Einfaches Octree Include

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Einfaches Octree Include

Beitrag von Jan125 »

Ich saß also so voll swaggig da, dachte mir "Hm, also wenn ich Arrays verwende um ein 3D-Grid zu erstellen wird mein Arbeitsspeicher salty", schrie YOLO und schrieb 'n paar kleine Includes für Octreestrukturen, die automatisch unbenutzte Nodes rausyeeten.

Nicht besonders schnell, aber relativ einfach zu bedienen.
Vielleicht findet jemand das nützlich. :3
Beizeiten werden noch 'n paar andere Funktionen dazukommen, sowie 'ne schöne Dokumentation.

Code: Alles auswählen

;Creates an auto-cleaning end-node-value only octree.
;Pros: Enables creating a 3D grid of much higher dimensions without preallocating the whole array.
;Cons: Memory usage is much higher and grows with the amount of elements.
;Note: This implementation behaves pretty much like a 3D-array, but does not support parent node values as of now.

Structure Octree

Procedure.i SetOctree(*Octree.Octree, X.i, Y.i, Z.i, Depth.i, Value.i, FirstNode.i = 1)
  ;Traverses the octree, creates new memory cells, and if Value is 0, destroys everything that is empty on its way back.
  ;Input variables:
  ;*Octree: Pointer to the tree root.
  ;X/Y/Z: Position in the tree.
  ;Depth: The node depth in the tree. The maximum dimensions are (2^Depth)-1.
  ;Value: This is the value the tree end note is set to.
  ;FirstNode: This is a flag that prevents out-of-bounds allocation and deletion of the tree root.
  ;Return values:
  ;Internally, it returns 1 (data exists), or 0 (data does not exist). If 0, it deletes unused elements until a node with used data is reached.
  ;Externally, there are 3 return values: -1 (out of bounds), 0 (no data left in tree), and 1 (data left in tree).
  Protected TwoPowerDepth.i = 1<<(Depth-1)
  If FirstNode ;Prevent out-of-bounds allocation. Only check on first node.
    If Depth = 0 Or X > TwoPowerDepth*2-1 Or Y > TwoPowerDepth*2-1 Or Z > TwoPowerDepth*2-1 Or X < 0 Or Y < 0 Or Z < 0
      ProcedureReturn -1
  ;Chunks indicate the cell that will be worked with.
  Protected ChunkX.i = Bool(X>=TwoPowerDepth)
  Protected ChunkY.i = Bool(Y>=TwoPowerDepth)
  Protected ChunkZ.i = Bool(Z>=TwoPowerDepth)
  Protected ChunkIndex.i = (ChunkX)+(ChunkY<<1)+(ChunkZ<<2)
  ;To prune the tree correctly, we need an always-empty memory location to compare an tree cell to.
  Protected *Null = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(Octree))
  Select Depth
    Case 1 ;End node
      Select Value
        Case 0
          ;Last node has only values, and does not point to other nodes.
          ;If the user assigns a pointer as a value, he has to keep track of it, lest it will cause memory leaks.
          *Octree\Child[ChunkIndex] = 0
          ;If the node is empty, flag for deletion.
          If CompareMemory(*Octree, *Null, SizeOf(Octree))
            ProcedureReturn 0
          FreeMemory(*Null) ;Else, do not.
          ProcedureReturn 1
          ;Any other value will just be assigned.
          *Octree\Child[ChunkIndex] = Value
          ProcedureReturn 1
    Default ;Normal node
      ;If a child node does not exist, create it. Could optimize with (Value = 0) check.
      If *Octree\Child[ChunkIndex] = 0 
        *Octree\Child[ChunkIndex] = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(Octree))
      Select SetOctree(*Octree\Child[ChunkIndex], X-TwoPowerDepth*ChunkX, Y-TwoPowerDepth*ChunkY, Z-TwoPowerDepth*ChunkZ, Depth-1, Value, 0) ;Recursively call
        Case 0 ;Flag for deletion.
          FreeMemory(*Octree\Child[ChunkIndex]) ;Free unused memory.
          *Octree\Child[ChunkIndex] = 0
          If CompareMemory(*Octree, *Null, SizeOf(Octree)) ;If the node is empty, flag for deletion.
            ProcedureReturn 0
          ProcedureReturn 1 ;Else, stop deletion check of parent nodes.
        Case 1 ;Do not delete.
          ProcedureReturn 1

Procedure.i GetOctree(*Octree.Octree, X.i, Y.i, Z.i, Depth.i, Value.i = 0, FirstNode.i = 1)
  ;Gets a value from a point in an octree.
  ;Input variables:
  ;*Octree: Pointer to the tree root.
  ;X/Y/Z: Position in the tree.
  ;Depth: The node depth in the quadtree. The maximum dimensions are (2^Depth)-1.
  ;Value: The starting value. If the node does not exist, this value will be returned.
  ;FirstNode: This is a flag that prevents out-of-bounds queries.
  ;Return values:
  ;Value: Well, uh, the value that is stored in the tree, or the value that you put in if the node doesn't exist.
  Protected TwoPowerDepth.i = 1<<(Depth-1)
  If FirstNode ;Out of bounds check on first node.
    If Depth = 0 Or X > TwoPowerDepth*2-1 Or Y > TwoPowerDepth*2-1 Or Z > TwoPowerDepth*2-1 Or X < 0 Or Y < 0 Or Z < 0
      ProcedureReturn Value
  Protected ChunkX.i = Bool(X>=TwoPowerDepth)
  Protected ChunkY.i = Bool(Y>=TwoPowerDepth)
  Protected ChunkZ.i = Bool(Z>=TwoPowerDepth)
  Protected ChunkIndex.i = (ChunkX)+(ChunkY<<1)+(ChunkZ<<2)
  Select Depth
    Case 1 ;End node.
      Value = *Octree\Child[ChunkIndex]
    Default ;Normal node.
      If *Octree\Child[ChunkIndex]
        Value = GetOctree(*Octree\Child[ChunkIndex], X-TwoPowerDepth*ChunkX, Y-TwoPowerDepth*ChunkY, Z-TwoPowerDepth*ChunkZ, Depth-1, Value, 0)
  ProcedureReturn Value

Procedure.i PurgeOctree(*Octree.Octree, Depth.i, FirstNode.i = 1)
  ;Frees all elements in an octree.
  ;Input variables:
  ;*Octree: Pointer to the tree root.
  ;Depth: The node depth in the octree.
  ;Value: This is the value the octree end note is set to.
  ;FirstNode: This is a flag that prevents out-of-bounds allocation and deletion of the tree root.
  ;Return values: Always 0.
  Protected a.i
  If Depth > 1
    For a = 0 To 7
      If *Octree\Child[a] <> 0
        PurgeOctree(*Octree\Child[a], Depth-1, 0)
  If Not FirstNode
    For a = 0 To 7
      *Octree\Child[a] = 0
  ProcedureReturn 0

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_IsMainFile
  F.f = 0.3
  O.l = 0
  X.i = 13
  Y.i = 12
  Z.i = 0
  D.i = 8
  ;Can you assign floating point values? Kinda.
  ;Be careful with 32/64bit differences.
  SetOctree(@Octree, X, Y, Z, D, PeekI(@F))
  O = GetOctree(@Octree, X, Y, Z, D)
  Debug "___"
  Debug F
  Debug O
  Debug PeekF(@O)
  ;Integers are always the same size as pointers.
  ;These pointers are handled as values, and are NOT freed when set to 0 or purged.
  ;Basic test.
  SetOctree(@Octree, X, Y, Z, D, 15)
  SetOctree(@Octree, X-1, Y, Z, D, 13)
  Debug "___"
  ;Should read 15 and 13, respectively.
  Debug GetOctree(@Octree, X, Y, Z, D)
  Debug GetOctree(@Octree, X-1, Y, Z, D)
  ;Stress test time!
  For c = 0 To (1<<D)-1
    For b = 0 To (1<<D)-1
      For a = 0 To (1<<D)-1
        SetOctree(@Octree, a, b, c, D, 32)
  ;Now free the whole tree!
  PurgeOctree(@Octree, D)
  ;If the purge didn't mess up, this should not bring up an error.
  SetOctree(@Octree, X, Y, Z, D, 30)
  SetOctree(@Octree, X-1, Y, Z, D, 35)
  Debug "___"
  Debug GetOctree(@Octree, X, Y, Z, D)
  Debug GetOctree(@Octree, X-1, Y, Z, D)
Zuletzt geändert von Jan125 am 13.12.2018 23:27, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
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Re: Einfaches Octree Include

Beitrag von Bisonte »

Jan125 hat geschrieben:Ich saß also so voll swaggig da, dachte mir "Hm, also wenn ich Arrays verwende um ein 3D-Grid zu erstellen wird mein Arbeitsspeicher salty", schrie YOLO und schrieb 'n paar kleine Includes für Octreestrukturen, die automatisch unbenutzte Nodes rausyeeten.
ääääh ..... Was ?
Ich glaub da brauch ich jetzt nen Dolmetscher für ...
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Re: Einfaches Octree Include

Beitrag von Nino »

Bisonte hat geschrieben:
Jan125 hat geschrieben:Ich saß also so voll swaggig da, dachte mir "Hm, also wenn ich Arrays verwende um ein 3D-Grid zu erstellen wird mein Arbeitsspeicher salty", schrie YOLO und schrieb 'n paar kleine Includes für Octreestrukturen, die automatisch unbenutzte Nodes rausyeeten.
ääääh ..... Was ?
Ich glaub da brauch ich jetzt nen Dolmetscher für ...
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Re: Einfaches Octree Include

Beitrag von HeX0R »

Finger weg von Drogen!
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Registriert: 06.07.2017 12:24

Re: Einfaches Octree Include

Beitrag von diceman »

1 dolmetscher vong übersetzum her.
Now these points of data make a beautiful line,
And we're out of Beta, we're releasing on time.
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 10.10.2008 01:28

Re: Einfaches Octree Include

Beitrag von pforzheimer »

Hi Leute,
mal abgesehen von der (vermutlich absichtlich krassen Umgangs-) Sprache eine gute Idee :)
Siehe auch https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octree

Jetzt fehlt noch ein Beispielcode in dem du das Ganze verwendest, Jan125 ...

Beiträge: 31
Registriert: 23.06.2013 06:26
Computerausstattung: Nicht lachen. Atom Z3775, 2GiB RAM, Win8.1.

Re: Einfaches Octree Include

Beitrag von Jan125 »

Wenn ich hier meinen Spaghetticoderaycaster v2 reinposte werden wir aber beide nicht glücklich! :lol:
Mal geupdated. Für parent node values müsste man das Ding dann nochmal umschreiben, ist erstmal wirklich nur als speichersparendere Alternative zu traditionellen 3D Grids gedacht, wobei Faktor 6.5 unter Vollauslastung jetzt nicht grad das wahre ist.

Vielleicht wäre auch ein statisches Format auch interessant, mit einfacher 0-1-Abfrage für den gesamten Tree, und dann mit Werten einer beliebigen Struktur... Mal sehen.
Wer braucht schon Unicode? PB5.24LTS