgetAttribute(canvas, #PB_Canvas_Cursor, #PB_Cursor_Invisible)

; -------------------------------------------------------------------

Structure sVec3d

Structure sBox3d
  ; box position and origin of rotation
  ; corner positions. relative to box position and unrotated.
  ; boxCollisionRotated() will internally use temporary copies of the boxes with the box position and
  ; rotation applied to corner vertices directly so they will be absolute positions in global space in
  ; that context)
  ;                      .
  ;      0________1      .
  ;      /|       /|     .
  ;    3/_|_____2/ |     .
  ;    |  |     |  |     .
  ;    | 4|_____|_5|     .
  ;    | /      | /      .
  ;    |/_______|/       .
  ;    7         6       .
  ;                      .
  ; rotation. will be applied on global axis each, not on successively rotated local axes.
  ax.f ; pitch
  ay.f ; roll
  az.f ; yaw
  ;                      .
  ;     z                .
  ;     |   y            .
  ;     |  /             .
  ;     | /              .
  ;     |/               .
  ;     +--------x       .
  ;                      .

; -------------------------------------------------------------------

Define.f camDepth
Define.f camX, camY, camZ
Define.f camAZ

NewList b.sBox3d()
Define.sBox3d *b1, *b2

; -------------------------------------------------------------------

Procedure.i newBox(posX.f, posY.f, posZ.f,  
                   p0x.f, p0y.f, p0z.f,  
                   p1x.f, p1y.f, p1z.f,  
                   p2x.f, p2y.f, p2z.f,  
                   p3x.f, p3y.f, p3z.f,  
                   p4x.f, p4y.f, p4z.f,  
                   p5x.f, p5y.f, p5z.f,  
                   p6x.f, p6y.f, p6z.f,  
                   p7x.f, p7y.f, p7z.f,  
                   ax.f, ay.f, az.f)
  ; verify planes
  If Not(p0x = p3x And p0x = p4x And p0x = p7x) : CallDebugger : EndIf
  If Not(p1x = p2x And p1x = p5x And p1x = p6x) : CallDebugger : EndIf
  If Not(p0y = p1y And p0y = p4y And p0y = p5y) : CallDebugger : EndIf
  If Not(p3y = p2y And p3y = p6y And p3y = p7y) : CallDebugger : EndIf
  If Not(p0z = p1z And p0z = p2z And p0z = p3z) : CallDebugger : EndIf
  If Not(p4z = p5z And p4z = p6z And p4z = p7z) : CallDebugger : EndIf
  Shared b()
  b()\pos\x  = posX
  b()\pos\y  = posY
  b()\pos\z  = posZ
  b()\p[0]\x = p0x  :  b()\p[0]\y = p0y  :  b()\p[0]\z = p0z
  b()\p[1]\x = p1x  :  b()\p[1]\y = p1y  :  b()\p[1]\z = p1z
  b()\p[2]\x = p2x  :  b()\p[2]\y = p2y  :  b()\p[2]\z = p2z
  b()\p[3]\x = p3x  :  b()\p[3]\y = p3y  :  b()\p[3]\z = p3z
  b()\p[4]\x = p4x  :  b()\p[4]\y = p4y  :  b()\p[4]\z = p4z
  b()\p[5]\x = p5x  :  b()\p[5]\y = p5y  :  b()\p[5]\z = p5z
  b()\p[6]\x = p6x  :  b()\p[6]\y = p6y  :  b()\p[6]\z = p6z
  b()\p[7]\x = p7x  :  b()\p[7]\y = p7y  :  b()\p[7]\z = p7z
  b()\ax  = ax
  b()\ay  = ay
  b()\az  = az
  ProcedureReturn b()

Procedure rotate(dx.f, dy.f, dz.f,  ax.f, ay.f, az.f,  *dxOut.Float, *dyOut.Float, *dzOut.Float)
  Define lx.f
  Define ly.f
  Define lz.f
  ; each rotation is applied to absolute/global axis, not to successively rotated local axis
  ; rotate around x axis (up/down, pitch)
  lx = Sqr(dz * dz + dy * dy)
  ax = ATan2( dz, dy) + ax
  *dzOut\f = lx * Cos(ax)
  *dyOut\f = lx * Sin(ax)
  dz = *dzOut\f
  dy = *dyOut\f
  ; rotate around y axis (left/right, roll)
  ly = Sqr(dx * dx + dz * dz)
  ay = ATan2( dx, dz) + ay
  *dxOut\f = ly * Cos(ay)
  *dzOut\f = ly * Sin(ay)
  dx = *dxOut\f
  dz = *dzOut\f
  ; rotate around z axis (turn, yaw)
  lz = Sqr(dx * dx + dy * dy)
  az = ATan2( dx, dy) + az
  *dxOut\f = lz * Cos(az)
  *dyOut\f = lz * Sin(az)
  ;dx = *dxOut\f
  ;dy = *dyOut\f

Procedure.i boxCollisionUnrotated(*b1.sBox3d, *b2.sBox3d)
  If (*b1\pos\x + *b1\p[1]\x) >= (*b2\pos\x + *b2\p[0]\x) And
     (*b1\pos\x + *b1\p[0]\x) <= (*b2\pos\x + *b2\p[1]\x) And
     (*b1\pos\y + *b1\p[0]\y) >= (*b2\pos\y + *b2\p[3]\y) And
     (*b1\pos\y + *b1\p[3]\y) <= (*b2\pos\y + *b2\p[0]\y) And
     (*b1\pos\z + *b1\p[0]\z) >= (*b2\pos\z + *b2\p[4]\z) And
     (*b1\pos\z + *b1\p[4]\z) <= (*b2\pos\z + *b2\p[0]\z) 
    ProcedureReturn #True
  ProcedureReturn #False

Procedure.f min(a.f, b.f)
  If a < b
    ProcedureReturn a
  ProcedureReturn b

Procedure.f max(a.f, b.f)
  If a > b
    ProcedureReturn a
  ProcedureReturn b

Procedure.i spaceToView(x.f, y.f, z.f, *x2d.Float, *y2d.Float)
  Shared camX, camY, camZ, camDepth, camAZ
  ; get position in space relative to cam
  x = x - camX
  y = y - camY
  z = z - camZ
  ; apply cam rotation around z axis
  rotate(x, y, z,  0, 0, -camAZ,  @ x, @ y, @ z)
  ; only if before cam
  If y > 0
    *x2d\f = ( x / y) * camDepth
    *y2d\f = (-z / y) * camDepth
    ProcedureReturn #True
  ; position is behind cam
  ProcedureReturn #False

Procedure circle3d(x.f, y.f, z.f, radius, color)
  Shared ww, wh, camY
  Define.f x2d, y2d
  If spaceToView(x, y, z, @ x2d, @ y2d)
    x2d + (ww / 2)
    y2d + (wh / 2)
    Circle(x2d, y2d, radius, color)

Procedure line3d(x1.f, y1.f, z1.f,  x2.f, y2.f, z2.f,  color)
  Shared ww, wh, camY
  Define.f p1x, p1y
  Define.f p2x, p2y
  If spaceToView(x1, y1, z1, @ p1x, @ p1y)
    If spaceToView(x2, y2, z2, @ p2x, @ p2y)
      p1x + (ww / 2)
      p1y + (wh / 2)
      p2x + (ww / 2)
      p2y + (wh / 2)
      LineXY(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, color)

Procedure line3dByVec(*p1.sVec3d, *p2.sVec3d, color, *position.sVec3d = #Null)
  If *position
    line3d(*position\x + *p1\x,  *position\y + *p1\y,  *position\z + *p1\z,  
           *position\x + *p2\x,  *position\y + *p2\y,  *position\z + *p2\z,  
    line3d(*p1\x, *p1\y, *p1\z,  
           *p2\x, *p2\y, *p2\z,  

Procedure text3d(x.f, y.f, z.f, text.s, color, *position.sVec3d = #Null)
  Shared ww, wh, camY, font
  Define.f x2d, y2d
  If *position
    x + *position\x
    y + *position\y
    z + *position\z
  If spaceToView(x, y, z, @ x2d, @ y2d)
    x2d + (ww / 2)
    y2d + (wh / 2)
    DrawText(x2d, y2d, text, color)

Procedure vecMinus(*a.sVec3d, *b.sVec3d, *out.sVec3d)
  *out\x = *a\x - *b\x
  *out\y = *a\y - *b\y
  *out\z = *a\z - *b\z

Procedure vecCrossProduct(*a.sVec3d, *b.sVec3d, *out.sVec3d)
  *out\x = (*a\y * *b\z) - (*a\z * *b\y)
  *out\y = (*a\z * *b\x) - (*a\x * *b\z)
  *out\z = (*a\x * *b\y) - (*a\y * *b\x)

Procedure.f vecDotProduct(*a.sVec3d, *b.sVec3d)
  ProcedureReturn *a\x * *b\x + *a\y * *b\y + *a\z * *b\z

Procedure vecNormalizeMagnitude(*v.sVec3d)
  Define.f f
  f = Sqr(*v\x * *v\x + *v\y * *v\y + *v\z * *v\z)
  ; avoid division-by-zero if v is a zero-vector {0,0,0} (can happen for normals of parallel edges)
  If f
    f = 1 / f
    *v\x * f
    *v\y * f
    *v\z * f

Procedure.i boxCollisionRotated(*b1source.sBox3d, *b2source.sBox3d)
  Define.sBox3d box1
  Define.sBox3d box2
  Define countIntersection
  Define i, iNormal
  Define b
  Define.sBox3d *b
  Shared showStep
  Define.sVec3d offset ; little offset to make edge markers visible
  offset\x = -0.6
  offset\y = -0.6
  offset\z = -0.6
  ; copy boxes and apply box rotation and position directly to corner vertices of the copy
  CopyStructure(*b1source, box1, sBox3d)
  For i=0 To 7
    With box1
      rotate(\p[i]\x, \p[i]\y, \p[i]\z,   \ax, \ay, \az,   @ \p[i]\x,  @ \p[i]\y,  @ \p[i]\z)
      \p[i]\x + \pos\x
      \p[i]\y + \pos\y
      \p[i]\z + \pos\z
  CopyStructure(*b2source, box2, sBox3d)
  For i=0 To 7
    With box2
      rotate(\p[i]\x, \p[i]\y, \p[i]\z,   \ax, \ay, \az,   @ \p[i]\x,  @ \p[i]\y,  @ \p[i]\z)
      \p[i]\x + \pos\x
      \p[i]\y + \pos\y
      \p[i]\z + \pos\z
  countIntersection = 0
  For iNormal = 1 To 15
    Define.sVec3d *edge1start
    Define.sVec3d *edge1end
    Define.sVec3d *edge2start
    Define.sVec3d *edge2end
    Define.sVec3d normal
    Define.sVec3d edge1Direction
    Define.sVec3d edge2Direction
    Define.sVec3d normalOrigin
    ; for each of the 15 cases we get 2 edges, then we get the normal for those 2 edges, then we project each boxes corners onto the normal
    ; and check if the projected ranges of each box intersect. if all 15 cases create an intersection then the boxes are colliding.
    ; case 1-6 will use 2 edges of the same box to get the face normals.
    ; case 9-15 will use one edge of each box to test for edge-to-edge collisions.
    ; possible optimizations:
    ; - instead of calculating the face normals from 2 egdes connected to a corner, we could simply use the third edge that is connected
    ;   to that corner as a normal directly.
    ; - instead of projecting each corner of the box that belongs to the face normal we could get that boxes range on the normal by just
    ;   using the width, height or depth (whichever is parallel to the normal)
    Select iNormal
      ; box1 edge pairs (3 faces/normals)
      Case 1   :   *edge1start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box1\p[3]   :   *edge2start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box1\p[1]
      Case 2   :   *edge1start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box1\p[1]   :   *edge2start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box1\p[4]
      Case 3   :   *edge1start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box1\p[4]   :   *edge2start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box1\p[3]
      ; box2 edge pairs (3 faces/normals)
      Case 4   :   *edge1start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box2\p[3]   :   *edge2start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box2\p[1]
      Case 5   :   *edge1start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box2\p[1]   :   *edge2start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box2\p[4]
      Case 6   :   *edge1start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box2\p[4]   :   *edge2start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box2\p[3]
      ; box1 edge 1-3 with box2 edge 1
      Case 7   :   *edge1start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box1\p[1]   :   *edge2start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box2\p[1]
      Case 8   :   *edge1start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box1\p[4]   :   *edge2start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box2\p[1]
      Case 9   :   *edge1start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box1\p[3]   :   *edge2start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box2\p[1]
      ; box1 edge 1-3 with box2 edge 2
      Case 10  :   *edge1start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box1\p[1]   :   *edge2start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box2\p[4]
      Case 11  :   *edge1start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box1\p[4]   :   *edge2start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box2\p[4]
      Case 12  :   *edge1start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box1\p[3]   :   *edge2start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box2\p[4]
      ; box1 edge 1-3 with box2 edge 3
      Case 13  :   *edge1start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box1\p[1]   :   *edge2start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box2\p[3]
      Case 14  :   *edge1start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box1\p[4]   :   *edge2start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box2\p[3]
      Case 15  :   *edge1start = @ box1\p[0]   :   *edge1end = @ box1\p[3]   :   *edge2start = @ box2\p[0]   :   *edge2end = @ box2\p[3]
    ; edge-end minus edge-start = edge direction vector
    vecMinus(*edge1end, *edge1start, @ edge1Direction)
    vecMinus(*edge2end, *edge2start, @ edge2Direction)
    ; get the normal for the 2 edges.
    ; for test 1-6 this will be the face-normal.
    ; for edge-to-edge tests 9-15 those edges might not form a plane but we can still get the normal. parallel non-identical edges
    ; don't have a common normal and will result in a zero-vector (see box setup test 'Case 2' before the main loop).
    ; also normalizing the normal magnitude to 1 is only for visualization, projected ranges and their
    ; intersection will still work if we comment it out.
    vecCrossProduct(edge1Direction, edge2Direction, @ normal)
    vecNormalizeMagnitude(@ normal)
    ; we want the normal origin at face center for the face-normal tests, and between the edges for edge-to-edge tests.
    ; this is only for the visualization to easily see where normal comes from. we could simply use no origin (meaning
    ; origin at global {0,0,0}) and the projected ranges and their intersection would still work.
    If iNormal <= 6
      ; align normal at face center
      normalOrigin\x = *edge1start\x + edge1Direction\x/2 + edge2Direction\x/2
      normalOrigin\y = *edge1start\y + edge1Direction\y/2 + edge2Direction\y/2
      normalOrigin\z = *edge1start\z + edge1Direction\z/2 + edge2Direction\z/2
      ; align normal between edges
      normalOrigin\x = (*edge1start\x + edge1Direction\x/2 + *edge2start\x + edge2Direction\x/2) / 2
      normalOrigin\y = (*edge1start\y + edge1Direction\y/2 + *edge2start\y + edge2Direction\y/2) / 2
      normalOrigin\z = (*edge1start\z + edge1Direction\z/2 + *edge2start\z + edge2Direction\z/2) / 2
    ; test without origin
    ;normalOrigin\x = 0
    ;normalOrigin\y = 0
    ;normalOrigin\z = 0
    If showStep = iNormal
      line3dByVec(*edge1start, *edge1end, $cc88eeff, @ offset)       ; yellow (edge)
      line3dByVec(*edge2start, *edge2end, $cc88eeff, @ offset)       ; yellow (edge)
               $eeff3333)                                            ; blue (normal origin)
             normalOrigin\x + normal\x * 150, 
             normalOrigin\y + normal\y * 150, 
             normalOrigin\z + normal\z * 150, 
             $eeff3333)                                              ; blue (normal, positive direction)
             normalOrigin\x - normal\x * 150, 
             normalOrigin\y - normal\y * 150, 
             normalOrigin\z - normal\z * 150, 
             $88ff3333)                                              ; dim blue (normal, negative direction)
    Define.sVec3d p
    Define.f pProjected
    Define.f box1ProjectedMin
    Define.f box1ProjectedMax
    Define.f box2ProjectedMin
    Define.f box2ProjectedMax
    box1ProjectedMin = 99999999999
    box1ProjectedMax = -99999999999
    box2ProjectedMin = 99999999999
    box2ProjectedMax = -99999999999
    ; project all 8 corners of each of the 2 boxes onto the current normal to get a range per box
    For b = 1 To 2
      For i = 0 To 7
        Select b
          Case 1 :
            vecMinus(box1\p[i],  normalOrigin,  @ p)            ; get corner position realtive to normal origin
            pProjected = vecDotProduct( @ normal,  p)            ; get position on normal
            box1ProjectedMin = min(box1ProjectedMin, pProjected) ; update range
            box1ProjectedMax = max(box1ProjectedMax, pProjected)
          Case 2 :
            vecMinus(box2\p[i],  normalOrigin,  @ p)            ; get corner position realtive to normal origin
            pProjected = vecDotProduct( @ normal,  p)            ; get position on normal
            box2ProjectedMin = min(box2ProjectedMin, pProjected) ; update range
            box2ProjectedMax = max(box2ProjectedMax, pProjected)
        If showStep = iNormal
          circle3d(normalOrigin\x + normal\x * pProjected, 
                   normalOrigin\y + normal\y * pProjected, 
                   normalOrigin\z + normal\z * pProjected, 
                   $55dd33aa)                                        ; purple (corner position on normal)
          line3d(normalOrigin\x + p\x, 
                 normalOrigin\y + p\y, 
                 normalOrigin\z + p\z, 
                 normalOrigin\x + normal\x * pProjected, 
                 normalOrigin\y + normal\y * pProjected, 
                 normalOrigin\z + normal\z * pProjected, 
                 $66dd33aa)                                          ; purple (corner-to-normal line)
    If showStep = iNormal
      line3d(normalOrigin\x + normal\x * box1ProjectedMin, 
             normalOrigin\y + normal\y * box1ProjectedMin, 
             normalOrigin\z + normal\z * box1ProjectedMin, 
             normalOrigin\x + normal\x * box1ProjectedMax, 
             normalOrigin\y + normal\y * box1ProjectedMax, 
             normalOrigin\z + normal\z * box1ProjectedMax, 
             $dd999999)                                              ; gray (projected range box 1)
      line3d(normalOrigin\x + normal\x * box2ProjectedMin, 
             normalOrigin\y + normal\y * box2ProjectedMin, 
             normalOrigin\z + normal\z * box2ProjectedMin, 
             normalOrigin\x + normal\x * box2ProjectedMax, 
             normalOrigin\y + normal\y * box2ProjectedMax, 
             normalOrigin\z + normal\z * box2ProjectedMax, 
             $dd999999)                                              ; gray (projected range box 2)
    ; check if the ranges projected onto the normal intersect
    If (box1ProjectedMax >= box2ProjectedMin) And (box1ProjectedMin <= box2ProjectedMax)
      countIntersection + 1
      If showStep = iNormal
        line3d(normalOrigin\x + normal\x * max(box1ProjectedMin, box2ProjectedMin), 
               normalOrigin\y + normal\y * max(box1ProjectedMin, box2ProjectedMin), 
               normalOrigin\z + normal\z * max(box1ProjectedMin, box2ProjectedMin), 
               normalOrigin\x + normal\x * min(box1ProjectedMax, box2ProjectedMax), 
               normalOrigin\y + normal\y * min(box1ProjectedMax, box2ProjectedMax), 
               normalOrigin\z + normal\z * min(box1ProjectedMax, box2ProjectedMax), 
               $cc3333ff)                                                      ; red (intersection of projected range)
      ; any non-intersection will reveal a non-collision of the 2 boxes, so we could
      ; stop here (but would cause incomplete drawing of the collision test process)
      ;ProcedureReturn #False
  ; all 15 cases must result in an intersection for a box collision
  If countIntersection = 15
    ProcedureReturn #True
  ProcedureReturn #False

Procedure drawBox(*b.sBox3d, posText.s, colorUnrotated, colorRotated)
  Define i
  Define.sBox3d boxRotated
  ; draw unrotated
  With *b
    ; draw position
    circle3d(\pos\x, \pos\y, \pos\z, 2, colorUnrotated)
    text3d(\pos\x, \pos\y, \pos\z, " "+posText, colorUnrotated)
    ; top quad
    line3dByVec(\p[0], \p[1], colorUnrotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[1], \p[2], colorUnrotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[2], \p[3], colorUnrotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[3], \p[0], colorUnrotated, \pos)
    ; bottom quad
    line3dByVec(\p[4], \p[5], colorUnrotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[5], \p[6], colorUnrotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[6], \p[7], colorUnrotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[7], \p[4], colorUnrotated, \pos)
    ; 4 vertical edges
    line3dByVec(\p[0], \p[4], colorUnrotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[1], \p[5], colorUnrotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[2], \p[6], colorUnrotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[3], \p[7], colorUnrotated, \pos)
    For i=0 To 7
      text3d(\p[i]\x, \p[i]\y, \p[i]\z,  Str(i),  $44ffffff,  \pos)
  ; draw rotated
  ; make a copy and apply rotation to corner vertices. box position is not applied but passed to line3dByVec()
  CopyStructure(*b, @ boxRotated, sBox3d)
  With boxRotated
    For i=0 To 7
      rotate(\p[i]\x, \p[i]\y, \p[i]\z,   \ax, \ay, \az,   @ \p[i]\x,  @ \p[i]\y,  @ \p[i]\z)
    ; top quad
    line3dByVec(\p[0], \p[1], colorRotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[1], \p[2], colorRotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[2], \p[3], colorRotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[3], \p[0], colorRotated, \pos)
    ; bottom quad
    line3dByVec(\p[4], \p[5], colorRotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[5], \p[6], colorRotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[6], \p[7], colorRotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[7], \p[4], colorRotated, \pos)
    ; 4 vertical edges
    line3dByVec(\p[0], \p[4], colorRotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[1], \p[5], colorRotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[2], \p[6], colorRotated, \pos)
    line3dByVec(\p[3], \p[7], colorRotated, \pos)
    For i=0 To 7
      text3d(\p[i]\x, \p[i]\y, \p[i]\z,  Str(i),  $aaffffff,  \pos)

Procedure processInput()
  Shared win, mouseButtonLeft, mouseButtonRight, mouseButtonMiddle
  Shared perSecond
  Shared *b1, *b2
  Shared keyUpR, keyDownLeft, keyDownRight
  Shared control, camX, camY, camZ, camAZ, mouseXDelta, mouseYDelta, mouseWheelDelta
  Static.f ax, ay, az, animate
  Static.sVec3d move
  ; move x/z
  If mouseButtonMiddle
    Select control
      Case 0
        move\x = mouseXDelta
        move\y = 0
        move\z = - mouseYDelta
        rotate(move\x, move\y, move\z,  0, 0, camAZ,  @ move\x, @ move\y, @ move\z)
        camX + move\x
        camY + move\y
        camZ + move\z
      Case 1
        *b1\pos\x + mouseXDelta
        *b1\pos\z - mouseYDelta
      Case 2
        *b2\pos\x + mouseXDelta
        *b2\pos\z - mouseYDelta
  ; move y
  Select control
    Case 0
      move\x = 0
      move\y = mouseWheelDelta * 12
      move\z = 0
      rotate(move\x, move\y, move\z,  0, 0, camAZ,  @ move\x, @ move\y, @ move\z)
      camX + move\x
      camY + move\y
      camZ + move\z
    Case 1
      *b1\pos\y + mouseWheelDelta * 12
    Case 2
      *b2\pos\y + mouseWheelDelta * 12
  ; get random rotation
  If keyUpR
    Select control
      Case 1, 2
        ax = 1.0 * (Random(1000) / 1000.0 ) * 2 * #PI
        ay = 1.0 * (Random(1000) / 1000.0 ) * 2 * #PI
        az = 1.0 * (Random(1000) / 1000.0 ) * 2 * #PI
        animate = 1.0
  ; rotate cam
  If keyDownLeft
    camAZ + 0.01
  If keyDownRight
    camAZ - 0.01
  ; animate random rotation
  If animate > 0
    animate - 0.05 * perSecond
    If animate < 0
      animate = 0
    Select control
      Case 1
        *b1\ax  = (ax * (1-animate)) + (*b1\ax * animate)
        *b1\ay  = (ay * (1-animate)) + (*b1\ay * animate)
        *b1\az  = (az * (1-animate)) + (*b1\az * animate)
      Case 2
        *b2\ax  = (ax * (1-animate)) + (*b2\ax * animate)
        *b2\ay  = (ay * (1-animate)) + (*b2\ay * animate)
        *b2\az  = (az * (1-animate)) + (*b2\az * animate)

Procedure checkCollisonsAndDraw()
  Shared *b1, *b2
  Define colorUnrotated, colorRotated
  ; check and draw unrotated box collision
  colorUnrotated = $4400ff00                                            ; dimmed green
  If boxCollisionUnrotated(*b1, *b2)
    colorUnrotated = $440000ff                                          ; dimmed red (collision)
  ; check and draw rotated box collision
  colorRotated = $aa00ff00                                              ; green
  If boxCollisionRotated(*b1, *b2)
    colorRotated = $aa0000ff                                            ; red (collision)
  ; draw boxes only
  drawBox(*b1, "box 1", colorUnrotated, colorRotated)
  drawBox(*b2, "box 2", colorUnrotated, colorRotated)

; -------------------------------------------------------------------

camX = 0
camY = -300
camZ = 30
camDepth = 500

*b1 = newBox(000, 000, 00,   
             -60, 10,  10,    60, 10,  10,    60, -40,  10,    -60, -40,   10,  
             -60, 10, -10,    60, 10, -10,    60, -40, -10,    -60, -40, - 10,  
             Radian(-8), Radian(-8), Radian(-8))

*b2 = newBox(100,  -10,  40,   
             -20, -10,  -20,    20, -10,  -20,    20, -30,  -20,    -20, -30,   -20,  
             -20, -10, -100,    20, -10, -100,    20, -30, -100,    -20, -30, - 100,  
             Radian(4), Radian(4), Radian(4))

Select 0
  Case 1 : 
    ; check edge-to-edge collision that would fail if we would test only with face normals (step 1-6).
    ; (edge-to-edge test step 7 is the only one revealing the non-collision)
    showStep = 7
    *b1\pos\x = 100
    *b1\pos\y = 0
    *b1\pos\z = 45
    *b1\ax = 2.54469
    *b1\ay = 5.8370
    *b1\az = 2.3247
    *b2\pos\x = 100
    *b2\pos\y = -10
    *b2\pos\z = 40
    *b2\ax = 5.8433
    *b2\ay = 0.2450
    *b2\az = 1.3948
  Case 2 : 
    ; check edge-to-edge collision test of parallel edges, which results in a zero-vector normal. all projections of that test step
    ; will collapse into a single point (on my machine), which means this case will be counted as intersection/collision, but since
    ; the two edges are parallel, an corresponding face-normal test step (1-6) will reveal the non-collision correctly.
    showStep = 15
    *b1\pos\x = 100
    *b1\pos\y = 0
    *b1\pos\z = 45
    *b1\ax = Radian(0)
    *b1\ay = Radian(0)
    *b1\az = Radian(0)
    *b2\pos\x = 100
    *b2\pos\y = -10
    *b2\pos\z = 40
    *b2\ax = Radian(0)
    *b2\ay = Radian(4)
    *b2\az = Radian(0)

; -------------------------------------------------------------------

frameTime = ElapsedMilliseconds()

  perSecond = 1.0 * (ElapsedMilliseconds() - frameTime) / 1000.0
  frameTime = ElapsedMilliseconds()
  mouseWheelDelta = 0
  mouseXDelta = 0
  mouseYDelta = 0
  keyUpR     = #False
  keyDownLeft = #False
  keyDownRight = #False
  If IsWindow(win) ;{
      event   = WindowEvent()
      Select event
        Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
          quit = #True
        Case #PB_Event_Menu
          Select EventMenu()
            Case 10
              quit = #True
        Case #PB_Event_Gadget
          Select EventGadget()
            Case canvas
              Select EventType()
                Case #PB_EventType_MiddleButtonDown : mouseButtonMiddle = #True
                Case #PB_EventType_MiddleButtonUp   : mouseButtonMiddle = #False
                Case #PB_EventType_LeftButtonDown  : mouseButtonLeft = #True
                Case #PB_EventType_LeftButtonUp    : mouseButtonLeft = #False
                Case #PB_EventType_RightButtonDown : mouseButtonRight = #True
                Case #PB_EventType_RightButtonUp   : mouseButtonRight = #False
                Case #PB_EventType_MouseWheel
                  mouseWheelDelta + GetGadgetAttribute(canvas, #PB_Canvas_WheelDelta)
                Case #PB_EventType_MouseMove
                  mouseXDelta = GetGadgetAttribute(canvas, #PB_Canvas_MouseX) - mouseX
                  mouseYDelta = GetGadgetAttribute(canvas, #PB_Canvas_MouseY) - mouseY
                  mouseX = GetGadgetAttribute(canvas, #PB_Canvas_MouseX)
                  mouseY = GetGadgetAttribute(canvas, #PB_Canvas_MouseY)
                Case #PB_EventType_KeyDown
                  Select GetGadgetAttribute(canvas, #PB_Canvas_Key)
                    Case #PB_Shortcut_R     : keyUpR     = #True
                    Case #PB_Shortcut_Left  : keyDownLeft  = #True
                    Case #PB_Shortcut_Right : keyDownRight = #True
                Case #PB_EventType_KeyUp
                  ; pb bug:
                  Define shortcut = GetGadgetAttribute(canvas, #PB_Canvas_Key)
                  If shortcut >= 97 And shortcut <= 122
                    shortcut - 32
                  Select shortcut
                    Case #PB_Shortcut_C : control = 0
                    Case #PB_Shortcut_V : control = 1
                    Case #PB_Shortcut_B : control = 2
                    Case #PB_Shortcut_R : keyUpR = #True
                    Case #PB_Shortcut_0 : showStep = 0
                  If GetGadgetAttribute(canvas, #PB_Canvas_Modifiers) & #PB_Canvas_Control
                    Select shortcut
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_1 : showStep = 6 + 1
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_2 : showStep = 6 + 2
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_3 : showStep = 6 + 3
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_4 : showStep = 6 + 4
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_5 : showStep = 6 + 5
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_6 : showStep = 6 + 6
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_7 : showStep = 6 + 7
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_8 : showStep = 6 + 8
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_9 : showStep = 6 + 9
                    Select shortcut
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_1 : showStep = 1
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_2 : showStep = 2
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_3 : showStep = 3
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_4 : showStep = 4
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_5 : showStep = 5
                      Case #PB_Shortcut_6 : showStep = 6
    Until Not event
    Box(0, 0, OutputWidth(), OutputHeight(), $00000000)
    DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_AlphaBlend | #PB_2DDrawing_Transparent)
    Define txt.s
    Select control
      Case 0 : txt = "cam"
      Case 1 : txt = "box 1"
      Case 2 : txt = "box 2"
    Define y = 10
    DrawText(10, y, "c : control cam   " + Left("(*)", 99*Bool(control=0)))        : y + 10
    DrawText(10, y, "v : control box 1 " + Left("(*)", 99*Bool(control=1)))        : y + 10
    DrawText(10, y, "b : control box 2 " + Left("(*)", 99*Bool(control=2)))        : y + 10
    y + 10
    DrawText(10, y, "move in x/z by moving mouse while pressing middle mouse button")       : y + 10
    DrawText(10, y, "move in y with mousewheel ")       : y + 10
    DrawText(10, y, "← → : rotate cam ")       : y + 10
    If control > 0
      DrawText(10, y, "r : random rotate box " + control)       : y + 10
    y + 10
    DrawText(10, y, "     1-6 : show step 1-6  (face normals)         " + Left("("+showStep+")", 99*Bool(showStep>=1 And showStep<=6 )))       : y + 10
    DrawText(10, y, "ctrl 1-9 : show step 7-15 (edge to edge normals) " + Left("("+showStep+")", 99*Bool(showStep>=7 And showStep<=15)))       : y + 10
Until quit

Re: Kollisionserkennung für rotierte Rechtecke

Verfasst: 18.12.2017 09:46
von RSBasic
Cool, kann man immer gut gebrauchen, danke fürs Teilen. :allright:

Re: Kollisionserkennung für rotierte Rechtecke

Verfasst: 18.12.2017 10:37
sehr schöne demo :allright:

Re: Kollisionserkennung für rotierte Rechtecke

Verfasst: 18.12.2017 19:36
von ccode_new
Toll, Cool, what ever ...! #NULL

Könnte nützlich sein.

Re: Kollisionserkennung für rotierte Rechtecke 2d/3d

Verfasst: 28.12.2017 15:49
von #NULL
Habe eine 3d Version hinzugefügt.